Class LocateOutliers

  extended by com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LocateOutliers
extends AbstractGPTool

Locates points which appear to be anomalies when compared to a surface. These points represent points that may be blunders and may need to be eliminated from the creation of the surface. The Locate Outliers tool is contained in the 3D Analyst Tools tool box.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
Constructor Summary
          Creates the Locate Outliers tool with defaults.
LocateOutliers(Object inSurface, Object outFeatureClass)
          Creates the Locate Outliers tool with the required parameters.
Method Summary
 double getAbsoluteZMax()
          Returns the Absolute Z Maximum parameter of this tool .
 double getAbsoluteZMin()
          Returns the Absolute Z Minimum parameter of this tool .
 String getApplyComparisonFilter()
          Returns the Apply Comparison Filter parameter of this tool .
 String getApplyHardLimit()
          Returns the Apply Hard Limit parameter of this tool .
 double getExceedToleranceRatio()
          Returns the Exceed Tolerance Ratio parameter of this tool .
 Object getInSurface()
          Returns the Input Surface parameter of this tool .
 Object getOutFeatureClass()
          Returns the Output Feature Class parameter of this tool .
 int getOutlierCap()
          Returns the Outlier Cap parameter of this tool .
 double getSlopeTolerance()
          Returns the Slope Tolerance parameter of this tool .
 String getToolboxAlias()
          Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolboxName()
          Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolName()
          Returns the name of this tool.
 double getZTolerance()
          Returns the Z Tolerance parameter of this tool .
 void setAbsoluteZMax(double absoluteZMax)
          Sets the Absolute Z Maximum parameter of this tool .
 void setAbsoluteZMin(double absoluteZMin)
          Sets the Absolute Z Minimum parameter of this tool .
 void setApplyComparisonFilter(String applyComparisonFilter)
          Sets the Apply Comparison Filter parameter of this tool .
 void setApplyHardLimit(String applyHardLimit)
          Sets the Apply Hard Limit parameter of this tool .
 void setExceedToleranceRatio(double exceedToleranceRatio)
          Sets the Exceed Tolerance Ratio parameter of this tool .
 void setInSurface(Object inSurface)
          Sets the Input Surface parameter of this tool .
 void setOutFeatureClass(Object outFeatureClass)
          Sets the Output Feature Class parameter of this tool .
 void setOutlierCap(int outlierCap)
          Sets the Outlier Cap parameter of this tool .
 void setSlopeTolerance(double slopeTolerance)
          Sets the Slope Tolerance parameter of this tool .
 void setZTolerance(double zTolerance)
          Sets the Z Tolerance parameter of this tool .
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
getParameterValues, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LocateOutliers()
Creates the Locate Outliers tool with defaults.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the default values specified when the tool was created.


public LocateOutliers(Object inSurface,
                      Object outFeatureClass)
Creates the Locate Outliers tool with the required parameters.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the values as specified for the required parameters and with the default values for the other parameters.

inSurface - the input TIN or terrain dataset.
outFeatureClass - the output feature class.
Method Detail


public Object getInSurface()
Returns the Input Surface parameter of this tool . This parameter is the input TIN or terrain dataset. This is a required parameter.

the Input Surface


public void setInSurface(Object inSurface)
Sets the Input Surface parameter of this tool . This parameter is the input TIN or terrain dataset. This is a required parameter.

inSurface - the input TIN or terrain dataset.


public Object getOutFeatureClass()
Returns the Output Feature Class parameter of this tool . This parameter is the output feature class. This is a required parameter.

the Output Feature Class


public void setOutFeatureClass(Object outFeatureClass)
Sets the Output Feature Class parameter of this tool . This parameter is the output feature class. This is a required parameter.

outFeatureClass - the output feature class.


public String getApplyHardLimit()
Returns the Apply Hard Limit parameter of this tool . This parameter is whether to use the absolute Z minimum and maximum to find outliers. This is an optional parameter.

the Apply Hard Limit


public void setApplyHardLimit(String applyHardLimit)
Sets the Apply Hard Limit parameter of this tool . This parameter is whether to use the absolute Z minimum and maximum to find outliers. This is an optional parameter.

applyHardLimit - whether to use the absolute Z minimum and maximum to find outliers.


