Provides access to members that control cloning of objects.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.
Use the IClone interface to clone objects.
See the topics on implementing cloning for more details.
Description | ||
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Assign | Assigns the properties of src to the receiver. |
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Clone | Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone. |
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IsEqual | Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties. |
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IsIdentical | Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object. |
CoClasses that implement IClone
CoClasses and Classes | Description |
AbridgedMolodenskyTransformation (esriGeometry) | Creates an Abridged Molodensky transformation. |
ACCalloutMarkerSymbol (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Callout Marker Symbol. |
ACGradientFillSymbol (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Gradient Fill Symbol. |
ACGroupRenderer (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Group Renderer. |
ACHashLineSymbol (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Hash Line Symbol. |
ACRasterFillSymbol (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Raster Fill Symbol. |
ACRasterMarkerSymbol (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Raster Marker Symbol. |
ACRasterShieldSymbol (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Raster Shield Symbol. |
ACScaleDependentRenderer (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Scale Dependent Renderer. |
ACShieldSymbol (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Shield Symbol. |
ACSimpleFillSymbol (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Simple Fill Symbol. |
ACSimpleLabelRenderer (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Simple Label Renderer. |
ACSimpleLineSymbol (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Simple Line Symbol. |
ACSimpleMarkerSymbol (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Simple Marker Symbol. |
ACSimplePolygonSymbol (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Simple Polygon Symbol. |
ACSimpleRenderer (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Simple Renderer. |
ACTextMarkerSymbol (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Text Marker Symbol. |
ACTextSymbol (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Text Symbol. |
ActionBase (esriTrackingAnalyst) | This class serves as a base tracking action foundation that can be used to build or aggregate new tracking actions. |
ActionCollection (esriTrackingAnalyst) | The Action Collection object is a container of actions. |
ACTrueTypeMarkerSymbol (esriCarto) | ArcIMS True Type Marker Symbol. |
ACValueMapLabelRenderer (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Value Map Label Renderer. |
ACValueMapRenderer (esriCarto) | ArcIMS Value Map Renderer. |
AdjustXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) | An adjustment (rubber sheeting) transform class. |
AffineTransformation2D (esriGeometry) | A two dimensional affine transformation. |
AffineTransformation3D (esriGeometry) | A three dimensional transformation. |
AGSAddressLocator (esriLocation) | A locator adaptor for the GeocodeServer proxies. |
AlgorithmicColorRamp (esriDisplay) | Defines an algorithmic color ramp, where ramp is defined by two colors and the algorithm used to traverse the intervening color space between them. |
AlternatingScaleBar (esriCarto) | A map surround for displaying a single alternating scale bar. |
AngleFormat | An object for formatting numbers in an angle format. |
AngularUnit (esriGeometry) | Creates a angular unit of measure. |
AnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection (esriCarto) | A collection of annotation settings for a feature layer. |
AnnotateMapProperties (esriCarto) | A collection of annotate layer properties. |
ApproximationXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) | A transformation that approximates other transformations. |
ArcPressPrinter (esriOutputExtensions) | Class used to print maps with the ArcPress Printer Driver. |
AreaPatch (esriCarto) | Classs implements an Area legend patch. |
ArrowMarkerSymbol (esriDisplay) | A marker symbol created from a predefined arrow. |
AttributeLabel (esriDefenseSolutions) | Provides information necessary to graphically depict attribute information associated with a cached graphic. |
AttributeTransfer (esriEditorExt) | Transfers attribute values from one row to another based on a fieldmap. |
BalloonCallout (esriDisplay) | A filled background that is placed behind text. |
BarChartSymbol (esriDisplay) | Defines a bar chart symbol. |
BasicOverposterLayerProperties (esriCarto) | Controls the placement of labels or symbols relative to features using conflict detection. |
BasicOverposterProperties (esriCarto) | Basic label placement control properties. |
BezierCurve (esriGeometry) | A cubic Bezier curve defined between two points; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes at each endpoint. |
BmpPictureElement (esriCarto) | The Graphic Element to display BMP Pictures. |
Bookmark3D (esri3DAnalyst) | The 3D bookmark coclass. |
BracketLeaderStyle (esriDefenseSolutions) | A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned and bracketed collection. Graphics are sorted by HQ and echelon. |
BracketLeaderStylePE (esriDefenseSolutions) | A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned and bracketed collection. Graphics are sorted by HQ parent/child relationship and then by echelon. |
CartographicLineSymbol (esriDisplay) | A line symbol for drawing solid or dashed lines. |
CharacterMarker3DSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) | 3D Character Marker Symbol component. |
CharacterMarkerSymbol (esriDisplay) | A marker symbol based on a character from a font. |
CircleElement (esriCarto) | The Graphic Element to display Circles. |
CircularArc (esriGeometry) | A portion of a circle that connects two points optionally has measure, height and ID attributes at each endpoint. |
CmykColor (esriDisplay) | A color in the CMYK(Cyan Magenta Yellow, Black) color system. |
CodedValueDomain (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI Attribute set constraint object. |
ColorRampSymbol (esriCarto) | ESRI ColorRampSymbol for raster rendering. |
ColorSymbol (esriCarto) | ESRI ColorSymbol for raster rendering. |
CompositeGeoTransformation (esriGeometry) | Performs a sequence of geographic transformations. |
CompositeLocator (esriLocation) | A locator that contains collection of other locators. |
CompositeXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) | A composite geodata transform collection class. |
ConvertCacheStorageFormatJob (esriCarto) | A threaded processor. |
CoordinateFrameTransformation (esriGeometry) | Creates a Coordinate Frame transformation. |
CoordinateXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) | A coordinate transform class. |
CoTrackSymbologyRenderer (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Symbolizes temporal based features and tracks in order to identify temporal feature characteristics in relation to the temporal reference. |
CurrencyFormat | An object for formatting numbers in a currency format. |
CustomNumberFormat | An object for formatting numbers in a user-defined format. |
CustomOverlayGrid (esriCarto) | A custom map grid. |
DataElementDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Data Element Domain. |
DataGraphTElement (esriCartoUI) | A container for the display and manipulation of data graph graphic element on the ArcMap layout view. |
DataModificationAction (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Controls the properties and methods needed for the Data Modification actions. |
DataObject (esriCarto) | DataObject co-class. |
