WhereClause Property
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace > MapTips Class : WhereClause Property

The where clause defining the features for which map tips are shown.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
<ResDescriptionAttribute("The where clause defining the features for which map tips are shown.")>
Public Property WhereClause As String
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As MapTips
Dim value As String
instance.WhereClause = value
value = instance.WhereClause
[ResDescriptionAttribute("The where clause defining the features for which map tips are shown.")]
public string WhereClause {get; set;}

Return Value

Where clause filter to use for features in the maptips layer.


If this property is not set, all features within the current map extent will display map tips (up to the limit set in FeatureLimit).

Set this property to limit maptips to features that match the where clause filter. Be careful that the where clause is valid for the layer. If not valid, no error will occur, but no maptips will be displayed. The where clause must be a standard query, and fields must be present in the layer. Values are case sensitive. Some examples of where clauses:

  • POPULATION > 10000
  • CAPITAL = 'Y'
  • NAME like 'A%'

The final example displays only features whose NAME field begins with the upper-case letter A.

One way to create a valid where clause is to add (at least temporarily) a QueryAttributesTask to the page, and to use its query-builder utility to construct the where clause.

See Also

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