LayoutInfo Property
See Also  Example
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Carto Namespace > MapService Class : LayoutInfo Property

Gets the LayoutInfo object, if any, associated with this MapService.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public ReadOnly Property LayoutInfo As LayoutInfo
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As MapService
Dim value As LayoutInfo
value = instance.LayoutInfo
public LayoutInfo LayoutInfo {get;}

Return Value

A LayoutInfo with information about the ArcMap service layout, or null if the MapService connects to a standard image service.


This example retrieves the LayoutInfo from the MapService object and prints the page units to a label control.
C#Copy Code
LayoutInfo layoutInfo = mapService.LayoutInfo; 

lblLayoutInfo.Text = "Layout page units are " + layoutInfo.Units.ToString(); 

Visual BasicCopy Code
Dim layoutInfo As LayoutInfo = mapService.LayoutInfo

lblLayoutInfo.Text = "Layout page units are " + layoutInfo.Units.ToString()


The LayoutInfo object provides information about the layout within an ArcMap image service, including page units and page size.

This property will be null for standard ArcIMS image services.

To actually use a layout, call CreateLayoutView() to obtain a LayoutView object.

This property, as with all properties of MapService, is read-only.

See Also

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