ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace (ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls)
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls contains most of the Web controls for the Web ADF. It also has related support classes, interfaces, etc.


ClassActivityIndicatorNode A node type used in task results control to indicate current activity when executing a task.
ClassAsyncOptimizer Utility class to determine whether or not child controls need to be created during an asynchronous callback.
ClassAutoExpandButton Button which resizes itself based on the pixel width of the Text associated with it and the specified maximum and padding properties.
ClassAutoExpandLabel Label which resizes itself based on the pixel width of the Text associated with it and the specified maximum and padding properties.
ClassBuddyControl Information about a control associated with another. This class stores the name of the associated control and the control to which it is associated.
ClassBuddyControlCollection A collection of buddy controls.
ClassCallbackButton Button that executes a server-side OnClick event during a Callback instead of a Postback.
ClassCallbackResult A Web ADF class for passing results of a client callback to the browser.
ClassCallbackResultCollection A collection of CallbackResult objects. Used for returning information to the client from a callback.
ClassCallbackUtility Utility class for handling callbacks.
ClassCancelableTreeViewPlusNodeEventArgs Provides data for the NodeRemoving event.
ClassCartoDisplay Base class for a control that displays cartographic information.
ClassCircleEventArgs Event arguments for a Tool when its ClientAction is set to Circle.
ClassColorPalette A Web control for picking a color.
ClassColorPicker A web control that allows the user to choose a color.
ClassCommand A button on a toolbar that executes code immediately, without interaction on the client side by the user with the buddy control's display.
ClassCompositeControl Abstract composite control class supporting asyncronous callbacks and partial postbacks.
ClassConstants The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassContextMenu Context menu used in a web control to allow right-click pop-up menu.
ClassContextMenuDismissedEventArgs Arguments for a ContextMenuDismissed event.
ClassContextMenuItem Item on a context menu.
ClassContextMenuItemCollection Collection of ContextMenuItem objects.
ClassContextMenuItemEventArgs Arguments for a ContextMenuItemClicked event.
ClassConverter Contains utility methods for converting in the Web ADF.
ClassCopyrightText ArcGIS Server Application Developer Framework for .NET CopyrightText Class. This class provides the attributes necessary to render a copyright notice on the Map web control image.
ClassDataFrameEventArgs Event arguments for a change in data frames.
ClassDataNotAvailableDrawingUtility Utility class for drawing a message to indicate data are not available.
ClassDataSourceDefinerWeb A data source definer control that works with most data sources in web applications including Manager.
ClassDataSourceDiscovery A helper class with static methods supporting data source discovery.
ClassDataSourceDiscoveryUtility A helper class for data sources to use when implementing data source discovery
ClassDataSourceManager Manages data sources used by the ESRI Web ADF.
ClassDesignModeWarnings Used to store warning messages (both free-form text as well as missing property) and render the associated HTML at design time when any messages are present.
ClassDisplayCharacter Represents a single character and font.
ClassDisplayCharacterConfigurator A web control to choose a display character (Font character). Typically used to configure The display character for the Navigation/North arrow control
ClassDockExtender Extender control which adds docking behavior to a control. The targeted control will be anchored to the control it targets and will appear at the horizontal and vertical location dictated by property settings.
ClassDropDownBox A drop down box on a tool bar.
ClassDropDownBoxItemCollection A collection of ListItem objects used in a DropDownBox.
ClassExecuteTaskEventArgs Event data for Task and FloatingPanelTask Execute events.
ClassExtentEventArgs Event arguments for a change in extent.
ClassFeatureNode Node used in a TaskResults control to display information for a single feature.
ClassFieldsList The base class on which Web ADF controls are built. Supports the callback framework for controls.
ClassFillSymbolDialog The base class on which Web ADF controls are built. Supports the callback framework for controls.
ClassFloatingPanel A panel into which other controls and HTML content may be placed. The floating panel may be moved, resized, collapsed and closed by the user.
ClassFloatingPanelContentsRenderedEventArgs Arguments attached to the event of rendering a FloatingPanel.
ClassFloatingPanelTask An abstract class used to create a task control that appears within a floating panel on the client.
ClassGeocodeResourceItem Representation of a Geocode Resource in a GeocodeResourceManager control.
