Class RasterCompare

  extended by com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RasterCompare
extends AbstractGPTool

Compares the properties of two raster datasets or two raster catalogs and returns the comparison result. The Raster Compare tool is contained in the Data Management Tools tool box.

Usage tips:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
Constructor Summary
          Creates the Raster Compare tool with defaults.
RasterCompare(Object inBaseRaster, Object inTestRaster)
          Creates the Raster Compare tool with the required parameters.
Method Summary
 Object getAttributeTolerances()
          Returns the Attribute Tolerance parameter of this tool .
 String getCompareStatus()
          Returns the Compare Status parameter of this tool (Read only).
 String getCompareType()
          Returns the Compare Type parameter of this tool .
 String getContinueCompare()
          Returns the Continue Comparison parameter of this tool .
 Object getIgnoreOption()
          Returns the Ignore Options parameter of this tool .
 Object getInBaseRaster()
          Returns the Input Base Raster parameter of this tool .
 Object getInTestRaster()
          Returns the Input Test Raster parameter of this tool .
 Object getOmitField()
          Returns the Omit Fields parameter of this tool .
 Object getOutCompareFile()
          Returns the Output Compare File parameter of this tool .
 Object getParameterTolerances()
          Returns the Parameter Tolerance parameter of this tool .
 String getToolboxAlias()
          Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolboxName()
          Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolName()
          Returns the name of this tool.
 void setAttributeTolerances(Object attributeTolerances)
          Sets the Attribute Tolerance parameter of this tool .
 void setCompareType(String compareType)
          Sets the Compare Type parameter of this tool .
 void setContinueCompare(String continueCompare)
          Sets the Continue Comparison parameter of this tool .
 void setIgnoreOption(Object ignoreOption)
          Sets the Ignore Options parameter of this tool .
 void setInBaseRaster(Object inBaseRaster)
          Sets the Input Base Raster parameter of this tool .
 void setInTestRaster(Object inTestRaster)
          Sets the Input Test Raster parameter of this tool .
 void setOmitField(Object omitField)
          Sets the Omit Fields parameter of this tool .
 void setOutCompareFile(Object outCompareFile)
          Sets the Output Compare File parameter of this tool .
 void setParameterTolerances(Object parameterTolerances)
          Sets the Parameter Tolerance parameter of this tool .
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
getParameterValues, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RasterCompare()
Creates the Raster Compare tool with defaults.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the default values specified when the tool was created.


public RasterCompare(Object inBaseRaster,
                     Object inTestRaster)
Creates the Raster Compare tool with the required parameters.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the values as specified for the required parameters and with the default values for the other parameters.

inBaseRaster - the raster dataset that will be compared to the test raster.
inTestRaster - the raster dataset that will be compared to the input base raster.
Method Detail


public Object getInBaseRaster()
Returns the Input Base Raster parameter of this tool . This parameter is the raster dataset that will be compared to the test raster. This is a required parameter.

the Input Base Raster


public void setInBaseRaster(Object inBaseRaster)
Sets the Input Base Raster parameter of this tool . This parameter is the raster dataset that will be compared to the test raster. This is a required parameter.

inBaseRaster - the raster dataset that will be compared to the test raster.


public Object getInTestRaster()
Returns the Input Test Raster parameter of this tool . This parameter is the raster dataset that will be compared to the input base raster. This is a required parameter.

the Input Test Raster


public void setInTestRaster(Object inTestRaster)
Sets the Input Test Raster parameter of this tool . This parameter is the raster dataset that will be compared to the input base raster. This is a required parameter.

inTestRaster - the raster dataset that will be compared to the input base raster.


public String getCompareType()
Returns the Compare Type parameter of this tool . This parameter is the type of comparison. This is an optional parameter.

the Compare Type


public void setCompareType(String compareType)
Sets the Compare Type parameter of this tool . This parameter is the type of comparison. This is an optional parameter.

compareType - the type of comparison.


public Object getIgnoreOption()
Returns the Ignore Options parameter of this tool . This parameter is the properties specified will not be compared during comparison. open the tool dialog to view a list of values for the Ignore Options parameter. Your Compare Type will determine which Ignore Options are valid. This is an optional parameter.

the Ignore Options


public void setIgnoreOption(Object ignoreOption)
Sets the Ignore Options parameter of this tool . This parameter is the properties specified will not be compared during comparison. open the tool dialog to view a list of values for the Ignore Options parameter. Your Compare Type will determine which Ignore Options are valid. This is an optional parameter.

ignoreOption - the properties specified will not be compared during comparison. open the tool dialog to view a list of values for the Ignore Options parameter. Your Compare Type will determine which Ignore Options are valid.


public String getContinueCompare()
Returns the Continue Comparison parameter of this tool . This parameter is indicates whether to compare all properties after encountering the first mismatch. This is an optional parameter.

