Recomputing the footprints of service overviews containing artifacts along the edges

This workflow will help you to recompute the footprints and remove unwanted pixel data when you have image service definitions with service overviews that contain compression artifacts. When service overviews are defined, they are clipped to the footprints of the original data. If the original data has border areas with black or white colors, which were not clipped off before generating the service overviews, then the artifacts may appear in them due to the compression. Therefore, it is necessary to either redefine and regenerate the service overviews after recomputing the footprints of original images or clip to the footprints of the service overviews those of the original data to remove the artifacts.

The general procedure in this workflow is to select the primary rasters, recompute the footprints by radiometry, generate the boundary, and clip the derived images with the boundary using the Recompute Footprint By Clipping With Boundary option. This will clean up the footprints of the service overviews and recompute the footprints accurately.

  1. Select the primary rasters.

    See About selecting rasters in an image service definition for more information on how to select rasters.

  2. Right-click the Footprint in the table of contents, point to Recompute footprint, then click By Radiometry.
  3. Modify the parameters appropriately.

    See Recomputing footprints to remove unwanted pixel data on how to recompute the footprints by radiometry.

  4. Build the image service definition, making sure to check Generate the boundary.

    This will update the boundary polygon to the extents of the recomputed footprints.

  5. Select the derived images (service overviews) and clip them with the boundary using the Recompute Footprint By Clipping With Boundary option in the Footprint menu.

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