| Name | Description |
| BuddyItem |
The toolbar item with which this one works.
(Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |
| ClientAction |
Javascript action to invoke on the client-side. Required for a Tool. Optional for
Command and DropDownBox.
(Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |
| Configuration |
The configuration specific to this toolbar item.
(Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |
| Cursor | The name of the cursor to display when using the toolbar item with the map or
layout. If not specified, the cursor is automatically set based on the client
action (crosshair for DragRectangle action, pointer for Point action, etc.). Note
that the default tools in the Toolbar (ZoomIn, etc.) do not specify a cursor,
instead using the default cursor for the client action. If set, the value may be any valid CSS value for cursor, such as crosshair,
pointer, move, or text. |
| DefaultImage |
The image URL for this ToolbarItem when it is not selected, disabled, or hovered upon. Only applicable when ToolbarStyle is ImageOnly or ImageAndText.
(Inherited from InteractiveImageToolbarItem) |
| Disabled |
Indicates whether the ToolbarItem is disabled.
(Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |
| DisabledImage |
The image URL for this ToolbarItem when it is disabled. Only applicable when ToolbarStyle is ImageOnly or ImageAndText.
(Inherited from InteractiveImageToolbarItem) |
| EnablePostBack |
Indicates whether the tool item causes a complete postback to the server,
refreshing the whole page.
(Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |
| HoverImage |
The image URL for this ToolbarItem when it is hovered upon. Only applicable when ToolbarStyle is ImageOnly or ImageAndText.
(Inherited from InteractiveImageToolbarItem) |
| IsClientActionCustom | Indicates whether the client tool action is a custom client tool action. (Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |
| JavaScriptFile |
Javascript file to include, for implementing a custom client-side action for a
toolbar item.
(Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |
| Name |
Name of the Tool or Command. Must be unique on all Toolbars within a toolbar
(Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |
| Parent | The Toolbar to which this toolbar item belongs. (Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |
| SelectedImage |
The image URL for this ToolbarItem when it is selected. Only applicable when ToolbarStyle is ImageOnly or ImageAndText.
(Inherited from InteractiveImageToolbarItem) |
| ServerActionAssembly |
Fully qualified display name of the assembly containing the server action.
(Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |
| ServerActionClass |
The System.Type of the server action class including namespace.
(Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |
| ShowLoading |
Whether to show the loading image on postback.
(Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |
| Text |
The text for this ToolbarItem. Only applicable when the ToolbarStyle is TextOnly or ImageAndText.
(Inherited from InteractiveImageToolbarItem) |
| ToolTip |
The tool tip for this ToolbarItem.
(Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |
| Type | Returns the Type of the class as a string. (Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |
| Visible | Whether to display the toolbar item. (Inherited from InteractiveToolbarItem) |