MapDisplayNode Class Methods
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace : MapDisplayNode Class

For a list of all members of this type, see MapDisplayNode members.

Public Methods

Public MethodAddLegend Causes a legend to display symbol(s) representing the features in the results.  
Public MethodAreChildrenValid Method that should only be used when the TreeViewPlus container for the nodes is using RenderOnDemand. This function returns a value indicating if the child nodes have not been rendered or they have been invalidated since last render. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public MethodCloneOverloaded. Clones the node and all child nodes, if any. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public MethodDisplayOnMapDisplays the task results on the Map.  
Public MethodEnsureVisible Expands the parent node(s) of the current node so that the current node is visible. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public MethodGetResourceNameReturns the name of the resource to which the layer is added on the map.  
Public MethodGetVisibilityWhether the layer is visible on the map.  
Public MethodInvalidateChildNodes Method that should only be used when the TreeViewPlus container for the nodes is using RenderOnDemand. This function will invalidate the child nodes so that the next time that Render is called, this node will re-render the child nodes down to the client. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public MethodRefreshRefreshes the nodes and its children. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public MethodRemoveRemoves this node from its parent's node collection. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public MethodRemoveFromMapRemove result item from map.  
Public MethodRender Renders the control to the specified HTML writer. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public MethodSetVisibilitySets the visibility of the results on the map.  

Protected Methods

Protected MethodAddAttributesToRender Adds HTML attributes and styles that need to be rendered to the specified System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter. This method is used primarily by control developers. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodanySiblingHasChildrenWhether any sibling node has child nodes. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderBeginChildrenContainerRenders the beginning of the container for child nodes. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderBeginTagRenders the begin tag of the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderChildrenRenders the node's children. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderEndChildrenContainerRenders the ending of the container for child nodes. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderEndTagRenders the ending tag of the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderNodeRenders the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderPagingRenders node paging. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderPostTextCellRenders any cell post-text. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderPreTextCellRenders any cell pre-text. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderTextCellRenders the node cell text. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodsetParentSets the parent node container. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodsetTreeViewPlusSets the tree view of the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)

See Also

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