ClassGeocodeResourceManager Represents a collection of geocode resources.
ClassGeoprocessingResourceItem Representation of a Geoprocessing Resource in a Geoprocessing Resource Manager control.
ClassGeoprocessingResourceManager Manages geoprocessing resources in a Web ADF application.
ClassGISResourceItem Representation of a GIS Resource in a Resource Manager control.
ClassGeneric GISResourceItemCollection A collection of GISResourceItem objects.
ClassGISResourceItemDefinition Defines a GIS resource used in a resource manager.
ClassGISResourceItemDependency Defines a GIS resource that a task depends upon.
ClassGeneric GISResourceManager Abstract generic class with common functionality for resource managers for maps, geocoding, and geoprocessing.
ClassGoToLocation Control to zoom or pan to a particular location on map
ClassGraphicsLayerNode Node that displays task result items on map as a Graphics Layer.
ClassHelpDialog Displays a help url in a floating panel
ClassHoverExpandExtender Extender control which adds opacity change and alternate/thumbnail image behavior to a control. The targeted control will alternate between opacity values and/or images when the mouse hovers over or does not hover over the control.
ClassHtmlDialog Displays a url in a floating panel
ClassHtmlEditor The base class on which Web ADF controls are built. Supports the callback framework for controls.
ClassInsertLinkDialog The base class on which Web ADF controls are built. Supports the callback framework for controls.
ClassInsertTableDialog The base class on which Web ADF controls are built. Supports the callback framework for controls.
ClassInteractiveImageToolbarItem Base class for command and tool, toolbar items that can display an image.
ClassInteractiveToolbarItem Base class for tool bar items that allow interaction, including Tool, Command and DropDownBox.
ClassLayerDefinition Defines how features from a layer are symbolized and how their field values are formatted for display.
ClassLayerDefinitionCollection Defines how the features of layers in a map resource are symbolized and how their field values are formatted for display.
ClassLayerFieldsEditor The base class on which Web ADF controls are built. Supports the callback framework for controls.
ClassLayerFormat Defines how a map tip is displayed for a feature in a layer. This information is also used for formatted display of the feature's field values in other areas of the ADF, e.g. Task Results.
ClassLayerFormatCollection Collection to store layer id values and their corresponding custom layer format.
ClassLayerFormatEditor Editor for specifying the display and format of a layer.
ClassLayerMapTips The definition of a map tip available at startup.
ClassLayerRecordsEditor The base class on which Web ADF controls are built. Supports the callback framework for controls.
ClassLayerSymbolsEditor The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassLevelMapping Provides information on how a scale level is drawn for the map relative to a tiling scheme.
ClassLevelScheme Maintains information about a scale level of detail (LOD) in a tiling scheme for a map.
ClassLineEventArgs Event arguments for a Tool with its ClientAction set to Line.
ClassLineSymbolDialog The base class on which Web ADF controls are built. Supports the callback framework for controls.
ClassMagnifier Web control that allows the user to magnify a portion of the Map.
ClassMap Displays an interactive map.
ClassMap.MapScriptDescriptor ScriptDescriptor for creating the initialization script required to setup the map on the client.
ClassMapCircleEventArgs Event arguments for a oval ClientToolAction
ClassMapCopyrightText Displays copy right text on the map when associated with a Map control.
ClassMapDisplayNode Node that displays task result items on map.
ClassMapDrawUtility Draws the map at the specified extent and image size and format.
ClassMapHandler An HttpHandler that draws a tile in the map or the extent of the map for a particular resource
ClassMapIdentify MapIdentify Control
ClassMapLineEventArgs Event arguments for a Tool with its ClientAction set to Line.
ClassMapOvalEventArgs Event arguments for a oval ClientToolAction
ClassMapPointEventArgs Event arguments for a point ClientToolAction or a click.
ClassMapPolygonEventArgs Event arguments for a Tool with its ClientAction set to Polygon.
ClassMapPolylineEventArgs Event arguments for a Tool with its ClientAction set to Polyline.
ClassMapRectangleEventArgs Event arguments for a rectangle ClientToolAction
ClassMapResourceItem Representation of a Map Resource in a Map Resource Manager control.
ClassMapResourceManager Manages map resources in a Web ADF application.
ClassMapResourceNode Node that displays task result items on a Map as a map resource.
ClassMapTips Displays map tips on a map control.
ClassMapToolItem MapToolItem provides a means for interacting with the Map control on the client-side using built-in JavaScript and then doing something on the server-side based on the client interaction.

