Adding georeferenced raster types

The georeferenced raster types include raster types that have already been georeferenced or have associated files that will assist in georeferencing the raster data. Some of these raster types are raster formats, such as TIFF and JPEG, and others are data products, such as NITF and USGS DOQQ.

Generally, when you add data using any of these raster types, you are presented with a dialog box with two tabs; a General tab and an Enhancement tab. Each of these tabs contains the parameters specific to the raster type you are adding, except the Enhancement tab. This tab is the same for almost all raster types. To learn about the parameters on this tab, see Applying an enhancement to data added to an image service definition.

To learn about adding raster data using a wizard, see Adding GeoTIFF rasters using the wizard. To learn about using the advanced options, see Adding GeoTIFF rasters using the Advanced workflow.

When you add an image service layer to ArcMap or ArcGlobe, you can save it as an image service reference (.ISRef) file. This .ISRef file defines an image service connection and the image service properties. You can use this .ISRef file in most client applications to reestablish the image service or to add an image service as a raster dataset to another image service. To learn more about the .ISRef, see Saving an image service as a reference file.

When you use the Image Service raster type to add the .ISRef or the Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphic (CADRG) raster type, you are not presented with a dialog box of parameters. You only need to enter either the file location or the folder location of the data. When you use the Controlled Image Base (CIB) raster type, you are presented with the Enhancement parameters.

If you're working with a satellite format, such as Landsat-7 Level 1G, QuickBird Standard, SPOT Level 2A, or SPOTView Ortho, see Adding satellite imagery to an image service definition.

General parameters

Not all general parameters apply to all raster types.

The following table lists one or more of the parameters presented on the General parameters tab for these raster types:



Default spatial reference

Specify the spatial reference system of the input raster data when it is not specified within the file. For example, specify the default spatial reference when using a TIFF with a world file; however, when using a GeoTIFF, leave this parameter blank since the information is read from a header within the file.

Force default spatial reference

Check this option to use the default spatial reference you have selected so that if the data has a spatial reference system defined within it, it will not be used. Also, check this option if the spatial reference system is undefined in the header; otherwise, the one defined for the image service definition will be used.

Include internal overviews

Check this option to add the raster datasets by reading the base data and any pyramids (such as the .rrd files created in ArcGIS) or internal overviews. Use the internal overviews to reduce the number of service overviews that may need to be created. This option is available on the Add Raster Dataset dialog box; however, when you add data through the wizards, the internal overviews will be added by default. Not all internal overviews in a raster dataset will be added. Only internal overviews that have a minimum of 1,500 columns will be added.

Use MrSID world file

Check this option when adding MrSID raster datasets that use world files (.sdw).

Use TIFF world file

Check this option when adding TIFF raster datasets that use world files (.tfw).

Use JPEG 2000 world file

Check this option when adding JPEG 2000 raster datasets that use world files (.j2w).

General tab parameters

The General parameters tab for the NITF raster type includes parameters for orthorectification. For information on these parameters, see The orthorectification parameters.

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