public class IDynamicSurface3Proxy
Provides access to members that utilize Terrain surfaces.
Field Summary | |
boolean |
Fields inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.interop.Dispatch |
Constructor Summary | |
IDynamicSurface3Proxy(Object obj)
protected |
IDynamicSurface3Proxy(Object obj,
String iid)
Method Summary | |
void |
addListener(String iidStr,
Object theListener,
Object theSource)
void |
contour(IEnvelope pAOI,
double resolution,
double referenceContourHeight,
double interval,
String elevationFieldName,
int indexContourFactor,
String indexContourFieldName,
int digitsAfterDecimalPoint,
IFeatureClass pOutFeatureClass,
ITrackCancel pTrackCancel)
Generate contours of the terrain surface based on a root value and an interval. |
void |
contourList(IEnvelope pAOI,
double resolution,
IDoubleArray pBreaks,
IFeatureClass pOutFeatureClass,
String fieldName,
int digitsAfterDecimalPoint,
ITrackCancel pTrackCancel)
Generate contours of the terrain surface. |
void |
convertToExtent(int rowBegin,
int rowEnd,
int colBegin,
int colEnd,
IEnvelope[] ppExtent)
Create terrain block cursor. |
void |
createBlockCursor(IGeometry pAOI,
double resolution,
boolean bSingleTileOnly,
ITrackCancel pTrackCancel,
ITerrainBlockCursor[] pCursor)
Create terrain block cursor. |
double |
The profile weeding tolerance. |
void |
getVolumeAndArea(IGeometry pAOI,
double resolution,
double reference,
int type,
ITrackCancel pTrackCancel,
boolean[] pbIsOutsideDataArea,
Object[] pVolume,
Object[] pSurfaceArea,
Object[] pProjectedArea)
Returns volume and/or area above or below an input z value. |
double |
Multiplication factor applied to all z values to provide unit-congruency between coordinate components. |
void |
intersect(IGeometry pAOI,
double resolution,
Object pReferenceSurface,
double referenceRsolution,
boolean bReverse,
IFeatureClass pOutFeatureClass,
String volumeFieldName,
String surfaceAreaFieldName,
String codeFieldName,
ITrackCancel pTrackCancel)
Intersect with another surface. |
void |
removeListener(String iidStr,
Object theListener)
void |
setProfileWeedTolerance(double pTolerance)
The profile weeding tolerance. |
void |
setZFactor(double pFactor)
Multiplication factor applied to all z values to provide unit-congruency between coordinate components. |
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geodatabaseextensions.IDynamicSurface2Proxy |
getLineOfSight, getLineOfSightFeatureCursor, getTileBasedDataArea, interpolateFeatureClass, interpolateFeatureClassVertices, interpolateFeatureCursor, interpolateFeatureCursorVertices, interpolateShape, interpolateShapeVertices, isCanDoCurvature, isMinimizeResourceUsage, isRefineBoundaryMatching, setMinimizeResourceUsage, setRefineBoundaryMatching |
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geodatabaseextensions.IDynamicSurfaceProxy |
getRasterBlockSize, getTerrain, getTin, queryAsFeatureClass, queryRaster, setRasterBlockSize |
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.interop.Dispatch |
bindUsingMoniker, constructVtblPosTable, convertToNative, cookieForListener, createDispatch, createObjrefMonikerDisplayName, equals, getActiveObject, getActiveObject, getDefaultProperty, getDispatchIdOfName, getLastErrorCode, getMtsObjectContext, getObjRef, getPropertyByName, getPropertyByName, getVtblPos, hashCode, initDispatch, invoke, invokeMethodByName, invokeMethodByName, invokeMethodByName, invokePropertyGetByName, invokePropertyPutByName, invokePropertyPutByRefByName, isNativeMode, isObjRef, optimizedVtblInvoke, queryInterface, readExternal, release, setNativeMode, setPropertyByName, toString, vtblInvoke, writeExternal |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
Methods inherited from interface com.esri.arcgis.geodatabaseextensions.IDynamicSurface2 |
getLineOfSight, getLineOfSightFeatureCursor, getTileBasedDataArea, interpolateFeatureClass, interpolateFeatureClassVertices, interpolateFeatureCursor, interpolateFeatureCursorVertices, interpolateShape, interpolateShapeVertices, isCanDoCurvature, isMinimizeResourceUsage, isRefineBoundaryMatching, setMinimizeResourceUsage, setRefineBoundaryMatching |
Methods inherited from interface com.esri.arcgis.geodatabaseextensions.IDynamicSurface |
getRasterBlockSize, getTerrain, getTin, queryAsFeatureClass, queryRaster, setRasterBlockSize |
Field Detail |
public boolean noncastable
Constructor Detail |
public IDynamicSurface3Proxy()
public IDynamicSurface3Proxy(Object obj) throws IOException
protected IDynamicSurface3Proxy(Object obj, String iid) throws IOException
Method Detail |
public void addListener(String iidStr, Object theListener, Object theSource) throws IOException
in class IDynamicSurface2Proxy
public void removeListener(String iidStr, Object theListener) throws IOException
in class IDynamicSurface2Proxy
public void createBlockCursor(IGeometry pAOI, double resolution, boolean bSingleTileOnly, ITrackCancel pTrackCancel, ITerrainBlockCursor[] pCursor) throws IOException, AutomationException
Creates a terrain block cursor based on the desired area of intereset (AOI) and pyramid resolution.