DataPartitionAction (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Controls the properties and methods needed for the Data Partition (server) actions. |
DataSummaryAction (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Controls the properties and methods needed for the Data Summary Action |
Datum (esriGeometry) | Creates a datum. |
DEAddressLocator (esriLocation) | The Address Locator Element. |
DEAddressLocatorType (esriLocation) | The Address Locator Data Type. |
DEArcInfoTable (esriDataSourcesFile) | ArcInfo Table Data Element object. |
DEArcInfoTableType (esriDataSourcesFile) | ArcInfo Table Data Element object Type. |
DECadastralFabric (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) | Cadastral Fabric Data Element object. |
DECadastralFabricType (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) | ESRI Cadastral Fabric Data Element Type Object. |
DECadDrawingDataset (esriDataSourcesFile) | Cad Drawing Dataset Data Element object. |
DECadDrawingDatasetType (esriDataSourcesFile) | CadDrawing Dataset Data Element object Type. |
DECatalogRoot (esriDataSourcesFile) | Catalog Root Data Element object. |
DECatalogRootType (esriDataSourcesFile) | CatalogRootType Data Element object Type. |
DECoverage (esriDataSourcesFile) | Coverage Data Element object. |
DECoverageFeatureClass (esriDataSourcesFile) | Coverage Feature Class Data Element object. |
DECoverageFeatureClassType (esriDataSourcesFile) | CoverageFeatureClass Data Element object Type. |
DECoverageType (esriDataSourcesFile) | Coverage Data Element object Type. |
DEDatasetType (esriGeoprocessing) | Dataset Data Element Data Type. |
DEDbaseTable (esriDataSourcesFile) | Dbase Table Data Element object. |
DEDbaseTableType (esriDataSourcesFile) | Dbase Table Data Element object Type. |
DEDiskConnection (esriDataSourcesFile) | Disk Connection Data Element object. |
DEDiskConnectionType (esriDataSourcesFile) | Disk Connection Data Element object Type. |
DEFeatureClass (esriGeoDatabase) | Feature Class Data Element object. |
DEFeatureClassType (esriGeoDatabase) | Feature Class Data Element object Type. |
DEFeatureDataset (esriGeoDatabase) | Feature Dataset Data Element object. |
DEFeatureDatasetType (esriGeoDatabase) | Feature Dataset Data Element object Type. |
DEFile (esriDataSourcesFile) | File Data Element object. |
DEFileType (esriDataSourcesFile) | File Data Element object Type. |
DEFolder (esriDataSourcesFile) | Folder Data Element object. |
DEFolderType (esriDataSourcesFile) | Folder Data Element object Type. |
DEGeoDataServer (esriGeoDatabase) | GeoDataServer Object Data Element object. |
DEGeoDataServerType (esriGeoDatabase) | GeoDataServer Object Data Element object type. |
DEGeoDatasetType (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoDataset Data Element Data Type. |
DEGeometricNetwork (esriGeoDatabase) | GeometricNetwork Data Element object. |
DEGeometricNetworkType (esriGeoDatabase) | GeometricNetwork Data Type object. |
DEGlobeServer (esriGeoDatabase) | MapServer Object Data Element object. |
DEGlobeServerType (esriGeoDatabase) | MapServer Object Data Element object type. |
DEGPServer (esriGeoDatabase) | MapServer Object Data Element object. |
DEGPServerType (esriGeoDatabase) | MapServer Object Data Element object type. |
DEImageServer (esriDataSourcesRaster) | Image Service Object Data Element object. |
DEImageServerType (esriDataSourcesRaster) | Image Service Object Data Element object Type. |
DELayer (esriDataSourcesFile) | Layer Data Element object. |
DELayerType (esriDataSourcesFile) | Layer Data Element object Type. |
DEMapDocument (esriDataSourcesFile) | Map Document Data Element object. |
DEMapDocumentType (esriDataSourcesFile) | MapDocument Data Element object Type. |
DEMapServer (esriGeoDatabase) | MapServer Object Data Element object. |
DEMapServerType (esriGeoDatabase) | MapServer Object Data Element object type. |
DEMosaicDataset (esriDataSourcesRaster) | The MosaicDataset Data Element object. |
DEMosaicDatasetType (esriDataSourcesRaster) | The MosaicDataset Data Element object Type. |
DENetworkDataset (esriGeoDatabase) | Network Dataset Data Element object. |
DENetworkDatasetType (esriGeoDatabase) | Network Dataset Data Element Type object. |
DEPrjFile (esriDataSourcesFile) | Projection File Data Element object. |
DEPrjFileType (esriDataSourcesFile) | Projection File Data Element object Type. |
DERasterBand (esriGeoDatabase) | RasterBand Data Element object. |
DERasterBandType (esriGeoDatabase) | RasterBand Data Element object Type. |
DERasterCatalog (esriGeoDatabase) | Raster Catalog Data Element object. |
DERasterCatalogType (esriGeoDatabase) | Raster Catalog Data Element Type object. |
DERasterDataset (esriGeoDatabase) | RasterDataset Data Element object. |
DERasterDatasetType (esriGeoDatabase) | RasterDataset Data Element object Type. |
DERelationshipClass (esriGeoDatabase) | Relationship Class Data Element object. |
DERelationshipClassType (esriGeoDatabase) | RelationshipClass Class Data Element object Type. |
DERemoteDatabaseFolder (esriDataSourcesFile) | Remote Database Folder Data Element object. |
DERemoteDatabaseFolderType (esriDataSourcesFile) | Remote Database Folder Data Element object Type. |
DERepresentationClass (esriGeoDatabase) | Representation Class Data Element object. |
DESchematicDataset (esriSchematic) | Schematic Dataset Data Element object. |
DESchematicDatasetType (esriSchematic) | Schematic Dataset Data Element object Type. |
DESchematicDiagram (esriSchematic) | Schematic Diagram Data Element object. |
DESchematicDiagramType (esriSchematic) | Schematic Diagram Data Element object Type. |
DESchematicFolder (esriSchematic) | ESRI Schematic Folder data element object. |
DESchematicFolderType (esriSchematic) | Schematic Folder Data Element object Type. |
DEShapeFile (esriDataSourcesFile) | ShapeFile Data Element object. |
DEShapeFileType (esriDataSourcesFile) | ShapeFile Data Element object Type. |
DESpatialReferencesFolder (esriDataSourcesFile) | Spatial References Folder Data Element object. |
DESpatialReferencesFolderType (esriDataSourcesFile) | Spatial References Folder Data Element object Type. |
DETable (esriGeoDatabase) | Table Data Element object. |
DETableType (esriGeoDatabase) | Table Data Element object Type. |
DETerrain (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) | ESRI Terrain data element object. |
DETerrainType (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) | Terrain Data Element object Type. |
DETextFile (esriDataSourcesFile) | Text File Data Element object. |
DETextFileType (esriDataSourcesFile) | Text File Data Element object Type. |
DETin (esriDataSourcesFile) | Tin Data Element object. |
DETinType (esriDataSourcesFile) | Tin Data Element object Type. |
DETool (esriGeoprocessing) | The tool Data Element. |
DEToolbox (esriGeoprocessing) | The toolbox Data Element. |
DEToolboxType (esriGeoprocessing) | The toolbox Data Type. |
DEToolType (esriGeoprocessing) | The tool Data Type. |
DETopology (esriGeoDatabase) | Topology Data Element object. |
DETopologyType (esriGeoDatabase) | |
DEType (esriGeoprocessing) | Data Element Data Type. |
DEVPFCoverage (esriDataSourcesFile) | DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object. |
DEVPFCoverageType (esriDataSourcesFile) | DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object Type. |
DEVPFTable (esriDataSourcesFile) | VPFTable Data Element object. |
DEVPFTableType (esriDataSourcesFile) | VPFTable Data Element object Type. |
DEWCSCoverage (esriDataSourcesRaster) | WCS Coverage Object Data Element object. |
DEWCSCoverageType (esriDataSourcesRaster) | WCS Coverage Object Data Element object Type. |
DEWorkspace (esriGeoDatabase) | Database Data Element object. |
DEWorkspaceType (esriGeoDatabase) | Workspace Data Element object Type. |
DimDisplayFilter (esriDisplay) | ESRI Dim Display Filter. |
DimensionShape (esriCarto) | A dimension shape associated with a dimesion feature. |
