Interface IGroundwaterOp

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public interface IGroundwaterOp
extends Serializable

Provides access to members that perform groundwater analysis on raster data.


  • Read the Working with ArcGIS Spatial Analyst objects technical document for general information on implementing Spatial Analyst operations.
  • Product Availability

    Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Spatial Analyst Extension.

    Method Summary
     IGeoDataset darcyFlow(IGeoDataset headRaster, IGeoDataset porosityRaster, IGeoDataset thicknessRaster, IGeoDataset transmissivityRaster, boolean createDirection, boolean createMagnitude)
              Calculates the groundwater volume balance residual and other outputs for steady flow in an aquifer.
     IGeoDataset darcyVelocity(IGeoDataset headRaster, IGeoDataset porosityRaster, IGeoDataset thicknessRaster, IGeoDataset transmissivityRaster)
              Calculates the groundwater seepage velocity vector (direction and magnitude) for steady flow in an aquifer.
     IGeoDataset particleTrack(IGeoDataset directionRaster, IGeoDataset magnitudeRaster, IPoint sourcePoint, String trackFile, Object stepLength, Object trackingTime)
              Calculates the path of a particle through a velocity field.
     IGeoDataset porousPuff(String trackFile, IGeoDataset porosityRaster, IGeoDataset thicknessRaster, double mass, Object dispersionTime, Object longitudinalDispersivity, Object dispersivityRatio, Object retardationFactor, Object decayCoefficient)
              Calculates the time-dependent, two-dimensional concentration distribution in mass per volume of a solute introduced instantaneously and at a discrete point into a vertically mixed aquifer.

    Method Detail


    IGeoDataset darcyFlow(IGeoDataset headRaster,
                          IGeoDataset porosityRaster,
                          IGeoDataset thicknessRaster,
                          IGeoDataset transmissivityRaster,
                          boolean createDirection,
                          boolean createMagnitude)
                          throws IOException,
    Calculates the groundwater volume balance residual and other outputs for steady flow in an aquifer.



    raster containing values of groundwater head elevation for each cell in the raster

    The head is typically an elevation above some datum, such as mean sea level.


    raster containing values of effective formation porosity for each cell in the raster


    raster containing values of saturated thickness for each cell in the raster


    raster containing values of formation transmissivity for each cell in the raster

    The transmissivity of an aquifer is defined as the hydraulic conductivity K times the saturated aquifer thickness b, as units of length squared over time. This property is generally estimated from field experimental data such as pumping tests.


    a Boolean if True will create an output raster of the direction of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell

    It is used with the magnitude raster to describe the flow vector.


    a Boolean if True will create an output raster of the magnitude of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell

    It is used with the direction raster to describe the flow vector.

    Product Availability

    Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Spatial Analyst Extension.

    Supported Platforms

    Windows, Solaris, Linux

    headRaster - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset (in)
    porosityRaster - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset (in)
    thicknessRaster - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset (in)
    transmissivityRaster - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset (in)
    createDirection - The createDirection (in)
    createMagnitude - The createMagnitude (in)
    A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset
    IOException - If there are interop problems.
    AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


    IGeoDataset darcyVelocity(IGeoDataset headRaster,
                              IGeoDataset porosityRaster,
                              IGeoDataset thicknessRaster,
                              IGeoDataset transmissivityRaster)
                              throws IOException,
    Calculates the groundwater seepage velocity vector (direction and magnitude) for steady flow in an aquifer.



    Raster containing values of groundwater head elevation for each cell in the raster.

    The head is typically an elevation above some datum, such as mean sea level.


    Raster containing values of effective formation porosity for each cell in the raster


    Raster containing values of saturated thickness for each cell in the raster


    Raster containing values of formation transmissivity for each cell in the raster

    The transmissivity of an aquifer is defined as the hydraulic conductivity K times the saturated aquifer thickness b, as units of length squared over time. This property is generally estimated from field experimental data such as pumping tests.

    Product Availability

    Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Spatial Analyst Extension.