the Continue Comparison


public void setContinueCompare(String continueCompare)
Sets the Continue Comparison parameter of this tool . This parameter is indicates whether to compare all properties after encountering the first mismatch. This is an optional parameter.

continueCompare - indicates whether to compare all properties after encountering the first mismatch.


public Object getOutCompareFile()
Returns the Output Compare File parameter of this tool . This parameter is the name and path of the text file which will contain the comparison results. This is an optional parameter.

the Output Compare File


public void setOutCompareFile(Object outCompareFile)
Sets the Output Compare File parameter of this tool . This parameter is the name and path of the text file which will contain the comparison results. This is an optional parameter.

outCompareFile - the name and path of the text file which will contain the comparison results.


public Object getParameterTolerances()
Returns the Parameter Tolerance parameter of this tool . This parameter is the Parameter Tolerance allows you to compare your parameter values with some leeway on accuracy. This allows you to account for any slight changes that might have occurred in processing your data. for a list of Parameter types, choose the parameters for which you would like to have a tolerance. For each parameter you will need a tolerance and tolerance type. The tolerance type is either the value of the tolerance or a fraction of it. When using the fraction type, the fraction is based on the base value; therefore, the tolerance value for comparison would be the fraction times the base value. For example, if your base value is 100 and you set the fraction tolerance to 0.00001, the compare tolerance will be 100 * 0.00001 = 0.001 This is an optional parameter.

the Parameter Tolerance


public void setParameterTolerances(Object parameterTolerances)
Sets the Parameter Tolerance parameter of this tool . This parameter is the Parameter Tolerance allows you to compare your parameter values with some leeway on accuracy. This allows you to account for any slight changes that might have occurred in processing your data. for a list of Parameter types, choose the parameters for which you would like to have a tolerance. For each parameter you will need a tolerance and tolerance type. The tolerance type is either the value of the tolerance or a fraction of it. When using the fraction type, the fraction is based on the base value; therefore, the tolerance value for comparison would be the fraction times the base value. For example, if your base value is 100 and you set the fraction tolerance to 0.00001, the compare tolerance will be 100 * 0.00001 = 0.001 This is an optional parameter.

parameterTolerances - the Parameter Tolerance allows you to compare your parameter values with some leeway on accuracy. This allows you to account for any slight changes that might have occurred in processing your data. for a list of Parameter types, choose the parameters for which you would like to have a tolerance. For each parameter you will need a tolerance and tolerance type. The tolerance type is either the value of the tolerance or a fraction of it. When using the fraction type, the fraction is based on the base value; therefore, the tolerance value for comparison would be the fraction times the base value. For example, if your base value is 100 and you set the fraction tolerance to 0.00001, the compare tolerance will be 100 * 0.00001 = 0.001


public Object getAttributeTolerances()
Returns the Attribute Tolerance parameter of this tool . This parameter is the Attribute Tolerance allows you to compare your attribute values with some leeway on accuracy. This allows you to account for any slight changes that might have occurred in processing your data. type the field name and tolerance value for each parameter for which you want to have a tolerance. The tolerance value is the actual value of the tolerance, not a fraction. This is an optional parameter.

the Attribute Tolerance


public void setAttributeTolerances(Object attributeTolerances)
Sets the Attribute Tolerance parameter of this tool . This parameter is the Attribute Tolerance allows you to compare your attribute values with some leeway on accuracy. This allows you to account for any slight changes that might have occurred in processing your data. type the field name and tolerance value for each parameter for which you want to have a tolerance. The tolerance value is the actual value of the tolerance, not a fraction. This is an optional parameter.

attributeTolerances - the Attribute Tolerance allows you to compare your attribute values with some leeway on accuracy. This allows you to account for any slight changes that might have occurred in processing your data. type the field name and tolerance value for each parameter for which you want to have a tolerance. The tolerance value is the actual value of the tolerance, not a fraction.


public Object getOmitField()
Returns the Omit Fields parameter of this tool . This parameter is these are the fields you would like to Omit in the comparison results. Type in the fields to omit in the comparison. when dealing with a raster catalog scenario, you are comparing attribute columns of the raster catalogs, not any attributes within the catalog items. This is an optional parameter.

the Omit Fields


public void setOmitField(Object omitField)
Sets the Omit Fields parameter of this tool . This parameter is these are the fields you would like to Omit in the comparison results. Type in the fields to omit in the comparison. when dealing with a raster catalog scenario, you are comparing attribute columns of the raster catalogs, not any attributes within the catalog items. This is an optional parameter.

omitField - these are the fields you would like to Omit in the comparison results. Type in the fields to omit in the comparison. when dealing with a raster catalog scenario, you are comparing attribute columns of the raster catalogs, not any attributes within the catalog items.


public String getCompareStatus()
Returns the Compare Status parameter of this tool (Read only). This is an derived parameter.

the Compare Status


public String getToolName()
Returns the name of this tool.

the tool name


public String getToolboxName()
Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box name


public String getToolboxAlias()
Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box alias