DimensionStyle (esriCarto) | A container of properties which dictate how a dimension feature is displayed. |
DirectionalVectorRendererProperties (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Contains the properties required to perform directional vector rendering. |
DirectionFormat | An object for formatting numbers in a direction format. |
DisplacementLinkElement (esriEditorExt) | The Graphic Element to display adjustment links. |
DisplayExpressionProperties (esriCarto) | Maintains the properties for generating a display string. |
DogLegLeaderStyle (esriDefenseSolutions) | A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned collection using a dog leg leader line. Graphics are sorted by HQ and echelon. |
DogLegLeaderStyle2 (esriDefenseSolutions) | A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned collection using a dog leg leader line with a dot drawn at its first point. Graphics are sorted by HQ and echelon. |
DogLegLeaderStyle2PE (esriDefenseSolutions) | A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned collection using a dog leg leader line with a dot drawn at its first point. Graphics are sorted by HQ parent/child relationship and then by echelon. |
DogLegLeaderStylePE (esriDefenseSolutions) | A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned collection using a dog leg leader line. Graphics are sorted by HQ parent/child relationship and then by echelon. |
DotDensityFillSymbol (esriDisplay) | Defines a dot density fill symbol, a data driven symbol commonly used with the dot density renderer. |
DoubleAlternatingScaleBar (esriCarto) | A map surround for displaying a double alternating scale bar. |
EchelonScaleFilter (esriDefenseSolutions) | A scale filter that compares a graphic's echelon to its own echelon range to determine if the graphic should be drawn. |
EdgeConnectivityRule (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI Edge-Edge NetworkConnectivity rule object. |
EllipseElement (esriCarto) | The Graphic Element to display Ellipses. |
EllipticArc (esriGeometry) | A portion of the boundary of a 2D ellipse that connects two points; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes at each endpoint. |
EmailAlertAction (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Controls the properties and methods needed for the Email Alert actions. |
EmfPictureElement (esriCarto) | The Graphic Element to display Emf Pictures. |
EmfPrinter (esriOutput) | Class used to print maps with the EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Printer Driver. |
EnumFeatureGeometry (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI enumerator for geometries of a feature class or selection set. |
Envelope (esriGeometry) | A rectangle with sides parallel to a coordinate system defining the extent of another geometry; optionally has min and max measure, height and ID attributes. |
ESRIFDOAddressLocator (esriLocation) | An address locator that uses the ESRI geocoding engine developed prior to ArcGIS version 10.0. |
ESRIFDOAddressLocatorStyle (esriLocation) | An address locator style for locators that use the ESRI geocoding engine developed prior to ArcGIS version 10.0. |
ESRIGen2AddressLocator (esriLocation) | An address locator that uses the ESRI geocoding engine introduced in ArcGIS version 10.0. |
ESRIGen2AddressLocatorStyle (esriLocation) | An address locator style that uses the ESRI geocoding engine introduced in ArcGIS version 10.0. |
EventAttributeProperties (esriTrackingAnalyst) | A holding component for event attribute properties. |
FEGraphicStyle (esriDefenseSolutions) | Provides a set of symbols for use in depicting force element graphics on a display. |
FIDSet (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI FID Set object. |
Field (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI Field object. |
FieldMap (esriEditorExt) | The Field map object defines how attributes will get transfered. |
Fields (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI Fields object. |
FieldType (esriGeoDatabase) | Field Data Element object Type. |
FilterAction (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Controls settings and functionality for the filter action. |
FMEDataset (esriDataInterop) | FMEDataset Class |
FMEDatasetType (esriDataInterop) | FMEDatasetType Class |
FMEDestDatasetType (esriDataInterop) | FMEDestDatasetType Class |
FMESourceDatasetType (esriDataInterop) | FMESourceDatasetType Class |
FMETool (esriDataInterop) | FMETool Class |
FontSize (esriDisplay) | The size of the text as specified in points. |
FractionFormat | An object for formatting numbers in a fraction format. |
FrameElement (esriCarto) | The Frame element to provide a neatline or background. |
FrameXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) | A standard frame camera model transformation class. |
GCSShiftXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) | A GCS shift geodata transform class. |
GDSData (esriGeoDatabaseDistributed) | An object that transports GeoDataServer data. |
GenericLocatorStyle (esriLocation) | A generic style for creating a new locator. |
GeocentricTranslation (esriGeometry) | Creates a geocentric translation. |
GeoEllipse (esriDefenseSolutions) | Its a spheroidal ellipse. |
GeoEllipseElement (esriDefenseSolutions) | The graphic element to display GeoEllipses. |
Geographic2DOffsetTransformation (esriGeometry) | Creates a geographic 2D offset transformation. |
GeographicCoordinateSystem (esriGeometry) | Creates a geographic coordinate system. |
GeometricXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) | A geometric transform class. |
GeometryBag (esriGeometry) | An ordered collection of objects that support the IGeometry interface. |
GeometryDef (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI Geometry Definition object. |
GeoPolygon (esriDefenseSolutions) | Its a spheroidal polygon. |
GeoPolygonElement (esriDefenseSolutions) | The graphic element for displaying GeoPolygons. |
GeoPolyline (esriDefenseSolutions) | This is a spheroidal polyline. |
GeoPolylineElement (esriDefenseSolutions) | The graphic element for displaying GeoPolylines. |
GeoTransformation (esriGeometry) | Generic geotransformation class, holds either a WKT (string) or a WKID (factory code). |
GifPictureElement (esriCarto) | Graphic Element to display GIF Pictures. |
GlobeCameraKeyframe (esriGlobeCore) | The keyframe for globe camera animation. |
GlobeLayerKeyframe (esriGlobeCore) | The keyframe for globe layer animation. |
GPAddressLocatorStyle (esriLocation) | The Address Locator Style Element. |
GPAddressLocatorStyleType (esriLocation) | The Address Locator Style Type. |
GPAnalysisCellSize (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize object. |
GPAnalysisCellSizeType (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize Type object. |
GPArcInfoItem (esriDataSourcesFile) | ArcInfo Item Data Element object. |
GPArcInfoItemChoiceList (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for generating ArcInfo item choice list. |
GPArcInfoItemDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing ArcInfo Item Domain. |
GPArcInfoItemType (esriDataSourcesFile) | ArcInfo Item Data Element object Type. |
GPArealUnit (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a areal unit value. |
GPArealUnitType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Areal Unit Data Type. |
GPBoolean (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a boolean value. |
GPBooleanType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Boolean Data Type. |
GPCadAnnoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing CAD Annotation Feature Class Domain. |
GPCadastralFabricLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Value. |
GPCadastralFabricLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Data Type. |
GPCodedValueDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain. |
GPCodedValueDomain2 (esriGeoDatabase) | The (GP) Coded Value Domain Object. |
