| Name | Description |
 | AreasAndLengths | Calculates the areas and lengths of each specified polygon. |
 | AreasAndLengthsAsync | Overloaded. Calculates the areas and lengths of each specified polygon. Raises the GeometryService.AreasAndLengthsCompleted event on success, or the TaskBase.Failed event on failure. |
 | AutoComplete | Executes the Auto Complete geometry service. |
 | AutoCompleteAsync | Overloaded. Executes the Auto Complete geometry service. |
 | Buffer | Buffers a set of geometries. |
 | BufferAsync | Overloaded. Buffers a set of geometries. Raises the BufferCompleted event on success, or the TaskBase.Failed event on failure. |
 | CancelAsync | Cancels a pending asynchronous operation. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Tasks.TaskBase) |
 | ConvexHull | The convexHull operation is performed on a geometry service resource. It returns the convex hull of the input geometry. The input geometry can be a point, multipoint, polyline or polygon. The hull is typically a polygon but can also be a polyline or point in degenerate cases. |
 | ConvexHullAsync | Overloaded. The convexHull operation is performed on a geometry service resource. It returns the convex hull of the input geometry. The input geometry can be a point, multipoint, polyline or polygon. The hull is typically a polygon but can also be a polyline or point in degenerate cases. |
 | Cut | Splits input polylines or polygons where they cross a cutting polyline. |
 | CutAsync | Overloaded. Splits input polylines or polygons where they cross a cutting polyline. |
 | Densify | This operation densifies geometries by plotting points between existing vertices. |
 | DensifyAsync | Overloaded. This operation densifies geometries by plotting points between existing vertices. |
 | Difference | Constructs the set-theoretic difference between an array of geometries and another geometry. |
 | DifferenceAsync | Overloaded. Constructs the set-theoretic difference between an array of geometries and another geometry. |
 | Distance | Calculates the distance between two geometries. |
 | DistanceAsync | Overloaded. Calculates the distance between two geometries. |
 | Generalize | Applies Douglas-Poiker generalization to the input polylines and polygons. |
 | GeneralizeAsync | Overloaded. Applies Douglas-Poiker generalization to the input polylines and polygons. |
 | Intersect | Constructs the set-theoretic intersection between an collection of geometries and another geometry. Only the geometries of the collection that intersect will be returned. |
 | IntersectAsync | Overloaded. Constructs the set-theoretic intersection between an collection of geometries and another geometry. Only the geometries of the collection that intersect will be returned. |
 | LabelPoints | Generates a set of points suitable for displaying labels for the given set of Graphics. |
 | LabelPointsAsync | Overloaded. Generates a set of points suitable for displaying labels for the given set of Graphics. Raises the LabelPointsCompleted event on success, or the TaskBase.Failed event on failure. |
 | Lengths | Calculates the lengths of each specified polyline. |
 | LengthsAsync | Overloaded. Calculates the lengths of each specified polyline. Raises the LengthsCompleted event on success, or the TaskBase.Failed event on failure. |
 | Offset | Constructs offset copies of the input polylines or polygons. |
 | OffsetAsync | Overloaded. Constructs offset copies of the input polylines or polygons. |
 | Project | Projects a set of geometries into a new spatial reference. |
 | ProjectAsync | Overloaded. Projects a set of geometries into a new spatial reference. Raises the ProjectCompleted event on success, or the TaskBase.Failed event on failure. |
 | Relation | Computes the set of pairs of geometries from graphics1 and graphics2 that belong to the specified relation. Both arrays are assumed to be in the same spatial reference. The relations are evaluated in 2D. Z coordinates are not used. Geometry types cannot be mixed within an array. Note that if the spatialRelationship is specified as esriGeometryRelationRelation, the relationParam parameter describes the spatial relationship and must be specified. |
 | RelationAsync | Overloaded. Computes the set of pairs of geometries from graphics1 and graphics2 that belong to the specified relation. Both arrays are assumed to be in the same spatial reference. The relations are evaluated in 2D. Z coordinates are not used. Geometry types cannot be mixed within an array. Note that if the spatialRelationship is specified as esriGeometryRelationRelation, the relationParam parameter describes the spatial relationship and must be specified. Raises the RelationCompleted event on success, or the TaskBase.Failed event on failure. |
 | Reshape | Reshapes a polyline or a part of a polygon using a reshaping line. |
 | ReshapeAsync | Overloaded. Reshapes a polyline or a part of a polygon using a reshaping line. |
 | Simplify | Alters the given geometries to make their definitions topologically legal with respect to their geometry type. |
 | SimplifyAsync | Overloaded. Alters the given geometries to make their definitions topologically legal with respect to their geometry type. Raises the SimplifyCompleted event on success, or the TaskBase.Failed event on failure. |
 | TrimExtend | Trims or extends each input polyline to meet another polyline. |
 | TrimExtendAsync | Overloaded. Trims or extends each input polyline to meet another polyline. |
 | Union | This operation constructs the set-theoretic union of the geometries in the input collection. All inputs must be of the same type. |
 | UnionAsync | Overloaded. This operation constructs the set-theoretic union of the geometries in the input collection. All inputs must be of the same type. |