ITask Interface Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace : ITask Interface

The following tables list the members exposed by ITask.

Public Properties

 PropertyCallbackResults A collection of results that are defined on the server and returned to the client via a callback. The results update content or run a script on the client.  
 PropertyGroupResultsByTable Whether to group display of task results by table (layer). If false, results display immediately beneath the task result node.  
 PropertyInput An object that contains the values input by the user when running the task.  
 PropertyNavigationPath The path to use when displaying the name of the task in a buddied navigation control.  
 PropertyResultsObject that is used to store results of the task for further processing.  
 PropertyShowFieldAttributesWhether to include the attributes of features within the task results.  
 PropertyShowLegendIf true, displays a legend for a graphics layer in the task results.  
 PropertyShowUrl Returns a string with a client-side command to display the task on the client.  
 PropertyTaskActivityIndicatorText Text to display in the task results containers to indicate that the task has begun to execute.  
 PropertyTaskResultsContainers Collection of task results containers that receive the results of the task.  
 PropertyTitleThe title of the task to display in the client.  
 PropertyToolTipThe text to display in the tooltip for the task.  
 PropertyUniqueIDReturns a unique ID for the control.  

Public Methods

 MethodExecuteTask Performs the main work of the task. Sets any content to be returned to the client in the CallbackResults.  
 MethodGetGISResourceItemDependencies Returns a collection of GISResourceItemDependency objects upon which the task depends.  
 MethodRefreshRe-runs the task with the existing values in the Input property.  
 MethodShowMakes the task visible on the client.  

See Also

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