GPCompositeDataType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Composite Data Type. |
GPCompositeDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Composite Domain. |
GPCompositeLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Composite Layer Value. |
GPCompositeLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Composite Layer Data Type. |
GPContainerSchema (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Container Schema object. |
GPCoordinateSystem (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a coordinate system value. |
GPCoordinateSystemType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Coordinate System Data Type. |
GPCovAnnoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Coverage Annotation Feature Class Domain. |
GPCoverageDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Coverage Domain. |
GPCoverageFeatureClassDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Coverage Feature Class Domain. |
GPDataFile (esriGeoprocessing) | GPDataFile Class |
GPDataFileType (esriGeoprocessing) | Data File Type. |
GPDatasetDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Dataset Domain. |
GPDatasetExtension (esriGeoDatabase) | The (GP) Dataset Extension Object. |
GPDate (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a date value. |
GPDateType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Date Data Type. |
GPDouble (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a double value. |
GPDoubleType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Double Data Type. |
GPEncryptedString (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. |
GPEncryptedStringType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing String Data Type. |
GPEnvelope (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing an envelope value. |
GPEnvelopeType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Envelope Data Type. |
GPEnvironment (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Environment object. |
GPEnvironmentManager (esriGeoprocessing) | Environment Manager. |
GPEvaluationScale (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst EvaluationScale object. |
GPEvaluationScaleType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor EvaluationScale Type object. |
GPExtent (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing an extent value. |
GPExtentType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Extent Data Type. |
GPFeatureClassDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Feature Class Domain. |
GPFeatureLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a feature layer value. |
GPFeatureLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Feature Layer Data Type. |
GPFeatureRecordSetLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | GPFeatureRecordSetLayer Class |
GPFeatureRecordSetLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) | Feature Record Set Layer Data Type. |
GPFeatureSchema (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Feature Schema object. |
GPFieldChoiceList (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for generating field choice list. |
GPFieldDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Field Domain. |
GPFieldInfo (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object describing a set of fields. |
GPFieldInfoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Field Info Domain. |
GPFieldInfoType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Field Info Data Type. |
GPFieldMap (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Field Map object describing an entry within the Field Map. |
GPFieldMapping (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Field Map value object. |
GPFieldMappingType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Field Map Data Type. |
GPFileDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing File Domain. |
GPGALayer (esriGeoStatisticalAnalyst) | Geoprocessing Geostatistical Layer object. |
GPGALayerType (esriGeoStatisticalAnalyst) | Geoprocessing Geostatistical layer type object. |
GPGdbAnnoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing GeoDatabase Annotation Feature Class Domain. |
GPGeometricNetworkMembership (esriGeoDatabase) | The Geometric Network Membership object. |
GPGroupLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Group Layer value. |
GPGroupLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Group Layer Data Type. |
GPHistoricalMarker (esriGeoDatabase) | The (GP) Historical Marker Object. |
GPINFOExpression (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing an INFO expression value. |
GPINFOExpressionType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing INFO Expression Data Type. |
GPLayersAndTablesDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | The GpLayers and Tables domain object. |
GPLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Layer Data Type. |
GPLine (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a line geometry. |
GPLinearUnit (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a linear unit value. |
GPLinearUnitType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Linear Unit Data Type. |
GPLineType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Line Data Type. |
GPLong (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a long integer value. |
GPLongType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Long Integer Data Type. |
GPMDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing M Domain object. |
GPMDomainType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing M Domain Data Type. |
GPMeasureFieldsDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for filtering acceptable measure fields. |
GPMessage (esriGeoDatabase) | |
GPMessages (esriGeoDatabase) | |
GPMosaicLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Value. |
GPMosaicLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Data Type. |
GPMultiValue (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object that contains multiple geoprocessing value objects. |
GPMultiValueType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Multi-Value Data Type. |
GPNAHierarchySettings (esriNetworkAnalyst) | Geoprocessing network hierarchy settings value. |
GPNAHierarchySettingsType (esriNetworkAnalyst) | Geoprocessing network hierarchy settings data type. |
GPNALayer (esriNetworkAnalyst) | Geoprocessing network analyst layer value. |
GPNALayerType (esriNetworkAnalyst) | Geoprocessing network analyst layer data type. |
GPNetworkDatasetLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Network Dataset Layer object. |
GPNetworkDatasetLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) | Network Dataset Layer Type object. |
GPNetworkDatasetMembership (esriGeoDatabase) | The Network Dataset Membership object. |
GPNumericDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Numeric Domain object. |
GPParameter (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Parameter object. |
GPParameterInfo (esriGeoprocessing) | GPParameterInfo Class. |
GPParameterInfos (esriGeoprocessing) | GPParameterInfos Class. |
GPPoint (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. |
GPPointType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Point Data Type. |
GPPolygon (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a polygon geometry. |
GPPolygonType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Polygon Data Type. |
GPQueryTableFieldsDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for filtering the acceptable fileds for query tables. |
GPQueryTableIDsDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for filtering the acceptable ID field for query tables. |
GPRAFieldDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | GP Raster Field Domain - Additional handling of shapefile's integer fields. |
GPRandomNumberGenerator (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object for producing Random Number Generator values. |
