ImageDataset Constructor(String,NamedWorkspace)
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Data Namespace > ImageDataset Class > ImageDataset Constructor : ImageDataset Constructor(String,NamedWorkspace)

The name of the constructed ImageDataset.
The workspace referenced by the constructed ImageDataset.
Constructs an ImageDataset object.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Function New( _
   ByVal name As String, _
   ByVal workspace As NamedWorkspace _
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim name As String
Dim workspace As NamedWorkspace
Dim instance As ImageDataset(name, workspace)
public ImageDataset( 
   string name,
   NamedWorkspace workspace


The name of the constructed ImageDataset.
The workspace referenced by the constructed ImageDataset.


Use this method to create a dynamic layer from a data source whose workspace is already present in the map service. A dynamic layer is a layer based on data not yet in the map service.

You must know the name of the workspace as given in the SDEWORKSPACE or IMAGEWORKSPACE tag in the ArcXML configuration file for the map service. These workspace names are not available programmatically. Contact the map service author to obtain workspace names if necessary. An alternative is to create a new workspace if you know the source or connection information. In that case, see one of the other constructors for ImageDataset.

The name argument must match the name of the data set in the data source. Do not use an arbitrary name. This name is not the same as the layer name (alias) in which the data set will be used.

For image, use the name of the data file without an extension such as STATES. For ArcSDE, use the full name of the layer such as DATA.STATES. Performance is generally better if the name is all upper case. For more information and examples, see the name property.

See Also

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