CallbackResult Constructor(Control,String,Object[])
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace > CallbackResult Class > CallbackResult Constructor : CallbackResult Constructor(Control,String,Object[])

Web control whose content or image source to replace. Set to null (Nothing) if returning JavaScript in the callback result.
Type of information being sent in the parameters. One of: content, innercontent, image, or javascript.
Value of the content, image source, or javascript to send to browser.
Creates a CallbackResult object to pass information to the browser.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Function New( _
   ByVal control As Control, _
   ByVal eventArg As String, _
   ByVal ParamArray parameters() As Object _
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim control As Control
Dim eventArg As String
Dim parameters() As Object
Dim instance As CallbackResult(control, eventArg, parameters)
public CallbackResult( 
   Control control,
   string eventArg,
   params object[] parameters


Web control whose content or image source to replace. Set to null (Nothing) if returning JavaScript in the callback result.
Type of information being sent in the parameters. One of: content, innercontent, image, or javascript.
Value of the content, image source, or javascript to send to browser.


If the page element that will receive the content of the CallbackResult is a Web control (i.e., extends System.Web.UI.WebControl), this constructor may be used. However, if you need to target other types of content on the page, such as a plain HTML element (<div>, <span>, <table>, etc.), then use the constructor that accepts an ID and type.

See Also

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