GPRandomNumberGeneratorType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Random Number Generator Data Type. |
GPRangeDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Range Domain. |
GPRangeDomain2 (esriGeoDatabase) | The (GP) Range Domain Object. |
GPRasterBuilder (esriGeoprocessing) | GPRasterBuilder Class |
GPRasterBuilderType (esriGeoprocessing) | Raster Builder Data Type. |
GPRasterCalculatorExpression (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPRasterCalculatorExpression object. |
GPRasterCalculatorExpressionType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPRasterCalculatorExpression Type object. |
GPRasterCatalogLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a raster catalog value. |
GPRasterCatalogLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Raster Catalog Layer Data Type. |
GPRasterData (esriGeoprocessing) | GPRasterData Class |
GPRasterDataLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | GPRasterDataLayer Class |
GPRasterDataLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) | Raster Data Layer Data Type. |
GPRasterDataType (esriGeoprocessing) | Raster Data Type. |
GPRasterFormulated (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object. |
GPRasterFormulatedType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object Type. |
GPRasterGDBEnvCompression (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvCompressionType (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvPyramid (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvPyramidType (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvStatistics (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvStatisticsType (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvTileSize (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvTileSizeType (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression Type object. |
GPRasterLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a raster layer value. |
GPRasterLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Raster Layer Data Type. |
GPRasterSchema (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Raster Schema object. |
GPRecordSet (esriGeoprocessing) | GPRecordSet Class |
GPRecordSetType (esriGeoprocessing) | Record Set Data Type. |
GPRelationshipClassKey (esriGeoDatabase) | The (GP) Relationship Class Key Object. |
GPRepresentationLayerDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Representation Layer Domain. |
GPResult (esriGeoprocessing) | GPResult Class. |
GPResultOptions (esriGeoprocessing) | GPResultOptions Class. |
GPRouteDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for filtering route feature classes. |
GPRouteIDFieldsDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for filtering acceptable route ID fields. |
GPRouteMeasureEventDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for filtering the acceptable measure fields for event locations. |
GPRouteMeasureEventProperties (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing route measure event properties value object. |
GPRouteMeasureEventPropertiesType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing route measure event properties data type. |
GPSACellSize (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial CellSize object. |
GPSACellSizeType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial CellSize Type object. |
GPSAExtractValues (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPSAExtractValues object. |
GPSAExtractValuesType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPSAExtractValues Type object. |
GPSAFuzzyFunction (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst fuzzy function object. |
GPSAFuzzyFunctionType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst fuzzy function type object. |
GPSAGeoDataDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessor GPSA Geo-data Domain. |
GPSAGeoDataType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessor GPSAGeoData object Type. |
GPSAHorizontalFactor (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor path distance horizontal function object. |
GPSAHorizontalFactorType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst HorizontalFactor type object. |
GPSAMapAlgebraExp (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst MapAlgebra object. |
GPSAMapAlgebraExpType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst MapAlgebra Type object. |
GPSANameDomain (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GPSAName Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSANeighborhood (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Neighborhood object. |
GPSANeighborhoodDomain (esriSpatialAnalyst) | Neighborhood Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSANeighborhoodType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Neighborhood Type object. |
GPSANumberRemap (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial NumberRemap object. |
GPSANumberRemapType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial NumberRemap Type object. |
GPSARadius (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Radius object. |
GPSARadiusType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Radius Type object. |
GPSARemapDomain (esriSpatialAnalyst) | Remap Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSASemiVariogram (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial SemiVariogram object. |
GPSASemiVariogramType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial SemiVariogram Type object. |
GPSAStringRemap (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial StringRemap object. |
GPSAStringRemapType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial StringRemap Type object. |
GPSATextTableNameDomain (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GPSAName Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSATimeConfiguration (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor solar-radiation time configuration object. |
GPSATimeConfigurationType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TimeConfiguration type object. |
GPSATopoFeatures (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TopoFeatures object. |
GPSATopoFeaturesType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TopoFeatures Type object. |
GPSAVerticalFactor (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor path distance vertical function object. |
GPSAVerticalFactorType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst VerticalFactor type object. |
GPSAWeightedOverlayTable (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedOverlayTable object. |
GPSAWeightedOverlayTableType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor WeightedOverlayTable Type object. |
GPSAWeightedSum (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedSum object. |
GPSAWeightedSumType (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedSum Type object. |
GPSpatialReference (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a spatial reference value. |
GPSpatialReferenceType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Spatial Reference Data Type. |
GPSQLExpression (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a SQL expression value. |
GPSQLExpressionType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing SQL Expression Data Type. |
GPString (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. |
GPStringType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing String Data Type. |
GPSubtype (esriGeoDatabase) | The (GP) Subtype Object. |
GPTableSchema (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Table Schema object. |
GPTablesDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | The GpTables domain object. |
GPTableView (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a table view value. |
GPTableViewType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Table view data Type. |
GPTerrainLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a terrain layer value. |
GPTerrainLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Terrain Layer Data Type. |
GPTerrainMembership (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) | The Terrain Membership object. |
GPTinLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a tin layer value. |
GPTinLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Tin Layer Data Type. |
GPToolInfo (esriGeoprocessing) | GPToolInfo Class. |
GPToolInfos (esriGeoprocessing) | GPToolInfos Class. |
GPTopologyLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a topology layer value. |
GPTopologyLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Topology Layer Data Type. |
GPTopologyMembership (esriGeoDatabase) | The Topology Membership object. |
GPType (esriGeoprocessing) | General Geoprocessing Data Type. |
GPValues (esriGeoprocessing) | GPValues Class. |
GPValueTable (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing two-dimensional array of geoprocessing value objects. |
GPValueTableType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Value Table Data Type. |
GPVariant (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a variant value. |
GPVariantType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Variant Data Type. |
GPVirtualTableDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Object for filtering out the virtual tables. |
GPWorkspaceDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Workspace Domain. |
GPWorkspaceExtension (esriGeoDatabase) | The (GP) Workspace Extension Object. |
GPXYDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing XY Domain object. |
GPXYDomainType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing XY Domain Data Type. |
GPZDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Z Domain object. |
GPZDomainType (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Z Domain Data Type. |
GradientFillSymbol (esriDisplay) | A fill symbol composed from a ramp of colors. |
GraphicFeature (esriCarto) | Graphic Feature co-class. |
GraphicsLayerScale (esriCarto) | An ESRI graphics layer scale. |
Graticule (esriCarto) | A map grid that divides the map with meridians and parallels. |
GrayColor (esriDisplay) | A color in the grayscale color system. |
GroupElement (esriCarto) | The Group Graphic Element to display a group of graphic elements. |
GxContentsViewColumn (esriCatalogUI) | Provides access to contents view column. |
HARNTransformation (esriGeometry) | Creates a HARN-based transformation. |
HashLineSymbol (esriDisplay) | A line symbol for drawing hashed or slanted lines. |
HatchClass (esriLocation) | The hatch class relates a hatch template to a polyline feature layer. |
HatchInputValue (esriLocation) | Hatch input values can be values or field names from the hatched layer's attribute table. |
HatchLayerExtension (esriLocation) | Hatch layer extension manages a collection of hatch classes. |
HatchLineDefinition (esriLocation) | Hatch using a line symbol. |
HatchMarkerDefinition (esriLocation) | Hatch using a marker symbol. |
HatchTemplate (esriLocation) | A hatch template manages a collection of hatch definitions. It can be applied to a hatch class or can exist as a hatch style. |
HBarLeaderStyle (esriDefenseSolutions) | A leader style that manipulates the contents of graphic leader to resemble a horizontally aligned collection, sandwiched between two horizontal lines. Graphics are sorted by HQ parent/child relationship and/or by echelon. |
HighlightSuppressionAction (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Controls settings and functionality for the highlight/suppression action. |
HlsColor (esriDisplay) | A color in the HLS(Hue, Luminance, Saturation) color system. |
HollowScaleBar (esriCarto) | A map surround for displaying a hollow scale bar. |
HorizontalBarLegendItem (esriCarto) | Horizontal bar legend item. |
HorizontalLegendItem (esriCarto) | Horizontal legend item. |
HotLinkExpressionProperties (esriCarto) | Maintains the properties for generating a hyperlink string. |
HsvColor (esriDisplay) | A color in the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color system. |
IdentityLinkElement (esriEditorExt) | The Graphic Element to display identity links. |
IdentityXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) | An identity transform class. |
IlluminationProps (esriDisplay) | ESRI Illumination Properties Class. |
ImageQueryFilter (esriCarto) | An image query filter. |
IMSMetadataService (esriCatalog) | GxObject that represents ArcIMS Metadata Service. |
Index (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI Index object. |
Indexes (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI Indices object. |
IndexGrid (esriCarto) | A map grid that divides the map into a grid for indexing. |
IndexType (esriGeoDatabase) | Index Data Element object Type. |
InkGraphic (esriCarto) | Ink Graphic Object. |
Jp2PictureElement (esriCarto) | Graphic Element to display JPEG2000 Pictures. |
JpgPictureElement (esriCarto) | Graphic Element to display JPG Pictures. |
JunctionConnectivityRule (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI Junction-Edge NetworkConnectivity rule object. |
LabelEngineLayerProperties (esriCarto) | A container for the properties of feature labels. |
LabelStyle (esriCarto) | An object that controls label symbol and placement properties. |
LatLonFormat | An object for formatting numbers in a lat/lon format. |
LayerKeyframe (esri3DAnalyst) | The ESRI LayerKeyframe coclass. |
Legend (esriCarto) | A map surround for displaying a legend. |
LegendFormat (esriCarto) | A legend format. |
Line (esriGeometry) | A 2D straight line between a pair of 2D endpoints; can optionally have height, measure and ID attributes at each endpoint. |
LinearUnit (esriGeometry) | Creates a linear unit of measure. |
LineCallout (esriDisplay) | A series of line symbols that link text to a specified location. |
LineDecoration (esriDisplay) | Places a marker (decoration) at a specific location along a line symbol. |
LineElement (esriCarto) | The Graphic Element to display lines. |
LineFillSymbol (esriDisplay) | A fill symbol comprised of any of the supported line symbols. |
LineLabelPlacementPriorities (esriCarto) | Controls placement position priorities for line labels. |
LineLabelPosition (esriCarto) | Controls the relative positions of line labels. |
LinePatch (esriCarto) | Class implements a Line legend patch. |
LocaleInfo | An object that represents a locale info. |
LongitudeRotationTransformation (esriGeometry) | Creates a longitude rotation transformation. |
LSRXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) | A Local Space Rectangular transform class. |
MapCacheExporterJob (esriCarto) | A threaded processor. |
MapFrame (esriCarto) | A graphic element for displaying maps. |
MapInset (esriCarto) | A map surround for displaying an inset. |
MapLayerKeyframe (esriAnimation) | The keyframe for map layer animation. |
MaplexDictionaries (esriCarto) | A collection of dictionaries. |
MaplexDictionary (esriCarto) | A collection of dictionary entries. |
MaplexDictionaryEntry (esriCarto) | A single dictionary entry that specifies an abbreviation or translation. |
MaplexLabelEngineLayerProperties (esriCarto) | Properties that specify the labeling of a layer and conversion of labels to annotation. |
MaplexLabelStackingProperties (esriCarto) | Properties that specify the label stacking rules. |
MaplexLabelStyle (esriCarto) | An object that controls label symbol and placement properties. |
MaplexOffsetAlongLineProperties (esriCarto) | Properties that specify the offset along line rules. |
MaplexOverposterLayerProperties (esriCarto) | Properties that specify the label placement rules per layer. |
MaplexOverposterProperties (esriCarto) | Properties that specify the label placement rules common to all layers, and associated methods. |
MaplexRotationProperties (esriCarto) | Properties that specify the label rotation rules. |