MapToolItem holds information about a Map Tool that is necessary for the control to setup the client tool action when it renders itself and to call the server tool action on postback.
ClassMapToolItemCollection A collection of MapToolItem objects.
ClassMapVectorEventArgs Base class for the event arguments for a polygon and polyline ClientToolAction.
ClassMarkerSymbolDialog The base class on which Web ADF controls are built. Supports the callback framework for controls.
ClassNavigation Navigation is a WebControl representation of the character marker symbol typically coming from a ESRI North font.
ClassOvalEventArgs Event arguments for a Tool when its ClientAction is set to Oval.
ClassOverviewMap Display an overview map that shows the extent of the main map.
ClassPageLayoutBase Base class for a control that displays cartographic information.
ClassPageToolItem PageToolItem provides a means for interacting with the PageLayout control on the client-side using built-in JavaScript and then doing something on the server-side based on the client interaction.

PageToolItem holds information about a PageLayout Tool that is necessary for the control to setup the client tool action when it renders itself and to call the server tool action on postback.
ClassPageToolItemCollection A collection of PageToolItem objects.
ClassPointEventArgs Event arguments for a tool with a ClientAction set to point or a click.
ClassPolygonEventArgs Event arguments for a Tool with its ClientAction set to Polygon.
ClassPolylineEventArgs Event arguments for a Tool with its ClientAction set to Polyline.
ClassRectangleEventArgs Event arguments for a Tool when its ClientAction is set to Rectangle.
ClassRefreshUpdatePanel The RefreshUpdatePanel is a control used to ensure that controls deriving from the Web ADF CompositeControl or WebControl are rendered at the proper time of the control lifecycle when Refresh() is called during a partial postback. It works by leveraging the UpdatePanel lifecycle, and calling Render() on the control to be rendered, when the lifecycle of the RefreshUpdatePanel reaches Render() if that control's Refresh() method has been called. It requires that there be at least one control on the page whose ID is set before the control is added to the Page's Controls collection.
ClassRelateContext Stores information for a relationship context to permit a source row to be joined to other records via a relate.
ClassRelatedInfo Collection of all relationships between the source table and its related tables.
ClassRelationInfo Contains all information for a relationship between the source table and another related table.
ClassResCategoryAttribute Implements the DescriptionAttribute except that the parameter is a resource name.
ClassResDefaultValueAttribute Implements the DescriptionAttribute except that the parameter is a resource name.
ClassResizeEventArgs Event arguments for a change in size of a control.
ClassResourceInitEventArgs Event arguments with information about initialization of the GIS resource.
ClassResourceItemAddedEventArgs Event arguments for a resource item added to the collection.
ClassResourceItemInsertedEventArgs Event arguments for a resource item inserted into the collection.
ClassResourceItemMovedEventArgs Event arguments for a resource item moved within the collection.
ClassResourceItemRemovedEventArgs Event arguments for a resource item removed from the collection.
ClassResourceItemRemovingEventArgs Event arguments for a resource item about to be removed from the collection.
ClassResourceListEditorForm EditorForm for the ResourceList property of the Map Identify control
ClassResourceManager An abstract class used by GISResourceManager, which in turn is used to create resource managers for maps, geocoding, etc.
ClassResourceRefreshedEventArgs Event arguments for the refresh of a GIS resource.
ClassRotationAngleEventArgs Event arguments for a change in the rotation angle.
ClassRotationNotSupportedException Exception used to indicate that rotation is not supported for the GIS resource.
ClassScaleBar Displays a scale bar on the page when associated with a Map control.
ClassScaleEventArgs Event arguments for a change in scale.
ClassScriptsRegisterer Registers client scripts to the page
ClassScriptsRegisterer.AssemblyCache Used by GetScriptReferenceUrl for getting the assembly by name
ClassSeparator A separator is a line that separates items on a Toolbar. Used for organizing ToolbarItems into groups.
ClassSerializableStringDictionary Class that enhances string dictionary to support XML serialization
ClassSerializableStringDictionary.StringDictionaryEntry Represent an entry added to a string dictionary.
ClassSessionNotAvailableException Exception thrown when Session is not available for an operation that requires it.
ClassSimpleRendererEditor The base class on which Web ADF controls are built. Supports the callback framework for controls.
ClassSimpleTaskResult Object that represents a very simple task result.
ClassSpace A Space creates empty space on a Toolbar.
ClassSpatialReferenceNotSupportedException Exception thrown when a setting a spatial reference is not supported
ClassStateManager Manages state for web controls. Uses Session state if available, otherwise uses ViewState
ClassTask An abstract class used to create a task control.
ClassTaskManager A container for tasks. Handles displaying a list of tasks in an associated navigation control.
ClassTaskResultNode A node used in a task results control to represent a set of task results.
ClassTaskResults Accepts and displays the results of tasks in the Web ADF.
ClassTile Represents a single map tile.
ClassTileDirectAccessInfo Provides information to enable clients to directly access map cache tiles.
ClassTileDrawExtent Class for drawing the extent for tiles.
ClassTilingScheme Maintains properties of tiles for the map display.
ClassToc Table of Contents: Used for rendering the layer/swatch information of the data sources in a Map.
ClassToc.BlockInfo Stores information about legend node groupings so proper formatting can be performed. Stored information includes beginning and ending indexes for each range of nodes considered a single block, which column the block should be rendered in, whether or not the block was dynamically created and broken into subsections thus requiring a continuation node to be added at the top of the column and the index of the root node that contains the continuation description.
ClassTocClickEventArgs Event arguments for the TocControl's OnClick event.
ClassTocSelectEventArgs Event arguments for the TocControl's OnSelectedIndexChange event
ClassTool A Tool is a button on a Toolbar. The tool may execute some client-side code when clicked on the toolbar, which sets the stage for interaction with the map or layout. When the interaction with the map or layout is finished, the tool then executes some code on the server side.