pAOI represents the area that needs to be included in the cursors process. It can be an envelope, polygon, or NULL. If NULL, the full extent of the terrain will be used.
Resolution specifies which pyramid level to use when generating blocks.
bSingleTileOnly controls whether blocks are strictly defined only from individual tiles (one tile, one block) or if they can be aggregates, made from multiple tiles. Usually, blocks are aggregates, comprised of multiple tiles. Generally, aggregation is more efficient and should be used but some applications may require strict tile based granularity of blocks. If that's the case, set this to TRUE. A value of FALSE means blocks are allowed to be aggregated. This does not guarantee they will be but can be depending on several variables (i.e., value of MinimizeResourceUsage, availability of memory, amount of data in tiles under consideration for aggregation).
pTrackCancel is a reference to a CancelTracker to support progress reporting and the ability to halt the process. To bypass this feature pass a NULL pointer.
pCursor is the returned TerrainBlockCursor.
This method honors setting for MinimizeResourceUsage. If MinimizeResourceUsage is TRUE, then each block will be a single tile regardless of the setting for bSingleTileOnly.
in interface IDynamicSurface3
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IGeometry (in)resolution
- The resolution (in)bSingleTileOnly
- The bSingleTileOnly (in)pTrackCancel
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ITrackCancel (in)pCursor
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabaseextensions.ITerrainBlockCursor (out: use single element array)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void convertToExtent(int rowBegin, int rowEnd, int colBegin, int colEnd, IEnvelope[] ppExtent) throws IOException, AutomationException
Returns the envelope covering the XY extent of the terrain tiles given by row and column. See ITerrain.QueryTileInfo for more information on the terrain tile system.
in interface IDynamicSurface3
- The rowBegin (in)rowEnd
- The rowEnd (in)colBegin
- The colBegin (in)colEnd
- The colEnd (in)ppExtent
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IEnvelope (out: use single element array)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void contourList(IEnvelope pAOI, double resolution, IDoubleArray pBreaks, IFeatureClass pOutFeatureClass, String fieldName, int digitsAfterDecimalPoint, ITrackCancel pTrackCancel) throws IOException, AutomationException
Generates contours at specified heights.
pAOI is the area of interest. This is the area that will be contoured. Pass a NULL pointer if you want the entire terrain to be contoured.
Resolution is used to indicate which pyramid level of the surface to use. This should match the resolution of an existing pyramid level. If there's not an exact match the next smaller resolution level (more detailed) that's actually in the terrain will be used.
pBreaks is an array containing the heights of the desired contours.
pOutFeatureClass is the target 2D polyline feature class where the contours will be written.
FieldName is the name of the field where the height for each contour is written. The field type can be long or double. If it's a long, the digitsAfterDecimalPoint parameter must be 0.
digitsAfterDecimalPoint controls the way contour heights are treated when the contour field type is a double. Use this to round to the nearest decimal. A zero must be used if the elevation field type is long.
pTrackCancel is a reference to a CancelTracker to support progress reporting and the ability to halt the process. To bypass this feature pass a NULL pointer.
The height field must be type double.
Local pits at same height of contour may result in degenerate contours. Find and eliminate searching for 0 length lines in the resulting feature class.