public double getAbsoluteZMin()
Returns the Absolute Z Minimum parameter of this tool . This parameter is if hard limits are applied, then any point with an elevation below this value will be considered as being an outlier. The default is 0. This is an optional parameter.

the Absolute Z Minimum


public void setAbsoluteZMin(double absoluteZMin)
Sets the Absolute Z Minimum parameter of this tool . This parameter is if hard limits are applied, then any point with an elevation below this value will be considered as being an outlier. The default is 0. This is an optional parameter.

absoluteZMin - if hard limits are applied, then any point with an elevation below this value will be considered as being an outlier. The default is 0.


public double getAbsoluteZMax()
Returns the Absolute Z Maximum parameter of this tool . This parameter is if hard limits are applied, then any point with an elevation above this value will be considered as being an outlier. The default is 0. This is an optional parameter.

the Absolute Z Maximum


public void setAbsoluteZMax(double absoluteZMax)
Sets the Absolute Z Maximum parameter of this tool . This parameter is if hard limits are applied, then any point with an elevation above this value will be considered as being an outlier. The default is 0. This is an optional parameter.

absoluteZMax - if hard limits are applied, then any point with an elevation above this value will be considered as being an outlier. The default is 0.


public String getApplyComparisonFilter()
Returns the Apply Comparison Filter parameter of this tool . This parameter is the comparison filter consists of three parameters for assessing the points to determine if they are outliers—whether to use the following three parameters (Z Tolerance, Slope Tolerance, and Exceed Tolerance Ratio) in assessing points. This is an optional parameter.

the Apply Comparison Filter


public void setApplyComparisonFilter(String applyComparisonFilter)
Sets the Apply Comparison Filter parameter of this tool . This parameter is the comparison filter consists of three parameters for assessing the points to determine if they are outliers—whether to use the following three parameters (Z Tolerance, Slope Tolerance, and Exceed Tolerance Ratio) in assessing points. This is an optional parameter.

applyComparisonFilter - the comparison filter consists of three parameters for assessing the points to determine if they are outliers—whether to use the following three parameters (Z Tolerance, Slope Tolerance, and Exceed Tolerance Ratio) in assessing points.


public double getZTolerance()
Returns the Z Tolerance parameter of this tool . This parameter is used to compare Z values of neighboring points, if the comparison filter is applied. The default is 0. This is an optional parameter.

the Z Tolerance


public void setZTolerance(double zTolerance)
Sets the Z Tolerance parameter of this tool . This parameter is used to compare Z values of neighboring points, if the comparison filter is applied. The default is 0. This is an optional parameter.

zTolerance - used to compare Z values of neighboring points, if the comparison filter is applied. The default is 0.


public double getSlopeTolerance()
Returns the Slope Tolerance parameter of this tool . This parameter is the slope threshold between consecutive points. Expressed as a percentage. The default is 150. This is an optional parameter.

the Slope Tolerance


public void setSlopeTolerance(double slopeTolerance)
Sets the Slope Tolerance parameter of this tool . This parameter is the slope threshold between consecutive points. Expressed as a percentage. The default is 150. This is an optional parameter.

slopeTolerance - the slope threshold between consecutive points. Expressed as a percentage. The default is 150.


public double getExceedToleranceRatio()
Returns the Exceed Tolerance Ratio parameter of this tool . This parameter is the maximum tolerance. The default is 0.5. This is an optional parameter.

the Exceed Tolerance Ratio


public void setExceedToleranceRatio(double exceedToleranceRatio)
Sets the Exceed Tolerance Ratio parameter of this tool . This parameter is the maximum tolerance. The default is 0.5. This is an optional parameter.

exceedToleranceRatio - the maximum tolerance. The default is 0.5.


public int getOutlierCap()
Returns the Outlier Cap parameter of this tool . This parameter is the maximum number of outlier points that have been output. Once this value is reached no further outliers are sought. The default is 2500. This is an optional parameter.

the Outlier Cap


public void setOutlierCap(int outlierCap)
Sets the Outlier Cap parameter of this tool . This parameter is the maximum number of outlier points that have been output. Once this value is reached no further outliers are sought. The default is 2500. This is an optional parameter.

outlierCap - the maximum number of outlier points that have been output. Once this value is reached no further outliers are sought. The default is 2500.


public String getToolName()
Returns the name of this tool.

the tool name


public String getToolboxName()
Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box name


public String getToolboxAlias()
Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box alias