At any time, only one tool is selected in a toolbar. The Toolbar's Group property allows multiple toolbars to be linked, so that only one tool among all grouped toolbars will be active.

ClassToolbar A Toolbar is a collection of Tools and Commands that work on a set of Map controls or a set of PageLayout controls.
ClassToolbarBase This class provides the foundation for the Toolbar control, which allows working with a Map or PageLayout control with a set of tools and commands.
ClassToolbarCommandClickEventArgs Arguments for the Toolbar's CommandClick event.
ClassToolbarDropDownBoxIndexChangeEventArgs Arguments for the Toolbar's SelectIndexChange event.
ClassToolbarItem An item on a Toolbar. This is the base class for Tool, Command, DropDownBox, Space, and Separator.
ClassToolbarItemCollection A collection of ToolbarItem objects.
ClassToolEventArgs Base class for the event arguments of a control's ClientToolAction events.
ClassTreeViewPlus A control that displays information in a hierarchical way with expandable nodes.
ClassTreeViewPlusNode A node that can be a child node of a TreeViewPlus control.
ClassTreeViewPlusNodeCollection A collection of TreeViewPlusNode objects.
ClassTreeViewPlusNodeEventArgs Arguments for an event occurring on a TreeViewPlusNode.
ClassTreeViewPlusNodePageChangedEventArgs Arguments for a page-change event occurring on a TreeViewPlusNode.
ClassTreeViewPlusNodeRemovedEventArgs Provides data for the NodeRemoving and NodeAdding events.
ClassUIParameterPanel A control that allows configuration based on parameters
ClassUIParameterPanelUtility The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassUrlDialog Displays a url in a floating panel
ClassUserControlTask A task whose user interface is defined in a user control. This class provides basic functionality including task execution, callback processing and configuration.
ClassUserControlTaskPanel An abstract implementation of the IUserControlTaskPanel. You can make your user control inherit from this class. When the path to your user control is set on a UserControlTask, the UserControlTask will bring up your user control as its interface.
ClassVectorEventArgs Base class for the event arguments for a polygon and polyline ClientAction in a Tool.
ClassWebConfigurationCompleteEventArgs Class that provides information upon completion of the configuration of the task in Manager.
ClassWebConfiguratorAttribute Attribute class used to specify the Web configurator for a task.
ClassWebControl The base class on which Web ADF controls are built. Supports the callback framework for controls.
ClassZoomLevel A web control used for changing the zoom level of a buddied map control.
ClassZoomToScale Control to zoom to a particular scale on map