This method honors setting for MinimizeResourceUsage.
in interface IDynamicSurface3
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IEnvelope (in)resolution
- The resolution (in)pBreaks
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IDoubleArray (in)pOutFeatureClass
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IFeatureClass (in)fieldName
- The fieldName (in)digitsAfterDecimalPoint
- The digitsAfterDecimalPoint (in)pTrackCancel
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ITrackCancel (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void contour(IEnvelope pAOI, double resolution, double referenceContourHeight, double interval, String elevationFieldName, int indexContourFactor, String indexContourFieldName, int digitsAfterDecimalPoint, IFeatureClass pOutFeatureClass, ITrackCancel pTrackCancel) throws IOException, AutomationException
Generates contours from the terrain writing the output to a feature class.
pAOI is the area of interest. This is the area that will be contoured. Pass a NULL pointer if you want the entire terrain to be contoured.
Resolution is used to indicate which pyramid level of the surface to use. This should match the resolution of an existing pyramid level. If there's not an exact match the next smaller resolution level (more detailed) that's actually in the terrain will be used.
referenceHeight and interval are used together to determine what contours are made. The referenceHeight is a starting point from which you add and subtract the interval. This gives you a set of values that go on forever in both positive and negative directions (...-10, -5, 0, 5, 10,...). The contours that actually get created are those that belong to this set and are also within the z range of the surface. The referenceHeight used by most applications is 0.0. A non-zero value acts as an offset. For example a root of 1.0 and interval of 5 used on a surface with a z range between 100 and 120 will yield contours with heights at 101, 106, 111, and 116.
elevationFieldName is the name of the field that contour heights will be written to. The field can already exist in pOutFeatureClass or you can rely on the method to add the field which it will do if it doesn't find it. If it's created ahead of time, which is recomended, make sure the field type is long or double.
indexContourFactor is the multiple used to flag special contours for the sake of cartographic embellishment. Typically, topographic maps draw every 5th contour in a thicker line symbol so the map is easier to read. To replicate that provide a factor of 5. The determination of 'nth contour' is made relative to the referenceHeight.
indexContourFieldName is the name of the field used distinguish regular contours from index contours. Regular contours are assigned a value of 0. Index contours a value of 1. The field can already exist in pOutFeatureClass or you can rely on the method to add the field which it will do if it doesn't find it. If it's created ahead of time, which is recomended, make sure the field type is small integer or integer.
digitsAfterDecimal is used to define the output field type and number of decimal places for the output elevation field if this method creates the field. If the field already exists digitsAfterDecimal is ignored. Otherwise, the field will be created. If digitsAfterDecimal is 0 the field type will be a long. A non-zero value will result in a field type of double. If the output feature class is a shapefile or resides in an SDE geodatabase the number of decimal places will be set to digitsAfterDecimal. It's not used for file and personal geodatabases since these do not support the property. See field 'scale' for more information.
pOutFeatureClass is the target 2D polyline feature class where the contours will be written.
pTrackCancel is a reference to a CancelTracker to support progress reporting and the ability to halt the process. To bypass this feature pass a NULL pointer.
While this method will add fields if they don't already exist it's best to add them first. This gives you the opportunity to place the feature class into LoadOnly mode (if not a shapefile) before calling the method. It's not recommended for anything to be adding fields while in LoadOnly mode.
The index contour field must be type SmallInteger or Integer.
Local pits at same height of contour may result in degenerate contours. Find and eliminate searching for 0 length lines in the resulting feature class.
This method honors the setting for MinimizeResourceUsage.
in interface IDynamicSurface3
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IEnvelope (in)resolution
- The resolution (in)referenceContourHeight
- The referenceContourHeight (in)interval
- The interval (in)elevationFieldName
- The elevationFieldName (in)indexContourFactor
- The indexContourFactor (in)indexContourFieldName
- The indexContourFieldName (in)digitsAfterDecimalPoint
- The digitsAfterDecimalPoint (in)pOutFeatureClass
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IFeatureClass (in)pTrackCancel
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ITrackCancel (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void getVolumeAndArea(IGeometry pAOI, double resolution, double reference, int type, ITrackCancel pTrackCancel, boolean[] pbIsOutsideDataArea, Object[] pVolume, Object[] pSurfaceArea, Object[] pProjectedArea) throws IOException, AutomationException
Returns the volume and/or area that falls between the surface and a plane of a given height. Values can be calculated using the entire surface or using only that portion within an envelope or polygon.
pAOI is the area of interest. It can be set to NULL (nOthing in VB), in which case the entire surface is considered. It can also be set to either an envelope or polygon. These limit that calculation to a given area.
Resolution is used to indicate which pyramid level of the surface to use. This should match the resolution of an existing pyramid level. If there's not an exact match the next highest level that's actually in the terrain will be used.
Reference is the height, or z value, of the plane the calculation will be relative to.
