Interface esriSpatialRelationEnum

All Superinterfaces:

public interface esriSpatialRelationEnum
extends Serializable

Spatial relationship types - includes those defined by the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification For OLE/COM, Revision 1.1


Used by methods on IRelationalOperatorNxM and by methods on IGeometryServer. esriGeometrySpatialRelation is an enumeration used by the web services interface for the Geometry Server and is a synonym for this enumeration.
Name Description
esriSpatialRelationDisjoint Same as IRelationalOperator::Disjoint. The zero-based index of a geometry from pInGA1 and the zero-based index of a geometry from pInGA2 define an element of the output array of relation results if the geometries are completely separate from each other. See IRelationalOperator_Disjoint for some examples of the disjoint relation. There are no additional restrictions on the types of geometries in the input arrays.
esriSpatialRelationIntersection The opposide of esriSpatialRelationDisjoint. An element of the output array will specify the indexes of geometries from the input arrays if they share some point in the xy plane. There are no additional restrictions on the types of geometries in the input arrays.
esriSpatialRelationInteriorIntersection Same as esriSpatialRelationIntersection, but excludes intersections that occur only at boundaries (two touching polygons for example). The interior of a point is considered to be the point itself and the interior of a polyline excludes the endpoints of all its parts. There are no additional restrictions on the types of geometries in the input arrays. (check this)
esriSpatialRelationIn, esriSpatialRelationWithin These relations are similar. esriSpatialRelationIn is the same as IRelationalOperator::Within. esriSpatialRelationWithin also allows polylines that are strictly on the boundaries of polygons to be considered “in” the polygon. This case is disallowed by the former relation (and disallowed by IRelationalOperator::Within). The dimension of all geometries in pInGA1 must be > = the dimension of geometries in pInGA2.

esriSpatialRelationPointTouch, esriSpatialRelationLineTouch, esriSpatialRelationTouch

esriSpatialRelationPointTouch and esriSpatialRelationLineTouch are boundary intersectionsclassified by dimension of intersection. esriSpatialRelationTouch is the union of those two and is equivalent to the ArcObjects IRelationalOperator Touch method.

These relations are defined for polylines and polygons.

esriSpatialRelationLineCoincidence The boundaries of the shapes must share a 1D intersection, but the relationship between the interiors of the shapes is not considered (they could overlap, one could be contained in the other, or their interiors could be disjoint). This relation applies to polylines and polygons.
esriSpatialRelationCross Same as the ArcObjects IRelationalOperator::Cross method. Lines can cross other lines at a point and lines can cross polygons. See IRelationalOperator_Crosses for examples.
esriSpatialRelationRelation 'param' defines the 'Shape Comparison Language' string to be evaluated. Strings such as ’FFFTTT***' are accepted, in addition to other kinds of strings. See the following EDN topic for more details on the Shape Comparison Language.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Field Summary
static int esriSpatialRelationCross
          The interiors of two lines intersect in a point, or the interiors of a line and polygon intersect in a line.
static int esriSpatialRelationDisjoint
static int esriSpatialRelationIn
          OpenGIS relationship 'in' - disallows polyline on boundary of polygon.
static int esriSpatialRelationInteriorIntersection
          Intersection excluding boundary touch
static int esriSpatialRelationIntersection
          Interior intersection or boundary touch, same as 'not disjoint'.
static int esriSpatialRelationLineCoincidence
          Boundary intersection is of dimension one.
static int esriSpatialRelationLineTouch
          Boundary intersection is of dimension one and interiors are disjoint.
static int esriSpatialRelationOverlap
          Two lines share a common sub-line, or two areas share a common sub-area.
static int esriSpatialRelationPointTouch
          Boundary intersection is of dimension zero and interiors are disjoint.
static int esriSpatialRelationRelation
          Allows specification of any relationship in the Dimension Extended Nine Intersection Model.
static int esriSpatialRelationTouch
          Point-touch or line-touch (OpenGIS touch relationship).
static int esriSpatialRelationWithin
          Same as esriSpatialRelationIn; but in addition, geometry can be on boundary.

Field Detail


static final int esriSpatialRelationDisjoint

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int esriSpatialRelationIntersection
Interior intersection or boundary touch, same as 'not disjoint'.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int esriSpatialRelationInteriorIntersection
Intersection excluding boundary touch

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int esriSpatialRelationIn
OpenGIS relationship 'in' - disallows polyline on boundary of polygon.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int esriSpatialRelationWithin
Same as esriSpatialRelationIn; but in addition, geometry can be on boundary.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int esriSpatialRelationPointTouch
Boundary intersection is of dimension zero and interiors are disjoint.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int esriSpatialRelationLineTouch
Boundary intersection is of dimension one and interiors are disjoint.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int esriSpatialRelationTouch
Point-touch or line-touch (OpenGIS touch relationship).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int esriSpatialRelationLineCoincidence
Boundary intersection is of dimension one. Interiors may or may not intersect.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int esriSpatialRelationCross
The interiors of two lines intersect in a point, or the interiors of a line and polygon intersect in a line.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int esriSpatialRelationOverlap
Two lines share a common sub-line, or two areas share a common sub-area.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int esriSpatialRelationRelation
Allows specification of any relationship in the Dimension Extended Nine Intersection Model.

See Also:
Constant Field Values