InterfaceIBuddyControlSupport Used by the BuddyControlEditor to determine what types of controls another control can buddy with. Controls that implement this interface are types that can be buddied with, such as the Toolbar or the Toc controls.
InterfaceIDefaultWebConfiguration Specifies the functionality required for a task to communicate default configuration markup to ArcGIS Server Manager or ArcIMS Manager.
InterfaceIExtendResourceItem Implement for data sources that require subclassing the GISResourceItem.
InterfaceIRelatesOnDemandProvider Allows retrieval of related data from the control that implements this interface. Related data is retrieved when a result's "relate nodes" are expanded.
InterfaceITask Interface that defines functionality common to all task classes implemented in the Web ADF.
InterfaceITaskResultsContainer Interface that defines functionality required for a control that accepts and displays results from Web ADF tasks.
InterfaceITreeViewPlusNodeContainer Interface that defines common functionality for controls that can contain a collection of TreeViewPlusNode items.
InterfaceIUIParameterPanel The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
InterfaceIUserControlTaskPanel Implement this interface on a user control. Provide the path to your user control to the UserControlTask. This panel will be brought up by the UserControlTask.
InterfaceIWebConfigurator Specifies the functionality required for a task to be configurable within ArcGIS Server Manager or ArcIMS Manager.
InterfaceIWebConfiguratorValidation Specifies the functionality required for a task configurator to communicate configuration status to ArcGIS Server Manager or ArcIMS Manager.


StructureMarkerSymbolDialog.jsonImage Structure used for serializing image library down to the client
StructureScreenPoint The point representing the screen coordinates.