Type is used to control whether the calculation is made for the area below the plane and the top side of the surface or above the plane and the bottom of the surface.
pTrackCancel is a reference to a CancelTracker and permits the user to interrupt the process. You can pass NULL (Nothing in VB) to bypass this functioanlity.
pVolume is an optional output. If used, it should be specified with a double. The volume represents the cubic area between the plane and the surface. You control if it's the volume below the plane and the top of the surface or the above the plane and the underside of the surface via the Type parameter. If you're not interested in volume you can avoid computational effort by omitting this.
pSurfaceArea is an optional output. If used, it should be specified with a double. The surface area is the area of the surface, taking slope into consideration, that, depending on the setting of the Type parameter, is either underneath or above the given plane. Surface area is always greater than projected area unless the surface is flat. If you're not interested in surface area you can avoid computational effort by omitting this.
pProjectedArea is an optional output. If used, it should be specified with a double. The area is the 2D portion of the surface that, depending on the setting of the Type parameter, is either underneath or above the given plane. Projected area is always less than surface area unless the surface is flat. If you're not interested in area you can avoid computational effort by omitting this.
in interface IDynamicSurface3
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IGeometry (in)resolution
- The resolution (in)reference
- The reference (in)type
- A com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.esriPlaneReferenceType constant (in)pTrackCancel
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ITrackCancel (in)pbIsOutsideDataArea
- The pbIsOutsideDataArea (out: use single element array)pVolume
- A Variant (in/out: use single element array, optional, pass single element of null if not required)pSurfaceArea
- A Variant (in/out: use single element array, optional, pass single element of null if not required)pProjectedArea
- A Variant (in/out: use single element array, optional, pass single element of null if not required)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void intersect(IGeometry pAOI, double resolution, Object pReferenceSurface, double referenceRsolution, boolean bReverse, IFeatureClass pOutFeatureClass, String volumeFieldName, String surfaceAreaFieldName, String codeFieldName, ITrackCancel pTrackCancel) throws IOException, AutomationException
Calculates the geometric intersection and difference between two surfaces. The output is a polygon feature class. Each polygon represents a contiguous region where the terrain is either above, below, or equal in height to the reference surface. The volumetric difference, surface area of the terrain, and code indicating the above, below, or equal status is written as attribution for each output polygon.
pAOI is a reference to an envelope or polygon that defines the area of interest. The common area between both surfaces and pAOI with be processed.
Resolution indicates which pyramid level to use for the dynamic surface in the calculation. Provide the resolution of the desired pyramid level. If there isn't an exact match between the provided resolution and those of any pyramid levels in the terrain the next most detailed one in the terrain will be used.
pReferenceSurface is either a DynamicSurface (i.e., made from a terrain dataset via ITerrain.CreateDynamicSurface) or TIN. This is the other surface used in the intersection. Output polygon attribution for above, below, and equal are relative to the reference surface.
referenceResolution indicates which pyramid level to use for the reference surface when that surface is a terrain. Provide the resolution of the desired pyramid level. If there isn't an exact match between the provided resolution and those of any pyramid levels in the terrain the next most detailed one in the terrain will be used.
bReverse, when set to TRUE, will swap the reference surface with this surface. That means output codes for above and below will be inverted and the surface area will be based on the other surface.
pOutFeatureClass is the target polygon feature class. It is 2D (not z-aware) and should contain three fields to hold output attribution. The fields for volume and surface area should be doubles and the code field an integer.
volumeFieldName is the name of an existing field into which values for volume will be placed.
surfaceAreaFieldName is the name of an existing field into which values for surface area will be placed.
codeFieldName is the name of an existing field into which values for above (1), below (-1), and equal (0), will be placed.
pTrackCancel is a reference to a CancelTracker to support progress reporting and the ability to halt the process. To bypass this feature pass a NULL pointer.
in interface IDynamicSurface3
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IGeometry (in)resolution
- The resolution (in)pReferenceSurface
- A reference to another Object (IUnknown) (in)referenceRsolution
- The referenceRsolution (in)bReverse
- The bReverse (in)pOutFeatureClass
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IFeatureClass (in)volumeFieldName
- The volumeFieldName (in)surfaceAreaFieldName
- The surfaceAreaFieldName (in)codeFieldName
- The codeFieldName (in)pTrackCancel
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.ITrackCancel (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void setProfileWeedTolerance(double pTolerance) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IDynamicSurface3
- The pTolerance (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public double getProfileWeedTolerance() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IDynamicSurface3
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public double getZFactor() throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IDynamicSurface3
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void setZFactor(double pFactor) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IDynamicSurface3
- The pFactor (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.