Working with the Footprint layer

The Footprint layer displays the footprints that define the extent of the pixels in each raster dataset. This layer will be displayed using the coordinate system of the data view. The Footprint layer is not always the extent of each raster dataset, but it can be the extent of the valid raster data within the datasets. By default, when a raster dataset is added to the image service definition, the footprint is drawn to the known extent of the pixels. For most raster datasets, this will be a rectangle, but it may also be other shapes. Each raster dataset is clipped by the server to its footprint. The footprint can be modified using standard ArcMap editing tools or recomputing footprint features. To learn more about footprints, see About the image service definition file.

By default, a footprint is displayed as a green hollow polygon, but the symbology can be changed using the standard ArcMap layer symbology properties.

When you right-click the Footprint layer, the following context menu appears:

Footprint context menu

Many of the commands on this context menu are standard ArcGIS menu layer options. Open Attribute Table, Joins and Relates, Zoom To Layer, Visible Scale Range, Use Symbol Levels, Selection, Label Features, Convert Features to Graphics, Export Data, and Properties are standard ArcGIS features. Those options that are specific to ArcGIS Image Server are described below.


Select provides the following options:


Symbolize provides the following options to change the symbology to allow differentiation of individual or overlapping footprints. These options enable the quick resymbolization of the footprint using various standard symbology that is suitable for determining different aspects of the service with relation to the footprint geometry.


Display enables the display of rasters to be restricted so that only specific rasters are shown. This is used to reduce the screen clutter when there are many overlapping rasters. Its functionality is similar to the features available in a layer property definition in ArcGIS. The following options are available:

Recompute Footprint

This feature is used to redefine footprints by considering either the geometry or the radiometry of the raster data. After applying some of the processes on a raster (such as the Ortho process), the original footprint of the raster gets changed and you may have to recompute the footprints based on the current georeferenced raster.

The options for recomputing the footprints on the Footprint context menu are as follows:

Generate Seamline

Rasters can be mosaicked along seamlines using feathering. Various methods are available for defining and editing seamlines.

Generate Seamline provides the following options:

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