| Name | Description |
| AccessKey | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
| Attributes | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| BackColor | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| BorderColor | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| BorderStyle | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| BorderWidth | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| BuddyControl | The ID of the Map control from which the Toc derives its information. |
| CallbackFunctionString |
Gets the callbackfunction string for this control instance.
(Inherited from CompositeControl) |
| CallbackResults |
A collection of CallbackResult objects for passing information from the server to
the client during a callback.
(Inherited from CompositeControl) |
| ClearImage |
The image to display to remove a node when the ShowClearButton property on the
TreeViewPlusNode is true
(Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| ClientID | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
| CollapsedImage |
URL of the image to display at a node when the node is collapsed to hide its
(Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| Controls | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompositeControl) |
| ControlStyle | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| ControlStyleCreated | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| CssClass | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| Depth |
Read-only property for the depth of a node. Since the TreeViewPlus is always at
the root, this value is always zero (0).
(Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| DisabledColor |
Color to display disabled nodes, such as nodes for layers that are not visible at
the current scale.
| DisplayImageUrl | The URL of the image displayed in this TOC control. |
| Enabled | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| EnableTheming | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| EnableViewState | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
| ExpandDepth | Number of levels of the tree to display. (Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| ExpandedImage |
URL of the image to display at a node when the node is expanded to show its
(Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| Font | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| ForeColor | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| HasAttributes | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| Height | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| HoverColor | Overridden. Hover color for the tree. |
| ID | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
| IsAsync |
Returns true if this control is in a partial postback or a callback.
(Inherited from CompositeControl) |
| NamingContainer | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
| Nodes |
The nodes of the tree. These contain the data to display for the TreeViewPlus
(Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| NonInteractive |
Show only text (and legend image if any)
(Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| Offset |
Read-only property for the horizontal offset of the node from its
StartingPosition due to collapse/expand image, check-box, etc. Since the root-level
TreeViewPlus has no such items, this property always returns zero (0).
(Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| OffsetWidth | The number of pixels to offset child nodes in the tree. (Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| Page | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
| PageSize | Maximum number of items to display per page in the control. (Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| PagingTextFormatString |
The format string that defines how paging text appears. The fields are page
starting record, page ending record, total record count, current page number and number
of pages.
(Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| Parent | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
| RenderOnDemand | Overridden.
Property that determines whether collapsed nodes render children nodes to the browser on initial page load, or only when expanded.
| SelectedColor | The color to use for selections in the tree. (Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| SelectedNode | The node that is selected in the tree. (Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| ShowClearAllButton | Whether to include a button on the control to clear all nodes in the tree. (Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| ShowLayerCheckBoxes |
Whether to display check-boxes for each layer in the map, which enables users to
turn layers on and off.
| ShowResourceCheckBoxes |
Whether to display check-boxes for each resource in the map, which enables users
to turn resources on and off.
| Site | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
| SkinID | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| StartingPosition |
Read-only property for the starting horizontal offset of the node. Since the
TreeViewPlus is at the root of the tree, this property always returns zero (0).
(Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| Style | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| SwatchPageSize | Number of legend swatches per page in the Toc. |
| TabIndex | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| TemplateControl | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
| TemplateSourceDirectory | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
| TocType |
The Toc renders a layer list or a swatch list (along with the layer list) based on the TocType enum.
| ToolTip | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
| UniqueID | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
| UseDefaultWebResources |
The ADF Web Controls will use the internal web resources unless the user wants to use a modified version of the ESRI Javascript Library.
(Inherited from CompositeControl) |
| Value | The value of the root node of the tree. (Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| ValuePath | The full path to the root node of the tree. (Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| ValuePathSeparator |
Character to recognize for separation of values when specifying node paths.
Default is forward slash (/).
(Inherited from TreeViewPlus) |
| Visible | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
| WebResourceLocation |
The location of the web resources for use by the ADF Web Controls if the default Web resources are not used."
(Inherited from CompositeControl) |
| Width | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |