Environment Property
See Also  Example
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Carto Namespace > MapService Class : Environment Property

Gets the Environment associated with the current MapService.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public ReadOnly Property Environment As Environment
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As MapService
Dim value As Environment
value = instance.Environment
public Environment Environment {get;}


This example retrieves the Environment object from an existing MapService and prints some of its properties to a label control.
C#Copy Code
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Administration.Environment envir = mapService.Environment; 

lblEnvironment.Text = "Environment: country = " + envir.Country 

   + ", language = " + envir.Language 

   + ", tuple separator = " + envir.TupleSeparator 

   + ", coordinate separator = " + envir.CoordinateSeparator 

   + ", screen dpi = " + envir.Dpi.ToString() + "<br/>"; 

Visual BasicCopy Code
Dim envir As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Administration.Environment

envir = mapService.Environment

lblEnvironment.Text = "Environment: country = " + envir.Country _

   + ", language = " + envir.Language _

   + ", tuple separator = " + envir.TupleSeparator _

   + ", coordinate separator = " + envir.CoordinateSeparator _

   + ", screen dpi = " + envir.Dpi.ToString() + "<br/>"


The Environment object provides information about the map service's language, country setting, separators and screen DPI. It corresponds to the ENVIRONMENT tag in the ArcXML service information response.

This property, as with all properties of MapService, is read-only.

See Also

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