Hole Class
Members  See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Geometry Namespace : Hole Class

An object that represents a Hole in a Ring.

Object Model


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Class Hole 
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As Hole
public class Hole 


For an example, see Polygon .


A Ring in a polygon may have gaps, or holes (as in a "doughnut hole"). A Hole defines a gap in a polygon ring. Features beneath the polygon will show through in the Hole. For example, a zone showing the area from two kilometers to five kilometers around a point may be represented by a circular ring, with a circular hole that defines the inside of the zone.

The points in a Hole must occur in the order they will be drawn. A Hole must be closed - the beginning and ending points must be identical. If the last point is not identical to the first, the first point will be duplicated as the last point in the ArcXML request to the server (though the last point will not be added to the Points collection).

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also

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