MapSurroundFrame (esriCarto) | A graphic element for displaying map surrounds. |
MapTitle (esriCarto) | A map surround for displaying a map title. |
MapViewKeyframe (esriAnimation) | The keyframe for view animation. |
Marker3DSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) | 3D Marker Symbol component. |
MarkerElement (esriCarto) | The Graphic Element to display markers. |
MarkerFillSymbol (esriDisplay) | A fill symbol comprised of any of the supported marker symbols. |
MarkerLineSymbol (esriDisplay) | A line symbol composed of repeating markers. |
MarkerNorthArrow (esriCarto) | A map surround for displaying a marker north arrow. |
MarkerTextBackground (esriDisplay) | A marker that is placed behind text. |
MdModel (esriGeoprocessing) | A collection of model variables and processes, used to execute multiple geoprocessing tools in some order. |
MdParameter (esriGeoprocessing) | Model parameter object that references a model variable or contains a value object. |
MdProcess (esriGeoprocessing) | Model process object that represents a specific invokation of a particular geoprocessing tool. |
MdVariable (esriGeoprocessing) | Model variable object that contains a value object. |
MeasuredGrid (esriCarto) | A map grid that divides the map into a grid of units in any coordinate system. |
MessageTemplate (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Controls the properties and methods needed to support Email message content for the Email Alert actions. |
MgrsGrid (esriCarto) | The Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) object. |
MoleFillSymbol (esriDefenseSolutions) | Mole Fill Symbol Class. |
MoleGroupElement (esriDefenseSolutions) | Mole Group Element Class. |
MoleLineSymbol (esriDefenseSolutions) | Mole Line Symbol Class. |
MoleMarkerSymbol (esriDefenseSolutions) | Mole Marker Symbol Class. |
MolodenskyBadekasTransformation (esriGeometry) | Creates a Molodensky-Badekas transformation. |
MolodenskyTransformation (esriGeometry) | Creates a Molodensky transformation. |
MosaicRule (esriCarto) | A mosaic rule class. |
MultiLayerFillSymbol (esriDisplay) | A fill symbol that contains one or more layers. |
MultiLayerLineSymbol (esriDisplay) | A line symbol that contains one or more layers. |
MultiLayerMarkerSymbol (esriDisplay) | A marker symbol that contains one or more layers. |
MultiPartColorRamp (esriDisplay) | Defines a multi part color ramp, where ramp is defined by a list of constituent color ramps. |
MultiPatch (esriGeometry) | A collection of surface patches. |
MultiPatchElement (esriCarto) | The MultiPatch Graphics Element CoClass. |
Multipoint (esriGeometry) | An ordered collection of points; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes. |
NAClassDefinition (esriNetworkAnalyst) | Defines how fields should be mapped as inputs and outputs of analysis functions. |
NAClassFieldMap (esriNetworkAnalyst) | Defines one field mapping. |
NAClassFieldMapType (esriNetworkAnalyst) | Network Analyst Class FieldMap type. |
NADCONTransformation (esriGeometry) | Creates a NADCON-based transformation. |
NALocator (esriNetworkAnalyst) | Finds network locations for analysis. |
NALocatorFeatureAgent (esriNetworkAnalyst) | Finds network feature locations for analysis. |
NALocatorLocationFieldsAgent (esriNetworkAnalyst) | Defines the network location fields to be used by a locator. |
Names (esriGeoDatabase) | An object to hold a collection of names. |
NestedLegendItem (esriCarto) | Nested legend item. |
NetWeight (esriGeoDatabase) | A container for defining a weight on the network. |
NetWeightAssociation (esriGeoDatabase) | A container for defining an association between a network weight and a field in a table. |
NetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategory (esriGeoDatabase) | A container for defining global turn delay for a specified angle category and from, to, and cross road category. |
NTv2Transformation (esriGeometry) | Creates a NTv2-based transformation. |
NullTransformation (esriGeometry) | Creates a null geographic transformation. |
NumberRemap (esriGeoAnalyst) | GeoAnalyst Number remap object. |
NumericFormat | An object for formatting numbers in a variety of numeric formats. |
OleFrame (esriArcMapUI) | The OLE frame. |
Overview (esriCarto) | A map surround for displaying an overview. |
Page (esriCarto) | The On Screen Page. |
Paper (esriOutput) | The default printer page settings. |
ParagraphTextElement (esriCarto) | The Graphic Element to display text which flows into an area geometry. |
Parameter (esriGeometry) | Creates a parameter. |
Path (esriGeometry) | A sequence of connected segments. |
PercentageFormat | An object for formatting numbers in a percentage format. |
PictureElement (esriCarto) | Picture Graphic Element. |
PictureFillSymbol (esriDisplay) | A fill symbol based on either a BMP or an EMF picture. |
PictureLineSymbol (esriDisplay) | A line symbol composed of either a BMP or an EMF picture. |
PictureMarkerSymbol (esriDisplay) | A marker symbol based on either a BMP or an EMF picture. |
PieChartSymbol (esriDisplay) | Defines a pie chart symbol. |
Place (esriControls) | Representation of a given place. |
PMFTitleTextElement (esriCarto) | The Graphic Element to display dynamic PMF titles. |
PngPictureElement (esriCarto) | Graphic Element to display PNG Pictures. |
Point (esriGeometry) | A two dimensional point, optionally with measure, height, and ID attributes. |
PointPlacementPriorities (esriCarto) | Controls placement position priorities for point labels. |
Polygon (esriGeometry) | A collection of rings ordered by their containment relationship; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes. |
PolygonElement (esriCarto) | The Graphic Element to display polygons. |
Polyline (esriGeometry) | An ordered collection of paths; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes. |
PolynomialXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) | A polynomial transform class. |
PositionVectorTransformation (esriGeometry) | Creates a Position Vector transformation. |
PresetColorRamp (esriDisplay) | Defines a preset color ramp, where ramp is defined by a list of exactly 13 manually specified colors. |
PrimeMeridian (esriGeometry) | Creates a prime meridian. |
ProjectedCoordinateSystem (esriGeometry) | Creates a projected coordinate system. |
Projection (esriGeometry) | Creates a map projection. |
ProjectiveTransformation2D (esriGeometry) | A two dimensional projective transformation. |
PropertySet | ESRI Property Set object. |
PsPrinter (esriOutput) | Class used to print maps with the PostScript Printer Driver. |
QueryFilter (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI Query Filter object. |
RandomColorRamp (esriDisplay) | Defines a random color ramp, where ramp is a list of randomly picked colors. |
RangeDomain (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI Range Domain object. |
Raster (esriDataSourcesRaster) | An in-memory representation of a dynamic raster that can perform resampling and reprojection. |
RasterAnalysis (esriGeoAnalyst) | A collection of information about the raster analysis environment. |
RasterDef (esriGeoDatabase) | Raster Column Definition Class. |
RasterRGBSymbol (esriCarto) | ESRI RasterRGBSymbol for raster rendering. |
RasterStorageDef (esriGeoDatabase) | Raster Value Storage Definition Class. |
RasterThumbnailBuilder (esriCarto) | A helper class for converting a Raster to an in-memory raster thumbnail. |
RateFormat | An object for formatting numbers in a rate format. |
Ray (esriGeometry) | A 3D ray that begins at a point and extends infinitely along a line in one direction only. |
RecordNumberSet (esriGeoDatabase) | A collection of record numbers. Record number sets are used in selections with file based data. |
RecordSet (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI Record Set object. |
RectangleElement (esriCarto) | The Graphic Element to display rectangles. |
RelationshipRule (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI relationship rule object. |
