About the New Image Service Wizard parameters

You can use the New Image Service Wizard to create an image service, including adding raster data, optimizing the image service definition, enhancing the imagery or visualizing the elevation data, and compiling the service. This section will discuss the parameters that you need to enter as you go through the entire wizard.

Learn about creating a new image service definition

To open the New Image Service Wizard, click the Image Service drop-down menu on the Image Service Definition Editor toolbar and click New Image Service. The sequence of the wizard panels that appear when you perform the required steps is as follows:

Below is the welcome panel of the New Image Service Wizard.

New Image Service Wizard welcome panel

Click Next to move to the next panel.

New Image Service Wizard Service Definition Screen

On this panel, you need to specify the new image service definition by editing the default parameters.

Image service definition parameters



New image service location

Path and name of the image service definition folder.

Spatial reference system

Defines the spatial reference system used for the image service. This is used for all internal searches and derived tiles. The spatial reference should be chosen such that no coordinate system boundaries exist within the extents of the required image service definition.

Service type

Defines the type of service to be created. All input rasters are converted to this type of raster for mosaicking internally prior to applying a service process. After defining the service type, it should not be changed. The type of output imagery can be changed later using a service process. There are three service types—Color (RGB), Panchromatic, and Elevation—that have the default number of bands and pixel type defined.

Image service definition parameters

Different panels appear when you click Next, depending on the service type you selected. If you choose Color or Panchromatic, you see the panel for adding the input data; however, if you choose Elevation, you see one or two additional panels before the panel to add the input data.

When you choose the Elevation service type, the following wizard panel appears:

Elevation image service definition parameters



To visualize the terrain

The options under this button enable you to choose the method used to display the elevation model.

  • Visualization method—Enables you to visualize the elevation data using the following methods: hillshade, elevation coded, and shaded relief.
  • Azimuth—Defines the sun's relative position along the horizon (in degrees), which, along with altitude, is used to create the hillshade or shaded relief. This parameter need not be specified when the method is elevation coded.
  • Altitude—Defines the sun's angle of elevation above the horizon (in degrees), which, along with azimuth, is used to create the hillshade or shaded relief. This parameter need not be specified when the method is elevation coded.
  • Z-factor—Used to scale the z-value.

As an elevation image service

Enables you to use the image service definition as elevation. This is often used to create an image service definition for the terrain input in an orthorectified image service definition or as elevations for use in globes. Such an elevation image service can later be visualized using the Visualize Elevation process.

Elevation image service definition parameters

Selecting Elevation Coded or Shaded Relief as the visualization method and clicking Next opens the following wizard panel; otherwise, you see the panel for adding the input data. This panel allows you to specify the properties of the elevation coded or shaded relief visualization methods.


These parameters define how the elevation values are symbolized.

Symbolizing elevation parameters



Generated on-the-fly

The symbology file created on the fly based on either equal intervals or standard deviation

Load from symbology file

Path of the symbology file that is used to display the terrain model

Low Color

First color in the color ramp used to symbolize the elevation model

High Color

Last color in the color ramp used to symbolize the elevation model

Number of entries

Number of entries in the color ramp used for rendering the elevation values

Break classes at

Number of standard deviations used to define class breaks

Smooth gradient

When checked, smooths the gradient

Symbolizing elevation parameters

When you choose either the Color or Panchromatic service type, you are directed straight to the panel below to begin identifying the input data; otherwise, you see the above two panels.

NewImageServiceWizardSelectRaster screen

This panel allows you to choose the raster data to add to the image service definition. You need to define the following parameters:

Image service definition input data parameters



Raster type

Choose the type of raster, which is added to your image service definition.


  • File—Select a single raster file.
  • Folder—Select a folder containing multiple raster files.
  • Recursively search subdirectories—Search for rasters in folders contained within the selected folder.

Use this spatial reference for all input data

Check this option to use the spatial reference system of your choice for all input data. If not checked, the spatial reference defined within the raster dataset is used. If the spatial reference of raster is not available, the spatial reference of the image service definition is used.

Band combination

Depending on the type of raster you have selected, the default band combination is displayed. You can click the drop-down arrow to choose a combination.

Apply pansharpening

This option is enabled when your selected raster type allows panchromatic sharpening. Check this option to apply panchromatic sharpening to your image service definition.

Image service definition input data parameters

There is a different Select Raster Type panel for elevation data than for color or panchromatic data.

There are three folders that group the raster types:

The ArcGIS Raster Datasets raster type is used to load raster types not listed specifically in the raster type folders but supported by ArcGIS. This includes ArcSDE raster dataset support. The Raster Process Definition (.RPDef) files raster type allows you to add an image service definition as an input raster.

After selecting the raster type, input data, spatial reference, and band combination, the next panel allows you to enhance the imagery displayed in your image service definition.

image service display enhancement
Image service definition input data parameters



Apply stretch

Defines the type of histogram stretching that is applied to the raster datasets to enhance them

  • Percentile—Range used to compute lower and upper input values used in the stretching process
  • Standard deviation—Lower and upper input values computed using standard deviation of pixel values of the raster; uses standard deviation factor
  • Min-Max—Stretches to the minimum and maximum values in the histogram

Apply gamma

Defines how the gamma correction value is computed

  • Fixed value—User-specified value is used; when selected, requires gamma value to be specified
  • Target color—Gamma computed based on the present average color of the raster and user-specified target color

Image service definition input data parameters

If you have selected an orthorectification raster type, the following panel appears after you specify your image service definition enhancement display properties:

Height source for orthorectifying data



Elevation model

Defines the terrain of the imagery as an elevation model and allows you to choose the DEM input

Fixed elevation

Defines the terrain of the imagery as a fixed elevation model and allows you to specify the elevation value

Average elevation

Defines the terrain of the imagery as an average elevation model

Height source for orthorectifying data

After enhancing the display of the image service definition, the following wizard panel appears:

Add more data

If you want to add more raster data to your image service definition, click the Yesbutton; otherwise, leave the default as No. On this panel, you have the option to create service overviews and compile the image service definition file for publishing.

Once you've completed defining all the raster data to add to the image service definition and setting parameters, the metadata panel appears, where you can add information about the image service definition you are creating.

Image service metadata information
Image service definition information



Service name

Default name of the image service definition that is displayed when published by ArcGIS Image Server. The service name can include a backslash (\) to form a folder structure enabling services to be logically grouped for the clients, for example, "Germany\Amberg" or "Germany\Another City."


Descriptive title for the image service definition.

Geographic region

Description of the geographic region, for example, town, state, country. This information assists clients when choosing an image service.

Pixel unit

Describes pixel units of imagery, for example, true color, false color, NDVI legend, radiance, elevation in meters, and elevation in feet.

Pixel source

Source from which the pixel values are obtained. This is generally the sensor type or the original source, such as aerial photography, scanned map, or Landsat.


Publisher of the image service definition.

Contact organization

Organization that needs to be contacted to inquire about the image service definition.

Image service definition Information

The final panel displays the summary of the parameters you have specified for your image service definition. If any changes are required, you can click the Back button to go to the corresponding panel.

service ready

The services created using the New Image Service wizard do not contain histogram statistics by default. You may have to build using the Compute output properties option, then compile the service to generate the histogram statistics. This can be viewed on the Source and Symbology tabs of the Layer properties dialog box in ArcMap.

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