ActivityIndicatorNode Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace : ActivityIndicatorNode Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ActivityIndicatorNode.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorActivityIndicatorNode ConstructorOverloaded. Creates an instance by referencing the task and its job ID.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyAllowTextWrap Whether to allow text on the node to wrap to the width of the containing control. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyAlwaysShowExpandCollapseButton Whether to display the expand/collapse button for the node, even if the node has no child nodes. Default is false. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyAttributes Attributes to be rendered on this node (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyBackColorBackground color of the control. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyCheckedWhether the check-box on the node is checked. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyChildContainerAttributes Attributes to be rendered on the container that holds child nodes (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyClickBehavior The type of behavior for the node: Click (default), Link, Selectable, ExpandCollapse, and None. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyCustomLegendOnClick Custom action to perform when the legend is clicked. Overrides the default behavior that triggers the TreeViewPlus.NodeLegendClicked event. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyCustomOnClick Sets the onclick behavior for the node text to a custom string, overriding the default behavior. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyDataData object associated with this node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyDepth Read-only property that indicates the level of this node in the TreeViewPlus node hierarchy. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyEndRecordThe ending node item displayed on the current page display for the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyExpandedWhether the node is currently expanded to display its child nodes. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyHideNodeShowChildren If true, the node is hidden and its children are rendered at the level of the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyLegendCollapsedImageImage to display when legend is collapsed for the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyLegendExpandedImageImage to show when legend is expanded for the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyNodeIDUnique ID for the node assigned by the server. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyNodesThe collection of child nodes of the current node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyNonInteractive Show only text (and legend image if any) taken from parent TreeViewPlus. Expand/collapse, checkboxes and mouse events will not be generated. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyNumberOfPages Read-only property for the total number of pages for the node, based on the number of nodes and the PageSize. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyOffsetRead-only property for the horizontal offset of the node from its StartingPosition due to collapse/expand image, check-box, etc. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyPageNumberCurrent page number of the node display. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyPageSizeNumber of child nodes to display per page. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyPagingTextFormatString The format string that defines how paging text appears. The fields are page starting record, page ending record, total record count, current page number and, number of pages. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyParentThe parent node of the current node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyShowCheckBox Whether to display a check-box to the left side of the node. Default is true. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyShowClearButton Whether to show a clear button (x) for the node. If clicked, the button removes the node from the tree. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyStartingPosition Read-only property for the starting horizontal offset of the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyStartRecordThe starting node item displayed on the current page display for the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyStyleAttributes Style attributes to be rendered on this node (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyTaskIDID of the task being executed.  
Public PropertyTaskJobIDUnique identifier for the particular run of the task.  
Public PropertyTextText to display at the head of the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyTextCellAttributesAttributes to add to the cell that contains the Text for the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyTextCellStyleAttributesStyle attributes to add to the cell that contains the Text for the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyToolTipTool tip text to display when the user hovers over the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyTreeViewPlus The TreeViewPlus control to which the node (or its parents) have been added. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyValueValue for the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public PropertyValuePathFull path to the node including value properties of any parent nodes. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)

Protected Properties

Protected PropertyChildrenContainerIDID of children container. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected PropertyHoverColorHover color. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected PropertySelectedColorColor for selected items. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected PropertyShowLegendWhether to show legend. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected PropertyTextCellIDID of text cell. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)

Public Methods

Public MethodAreChildrenValid Method that should only be used when the TreeViewPlus container for the nodes is using RenderOnDemand. This function returns a value indicating if the child nodes have not been rendered or they have been invalidated since last render. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public MethodCloneOverloaded. Clones the node and all child nodes, if any. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public MethodEnsureVisible Expands the parent node(s) of the current node so that the current node is visible. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public MethodInvalidateChildNodes Method that should only be used when the TreeViewPlus container for the nodes is using RenderOnDemand. This function will invalidate the child nodes so that the next time that Render is called, this node will re-render the child nodes down to the client. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public MethodRefreshRefreshes the nodes and its children. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public MethodRemoveRemoves this node from its parent's node collection. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Public MethodRender Renders the control to the specified HTML writer. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)

Protected Methods

Protected MethodAddAttributesToRender Adds HTML attributes and styles that need to be rendered to the specified System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter. This method is used primarily by control developers. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodanySiblingHasChildrenWhether any sibling node has child nodes. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderBeginChildrenContainerRenders the beginning of the container for child nodes. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderBeginTagRenders the begin tag of the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderChildrenRenders the node's children. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderEndChildrenContainerRenders the ending of the container for child nodes. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderEndTagRenders the ending tag of the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderNodeRenders the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderPagingRenders node paging. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderPostTextCellRenders any cell post-text. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderPreTextCellRenders any cell pre-text. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodRenderTextCellRenders the node cell text. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodsetParentSets the parent node container. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)
Protected MethodsetTreeViewPlusSets the tree view of the node. (Inherited from TreeViewPlusNode)

See Also

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