VisibleFeatureCount Property
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Carto.Layer Namespace > FeatureLayer Class : VisibleFeatureCount Property

Gets the total feature count for this layer. Will be -1 if the value is not retrieved.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public ReadOnly Property VisibleFeatureCount As Integer
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As FeatureLayer
Dim value As Integer
value = instance.VisibleFeatureCount
public int VisibleFeatureCount {get;}


Provides the number of features within the current extent. If feature counts are not retrieved, the value will be -1.

If the layer's MapView.RefreshFeatureCount property is true, the number of features visible in each layer in the current map extent will be retrieved when the map is drawn. These counts will be stored in the VisibleFeatureCount property for each layer. The counts will only be for layers actually visible in the map when drawn, and do not include any invisible layers, nor any layers not visible at the current map scale.

These feature counts can affect performance. Do not get feature counts unless you require them during the map draw. An alternative is to retrieve a feature count for an individual layer with GetFeatureCount(Filter, SelectionBuffer).

See Also

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