    Supported Platforms

    Windows, Solaris, Linux

    headRaster - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset (in)
    porosityRaster - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset (in)
    thicknessRaster - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset (in)
    transmissivityRaster - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset (in)
    A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset
    IOException - If there are interop problems.
    AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


    IGeoDataset particleTrack(IGeoDataset directionRaster,
                              IGeoDataset magnitudeRaster,
                              IPoint sourcePoint,
                              String trackFile,
                              Object stepLength,
                              Object trackingTime)
                              throws IOException,
    Calculates the path of a particle through a velocity field.



    Raster containing values of direction of the velocity; associated with the magnitude Raster

    Directions are expressed in compass coordinates, in degrees clockwise from north. This may be created by the IGroundwaterOp::DarcyFlow method or IGroundwaterOp::DarcyVelocy method.


    Raster containing values of the magnitude of the velocity; associated with the direction Raster

    Units are length/time. This may be created by the IGroundwaterOp::DarcyFlow methods or IGroundwaterOp::DarcyVelocy method.


    location of the source point from which to begin the particle tracking

    This is entered as numbers identifying the position in map units.


    the name of the ASCII trackfile which will be created by the method


    user-defined value for a characteristic step length used for calculating the particle track

    If none is specified the stepLength will be one half the cell size. Units are length.


    maximum elapsed time for particle tracking

    ParticleTrack will follow the track until either this time is met or the particle migrates off the Raster or into a depression. If no trackingTime is specified the value will be infinity. Units are time.

    Product Availability

    Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Spatial Analyst Extension.

    Supported Platforms

    Windows, Solaris, Linux

    directionRaster - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset (in)
    magnitudeRaster - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset (in)
    sourcePoint - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IPoint (in)
    trackFile - The trackFile (in)
    stepLength - A Variant (in, optional, pass null if not required)
    trackingTime - A Variant (in, optional, pass null if not required)
    A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset
    IOException - If there are interop problems.
    AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


    IGeoDataset porousPuff(String trackFile,
                           IGeoDataset porosityRaster,
                           IGeoDataset thicknessRaster,
                           double mass,
                           Object dispersionTime,
                           Object longitudinalDispersivity,
                           Object dispersivityRatio,
                           Object retardationFactor,
                           Object decayCoefficient)
                           throws IOException,
    Calculates the time-dependent, two-dimensional concentration distribution in mass per volume of a solute introduced instantaneously and at a discrete point into a vertically mixed aquifer.



    The path file required by this method is an ASCII text file containing information about the position, the local velocity vector, and the cumulative length and time of travel along the path.

    This file is generated using the ParticleTrack method


    An input Raster, RasterDataset, RasterBand, or RasterDescriptor containing values of effective formation porosity for each cell in the Raster.


    An input Raster, RasterDataset, RasterBand, or RasterDescriptor containing values of saturated thickness for each cell in the Raster.


    Value representing the amount of mass released instantaneously at the source point, in units of mass


    Value representing the time horizon for dispersion of the solute, with units of time

    The time must be less than or equal to the maximum time in the track file. If the requested time exceeds the available times from the track file, the function is aborted. The default time is the latest time (corresponding to the terminal point) in the track file.


    Value representing the dispersivity parallel to the flow direction, with units of length.


    Value representing the ratio of longitudinal dispersivity over transverse dispersivity. Transverse dispersivity is perpendicular to the flow direction in the same horizontal plane

    The default value is 3.


    A dimensionless value representing the retardation of the solute in the aquifer

    Retardation varies between 1 and infinity, with 1 corresponding to no retardation. The default value is 1.


    Decay coefficient for solutes undergoing first-order exponential decay (e.g., radionuclides) in units of inverse time

    The default is zero, corresponding to no decay.

    Product Availability

    Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Spatial Analyst Extension.

    Supported Platforms

    Windows, Solaris, Linux

    trackFile - The trackFile (in)
    porosityRaster - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset (in)
    thicknessRaster - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset (in)
    mass - The mass (in)
    dispersionTime - A Variant (in, optional, pass null if not required)
    longitudinalDispersivity - A Variant (in, optional, pass null if not required)
    dispersivityRatio - A Variant (in, optional, pass null if not required)
    retardationFactor - A Variant (in, optional, pass null if not required)
    decayCoefficient - A Variant (in, optional, pass null if not required)
    A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IGeoDataset
    IOException - If there are interop problems.
    AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.