Geoprocessing and cartographic data

Map production requires extending the standard GIS with cartographic data in the form of additional attributes and features. GIS models the real world as a series of features with attributes. However, it does not always encode how to display that information. Cartography visualizes real-world features in a simplified presentation. Map production in ArcGIS uses this cartographic data to help automate and improve the map production process. The tools listed below create abstract information required for cartographic visualization. Features and attributes created by these tools can be used with other GIS processes as they are standard GIS data types.

Cartographic tool


Établir la couche de quadrillages et de graticules

Crée une couche groupée de classes d'entités qui représentent des entités quadrillages, graticules et bordures à l'aide de caractéristiques cartographiques prédéfinies. Les couches de quadrillages sont idéales pour les définitions de quadrillage avancées qui sont spécifiques à l'échelle et à l'étendue.

Supprimer les quadrillages et les graticules

Supprime toutes les entités associées à des couches de quadrillages et de graticules sélectionnées dans un jeu de classes d'entités.

Bands From Features

Converts point, multipoint, polyline, or polygon elevation features within an area of interest (AOI) into polygon band features. Output band size is determined by defining ranges from an input attribute, like elevation, in the input feature class or layer. A polygon feature class or feature layer defines the AOI.

Bands From Raster

Creates an elevation bands feature class from a Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) raster dataset. The resulting feature class is used by the Elevation Guide Bar surround element to display the high and low elevation areas on a Topographic Line Map (TLM) using a series of hypsometric gray bands.

Create Generalized Bands

Creates and generalizes band features for an Elevation Guide Box surround element. It automates the most common generalization tasks for an Elevation Guide Box dataset by creating intermediate datasets that will be deleted when execution completes.

Calculate Maximum Elevation Figures

Calculates Maximum Elevation Figure (MEF) values for each cell in the input MEF Feature Layer. The tool uses a digital elevation model (DEM) or point data with elevation values to calculate MEF.

Thin Hydro Features

Generalizes input hydrographic stream data into two feature classes: one for hydro polyline features and one for hydro polygon features. The generalized versions are produced using a stream order algorithm. The algorithm removes less significant hydro features based on the number of tributaries.

Thin Spot Heights

Creates a band-specific elevation spot heights feature class from a spot heights feature class and elevation bands feature class. The resulting feature class is used by the Elevation Guide Bar surround element for display purposes.

Magnetic Calculator

Computes the magnetic field at point locations for a date you specify. You must provide an altitude or specify a field of type double in your data that contains altitude data. The date must be between 1/1/2005 and 12/31/2014. The magnetic value is calculated using the World Magnetic Model.

Magnetic Isolines

Creates isomagnetic lines in an extent for a date between 1/1/2005 and 12/31/2014 based on the World Magnetic Model. The tool uses a magnetic field parameter and line generation method to create a new polyline feature class.

Calculate Layer Snapshot

Calculates a snapshot of a feature layer by creating a snapshot value of feature geometry, extent, and symbology. The tool stores the snapshot value in a long integer field in the Input Features feature class. The Compare Layer To Snapshot tool uses the snapshot value to identify changes to geometry, extent, and symbology in a layer across multiple map documents.

Compare Layer To Snapshot

This tool, in conjunction with Calculate Layer Snapshot, selects features that have had geometry, extent, or symbology changes.

Production Mapping cartographic tools