RenderingRule (esriCarto) | An image service rendering rule class. |
RepresentationGraphics (esriDisplay) | An object defining a free representation. |
RepresentationMarker (esriDisplay) | A representation marker object. |
RepresentationRule (esriDisplay) | An object defining a representation rule. |
RepresentationRuleItem (esriDisplay) | A representation rule item object. |
RepresentationRules (esriGeoDatabase) | A collection of representation rules object. |
RgbColor (esriDisplay) | A color in the RGB(Red Green Blue) color system. |
Ring (esriGeometry) | An area bounded by one, closed sequence of connected segments; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes at each vertex. |
RouteMeasureLineProperties (esriLocation) | Properties for route measure line event tables. |
RouteMeasurePointProperties (esriLocation) | Properties for route measure point event tables. |
RPCXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) | A Rational Polynomial Coefficient (RPC) transform class. |
RSLocator (esriLocation) | An address locator that uses the ESRI RouteServer geocoding engine. |
Scalebar (esriCarto) | Obsolete scale bar coclass. Exists to preserve document format. |
ScaleFormat | A utility object for formatting scale. |
ScaleLine (esriCarto) | A map surround for displaying a scale line. |
ScaleText (esriCarto) | A map surround for displaying a scale text. |
SceneKeyframe (esri3DAnalyst) | The scene keyframe coclass. |
ScientificFormat | An object for formatting numbers in a scientific format. |
ServerStyleGalleryItem (esriDisplay) | An item in the Server Style Gallery. |
ServiceDataOptions (esriCarto) | Service Data Options |
SimpleFillSymbol (esriDisplay) | A fill symbol comprised from a predefined set of styles. |
SimpleLine3DSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) | Simple 3D Line Symbol component. |
SimpleLineCallout (esriDisplay) | A simple line that links text to a specified location. |
SimpleLineDecorationElement (esriDisplay) | Simple Line Decoration Element. |
SimpleLineSymbol (esriDisplay) | A line symbol comprised of a predefined set of styles. |
SimpleMarker3DSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) | Simple 3D Marker Symbol component. |
SimpleMarkerSymbol (esriDisplay) | A marker symbol comprised of a predefined set of styles. |
SingleDivisionScaleBar (esriCarto) | A map surround for displaying a single division scale bar. |
SpatialFilter (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI Spatial Filter object. |
Sphere (esriGeometry) | A complete sphere. |
Spheroid (esriGeometry) | Creates a spheroid. |
SplineXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) | A Thin Plate Spline transform class. |
StackedChartSymbol (esriDisplay) | Defines a stacked chart symbol. |
SteppedScaleLine (esriCarto) | A map surround for displaying a stepped scale line. |
StreetMapAddressLocator (esriLocation) | A locator that uses the ESRI geocoding engine and StreetMap reference data sources. |
StreetMapAddressLocatorStyle (esriLocation) | A locator style for locators that use the ESRI geocoding engine and StreetMap reference data sources. |
StringRemap (esriGeoAnalyst) | GeoAnalyst String remap object. |
StyleGalleryItem (esriFramework) | An item in the Style Gallery. |
SymbolBackground (esriCarto) | Background drawn using a symbol. |
SymbolBorder (esriCarto) | Border drawn using a symbol. |
SymbolCollection (esriDisplay) | Collection of symbols and id pairs. |
SymbolShadow (esriCarto) | Shadow drawn using a symbol. |
TableFrame (esriEditorExt) | Graphic Element to display table. |
TableProperties (esriArcMapUI) | Table window properties. |
TableProperty (esriArcMapUI) | Table window property. |
TableView (esriGeoDatabaseUI) | Window to display Tables. |
TagAction (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Controls settings and functionality for the tag action. |
Template (esriDisplay) | Stores information on the mark and gap patterns for lines. |
TemplateInfo (esriCarto) | TemplateInfo co-class. |
TemporalChartElement (esriTrackingAnalystUI) | Controls elements of the temporal charts. |
TemporalLegendClass (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Controls settings for individual temporal class, such as time window period and offset. |
TemporalLegendGroup (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Contains group of two or more temporal legend classes. |
TemporalOperator (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Implements ITemporalOperator to identify and manage temporal playback settings. |
TemporalQueryFilter (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Controls properties for the temporal query filter. |
Text3DElement (esriCarto) | The Text3D Graphics Element CoClass. |
TextElement (esriCarto) | The Graphic Element to display text. |
TextMarkerSymbol (esriTrackingAnalyst) | Class used to create a text marker symbol used to symbolize point geometries. |
TextSymbol (esriDisplay) | A symbol that controls how text is displayed. |
TextureFillSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) | Texture Fill Symbol component. |
TextureLineSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) | Texture Line Symbol component. |
TifPictureElement (esriCarto) | Graphic Element to display TIF Pictures. |
Time | An object that represents a date and time value. |
TimeDuration | An object that represents a time duration value. |
TimeExtent | An object that represents a time-referenced time extent. |
TimeInstant | An object that represents a time-referenced instant in time. |
TimeKeyframe (esriAnimation) | Time keyframe object. |
TimeLayerKeyframe (esriAnimation) | Time layer keyframe object. |
TimeLayerTrackExtension (esriAnimation) | Time Layer Track Extension. |
TimeQueryFilter (esriCarto) | TimeQueryFilter Class |
TimeReference | An object that represents a time reference, including a time zone. |
TimeWindow (esriAnimation) | The Time Window object. |
TimeZoneInfo | An object that represents a time zone information. |
TimeZoneRule | An object that represents a time zone dynamic adjustments rule. |
TopologyRule (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI Topology Rule object. |
TransparencyDisplayFilter (esriDisplay) | ESRI Transparency Display Filter. |
TriangleFan (esriGeometry) | A continuous 3D fan of triangles, where each triangle after the first shares an edge with the preceding triangle, and all triangles share a common pivot point. |
Triangles (esriGeometry) | A collection of 3D triangles, where each consecutive triplet of vertices defines a new triangle |
TriangleStrip (esriGeometry) | A continuous 3D strip of triangles, where each triangle after the first shares an edge with the preceding triangle. |
UniqueValueTextRenderer (esriTrackingAnalyst) | This is a feature renderer that supports rendering points using values from a field in the feature class. |
UnitChangeTransformation (esriGeometry) | Creates a unit change transformation. |
UnknownCoordinateSystem (esriGeometry) | Creates an unknown coordinate system. |
Vector3D (esriGeometry) | A 3D vector containing dx, dy, and dz components. |
VectorizationStyle (esriArcScan) | An object that controls vectorization preview and properties. |
VerticalCoordinateSystem (esriGeometry) | Creates a vertical coordinate system. |
VerticalDatum (esriGeometry) | Creates a vertical datum. |
VerticalLegendItem (esriCarto) | Vertical legend item. |
VisualBasicAction (esriTrackingAnalystUI) | Controls settings and functionality for the custom Visual Basic action. |
XMLIndex (esriGeoDatabase) | XML Index Object. |
XMLIndexTag (esriGeoDatabase) | XML Index Tag Object. |
XMLIndexTags (esriGeoDatabase) | XML Index Tags Collection Object. |
XmlPropertySet (esriGeoDatabase) | ESRI XML PropertySet object. |
XYEvent2FieldsProperties (esriGeoDatabase) | Defines the fields needed for an xy event layer, requiring atleast X and Y fields. |