ImageGeneralization Property
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Carto Namespace > ImageDescriptor Class : ImageGeneralization Property

Gets a string representing the ImageGeneralization mode.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public ReadOnly Property ImageGeneralization As String
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As ImageDescriptor
Dim value As String
value = instance.ImageGeneralization
public string ImageGeneralization {get;}


This property determines whether the server generalizes features. The default is "true". Note that this is a string value. Valid string values are "true", "false", and string values for non-negative integers.

This property is only used with standard image services. It is ignored for ArcMap Server image services.

Generalization is used by the Image Server to speed up the processing of features, and by default, features are generalized. However, in certain cases, generalization causes some features or parts of features to drop out. This can happen with very small or narrow features. The features display when zoomed in, but as the user zooms out, part or all of an affected feature drops out. The tradeoff for not generalizing features is that the ArcIMS Spatial Server takes longer to process a request.

The accuracy is calculated based on the following formula:

(map extent width / image width ) / f

where f is the value assigned to mode. Features within this tolerance are generalized.

The attribute values for mode are interpreted as follows:

  • If "true", the f value is set to "64". This is the default.
  • If "false", the f value is set to "0". This means no generalization takes place.
  • If a numeric value is used, the f value is assigned that numeric value. Therefore, if you use "100", the f value is set to "100". If a value less than "0" is used, the value will be reset to "64".

The smaller the accuracy, the longer the Spatial Server takes to process a request. A value of "0" will take the longest to process because no generalization is taking place. Setting mode to a value smaller than "64" may speed up the processing time, but more features will be generalized. You must remember that other factors such as the complexity of the data, complexity of the request, network traffic, and other factors can also cause a request to be slow.

See Also

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