DelegateCallbackButtonClickEventHandler The click event handler for the CallbackButton.
DelegateColorPicker.ColorPickedEventHandler Event handler for when a color picked from the ColorPicker control
DelegateContextMenuDismissedEventHandler Delegate to handle the ContextMenuDismissed event.
DelegateContextMenuItemClickedEventHandler Delegate to handle the ContextMenuClicked event.
DelegateExecuteTaskEventHandler Represents the method that handles the event that is raised when an ITask object executes.
DelegateFloatingPanelCollapseEventHandler Handles the event of collapsing a FloatingPanel.
DelegateFloatingPanelContentsRenderedEventHandler Handles the event of rendering a FloatingPanel.
DelegateFloatingPanelExpandEventHandler Handles the event of expanding a FloatingPanel.
DelegateFloatingPanelHideEventHandler Handles the event of hiding a FloatingPanel.
DelegateFloatingPanelShowEventHandler Handles the event of displaying a FloatingPanel.
DelegateLayerFormatEditor.ApplyChangesEventHandler Event handler for when the editor saves its layer format
DelegateLayerSymbolsEditor.DefaultRendererSymbolChangedEventHandler Event handler for when the renderer symbol is changed.
DelegateLayerSymbolsEditor.HighlightRendererSymbolChangedEventHandler Event handler for when the renderer symbol is changed.
DelegateMapCircleEventHandler Delegate to handle the Map Circle event.
DelegateMapExtentChangeEventHandler Delegate to handle the MapExtentChanged event.
DelegateMapFunctionalityDrawDelegate Delegate used to perform asynchronous request processing for Draws
DelegateMapLineEventHandler Delegate to handle the Map Line event.
DelegateMapOvalEventHandler Delegate to handle the Map Oval event.
DelegateMapPointEventHandler Delegate to handle the MapPoint event.
DelegateMapPolygonEventHandler Delegate to handle the Map Polygon event.
DelegateMapPolylineEventHandler Delegate to handle the Map Polyline event.
DelegateMapRefreshEventHandler Delegate to handle the Map Refresh event.
DelegateMapResizeEventHandler Delegate to handle the resize of the Map.
DelegateMapResourceRefreshedEventHandler Delegate to handle the refresh of a map resource.
DelegateMapRotationAngleChangeEventHandler Delegate to handle the MapRotationAngleChanged event.
DelegateMapScaleChangeEventHandler Delegate to handle the MapScaleChanged event.
DelegateMapToolEventHandler Delegate to handle the Map Tool events.
DelegateResourceItemAddedEventHandler Delegate to handle the event of an item added to the collection.
DelegateResourceItemInsertedEventHandler Delegate to handle the event of an item inserted into the collection.
DelegateResourceItemMovedEventHandler Delegate to handle the event of an item moved within the collection.
DelegateResourceItemRemovedEventHandler Delegate to handle the event of an item removed from the collection.
DelegateResourceItemRemovingEventHandler Delegate to handle the event of an item about to be removed from the collection.
DelegateTilingSchemeInitializeEventHandler Delegate to handle initialization of the tiling scheme in the TilingSchemeInitalized event.
DelegateToolbarCommandClickEventHandler Delegate to handle click events for Command buttons on a Toolbar.
DelegateToolbarDropDownBoxIndexChangeEventHandler Delegate to handle index change events for DropDownBox items on a Toolbar.
DelegateTreeViewPlusNodeAddedEventHandler Delegate to handle the NodeAdded event on a TreeViewPlus or TreeViewPlusNodeCollection.
DelegateTreeViewPlusNodeCheckedEventHandler Delegate to handle the NodeChecked event on a TreeViewPlus.
DelegateTreeViewPlusNodeClearedEventHandler Delegate to handle the NodeCleared event on a TreeViewPlus.
DelegateTreeViewPlusNodeClickedEventHandler Delegate to handle the NodeClicked event on a TreeViewPlus.
DelegateTreeViewPlusNodeCollapsedEventHandler Delegate to handle the NodeCollapsed event on a TreeViewPlus.
DelegateTreeViewPlusNodeExpandedEventHandler Delegate to handle the NodeExpanded event on a TreeViewPlus.
DelegateTreeViewPlusNodeLegendClickedEventHandler Delegate to handle the NodeLegendClicked event on a TreeViewPlus.
DelegateTreeViewPlusNodePageChangedEventHandler Delegate to handle the NodePageChanged event on a TreeViewPlus.
DelegateTreeViewPlusNodeRemovedEventHandler Delegate to handle the NodeRemoved event on a TreeViewPlus or TreeViewPlusNodeCollection.
DelegateTreeViewPlusNodeRemovingEventHandler Delegate to handle the NodeRemoving event on a TreeViewPlus or TreeViewPlusNodeCollection.
DelegateTreeViewPlusNodeSelectedEventHandler Delegate to handle the NodeSelected event on a TreeViewPlus.
DelegateWebConfigurationCanceledEventHandler Delegate that hold a reference to a method that handles the event of the web configuration being canceled, usually by the user clicking Cancel in the configuration panel for a task.
DelegateWebConfigurationCompleteEventHandler Delegate that hold a reference to a method that handles the event of the web configuration being completed, usually by the user clicking OK in the configuration panel for a task.


EnumerationAlignment Horizontal alignment
EnumerationBuddyControlType The type of buddy control
EnumerationDataSourceDiscoveryImage Images for data source discovery.
EnumerationImageBlendingMode How images are merged when the map has multiple images to display.
EnumerationInitialExtent The extent at which a control is first drawn.
EnumerationMapClientToolAction The mode in which the user can interact with the Map control
EnumerationOrientation Orientation
EnumerationPageClientToolAction The mode in which the user can interact with the PageLayout control
EnumerationResourceDrawingMethod Specifies the method by which the resource will be drawn.
EnumerationResultsInsertLocation Location to insert results in the TaskResults control.
EnumerationScaleBarNumberPosition Position of text above and below the scalebar
EnumerationScaleBarStyle Styles for a Scalebar
EnumerationScaleBarUnitConversionGroup Defines a group of units used for automatic conversion of units to larger scale
EnumerationScrollWheelZoomDirection Direction of mouse scroll wheel zoom
EnumerationTaskActivityIndicatorLocation Indicates where the animated image that is displayed during task execution should be displayed.
EnumerationTextAnchorPosition The starting position of the CopyrightText on the Image
EnumerationTextPosition The position of text.
EnumerationTocType Runtime behavior of the Table of Contents.
EnumerationToolbarStyle The style of the toolbar.
EnumerationTreeViewPlusNodeClickBehavior Behavior of a TreeViewPlusNode when the user clicks on the text header of the node.
EnumerationZoomOrientation The orientation that the ZoomLevel Control will be rendered in.

See Also

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