Class DERelationshipClass

  extended by com.esri.arcgisws.DataElement
      extended by com.esri.arcgisws.DEDataset
          extended by com.esri.arcgisws.DETable
              extended by com.esri.arcgisws.DERelationshipClass
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DERelationshipClass
extends DETable
implements Serializable

Relationship Class Data Element object.

Java class for DERelationshipClass complex type.

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

 <complexType name="DERelationshipClass">
     <extension base="{}DETable">
         <element name="Cardinality" type="{}esriRelCardinality"/>
         <element name="Notification" type="{}esriRelNotification"/>
         <element name="IsAttributed" type="{}boolean"/>
         <element name="IsComposite" type="{}boolean"/>
         <element name="OriginClassNames" type="{}Names"/>
         <element name="DestinationClassNames" type="{}Names"/>
         <element name="KeyType" type="{}esriRelKeyType"/>
         <element name="ClassKey" type="{}esriRelClassKey"/>
         <element name="ForwardPathLabel" type="{}string"/>
         <element name="BackwardPathLabel" type="{}string"/>
         <element name="IsReflexive" type="{}boolean"/>
         <element name="OriginClassKeys" type="{}ArrayOfRelationshipClassKey"/>
         <element name="DestinationClassKeys" type="{}ArrayOfRelationshipClassKey" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="RelationshipRules" type="{}ArrayOfRelationshipRule"/>
         <element name="IsAttachmentRelationship" type="{}boolean"/>
Relationship Class Data Element object.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          DERelationshipClass default constructor.
DERelationshipClass(String catalogPath, String name, Boolean childrenExpanded, Boolean fullPropsRetrieved, Boolean metadataRetrieved, XmlPropertySet metadata, DataElement[] children, EsriDatasetType datasetType, Integer dsid, Boolean versioned, Boolean canVersion, String configurationKeyword, boolean hasOID, String oidFieldName, Fields fields, Indexes indexes, String clsid, String extclsid, String[] relationshipClassNames, String aliasName, String modelName, Boolean hasGlobalID, String globalIDFieldName, String rasterFieldName, PropertySet extensionProperties, String subtypeFieldName, Integer defaultSubtypeCode, Subtype[] subtypes, ControllerMembership[] controllerMemberships, EsriRelCardinality cardinality, EsriRelNotification notification, boolean isAttributed, boolean isComposite, String[] originClassNames, String[] destinationClassNames, EsriRelKeyType keyType, EsriRelClassKey classKey, String forwardPathLabel, String backwardPathLabel, boolean isReflexive, RelationshipClassKey[] originClassKeys, RelationshipClassKey[] destinationClassKeys, RelationshipRule[] relationshipRules, boolean isAttachmentRelationship)
Method Summary
 String getBackwardPathLabel()
          The backward path label for the relationship class.
 EsriRelCardinality getCardinality()
          The cardinality for the relationship class.
 EsriRelClassKey getClassKey()
          Class key used for the relationship class (Undefined, ClassID or Class Code).
 RelationshipClassKey[] getDestinationClassKeys()
          An array with the relationship class keys (IGPRelationshipClassKey) of the destination classes.
 String[] getDestinationClassNames()
          The names of the destination classes.
 String getForwardPathLabel()
          The forward path label for the relationship class.
 EsriRelKeyType getKeyType()
          Key type for the relationship class (Dual or Single).
 EsriRelNotification getNotification()
          The notification direction for the relationship class.
 RelationshipClassKey[] getOriginClassKeys()
          An array with the relationship class keys (IGPRelationshipClassKey) of the origin classes.
 String[] getOriginClassNames()
          The names of the origin classes.
 RelationshipRule[] getRelationshipRules()
          The relationship rules that apply to this relationship class.
 boolean isIsAttachmentRelationship()
          Indicates if the relationship class represents a table attachment.
 boolean isIsAttributed()
          Indicates if the relationships in this relationship class have attributes.
 boolean isIsComposite()
          Indicates if the relationship class represents a composite relationship in which the origin object class represents the composite object.
 boolean isIsReflexive()
          Indicates if origin and destination sets intersect.
 void setBackwardPathLabel(String value)
          The backward path label for the relationship class.
 void setCardinality(EsriRelCardinality value)
          The cardinality for the relationship class.
 void setClassKey(EsriRelClassKey value)
          Class key used for the relationship class (Undefined, ClassID or Class Code).
 void setDestinationClassKeys(RelationshipClassKey[] value)
          An array with the relationship class keys (IGPRelationshipClassKey) of the destination classes.
 void setDestinationClassNames(String[] value)
          The names of the destination classes.
 void setForwardPathLabel(String value)
          The forward path label for the relationship class.
 void setIsAttachmentRelationship(boolean value)
          Indicates if the relationship class represents a table attachment.
 void setIsAttributed(boolean value)
          Indicates if the relationships in this relationship class have attributes.
 void setIsComposite(boolean value)
          Indicates if the relationship class represents a composite relationship in which the origin object class represents the composite object.
 void setIsReflexive(boolean value)
          Indicates if origin and destination sets intersect.
 void setKeyType(EsriRelKeyType value)
          Key type for the relationship class (Dual or Single).
 void setNotification(EsriRelNotification value)
          The notification direction for the relationship class.
 void setOriginClassKeys(RelationshipClassKey[] value)
          An array with the relationship class keys (IGPRelationshipClassKey) of the origin classes.
 void setOriginClassNames(String[] value)
          The names of the origin classes.
 void setRelationshipRules(RelationshipRule[] value)
          The relationship rules that apply to this relationship class.
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgisws.DETable
getAliasName, getCLSID, getControllerMemberships, getDefaultSubtypeCode, getEXTCLSID, getExtensionProperties, getFields, getGlobalIDFieldName, getHasGlobalID, getIndexes, getModelName, getOIDFieldName, getRasterFieldName, getRelationshipClassNames, getSubtypeFieldName, getSubtypes, isHasGlobalID, isHasOID, setAliasName, setCLSID, setControllerMemberships, setDefaultSubtypeCode, setEXTCLSID, setExtensionProperties, setFields, setGlobalIDFieldName, setHasGlobalID, setHasOID, setIndexes, setModelName, setOIDFieldName, setRasterFieldName, setRelationshipClassNames, setSubtypeFieldName, setSubtypes
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgisws.DEDataset
getCanVersion, getConfigurationKeyword, getDatasetType, getDSID, getVersioned, isCanVersion, isVersioned, setCanVersion, setConfigurationKeyword, setDatasetType, setDSID, setVersioned
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgisws.DataElement
getCatalogPath, getChildren, getChildrenExpanded, getFullPropsRetrieved, getMetadata, getMetadataRetrieved, getName, isChildrenExpanded, isFullPropsRetrieved, isMetadataRetrieved, setCatalogPath, setChildren, setChildrenExpanded, setFullPropsRetrieved, setMetadata, setMetadataRetrieved, setName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DERelationshipClass(String catalogPath,
                                      String name,
                                      Boolean childrenExpanded,
                                      Boolean fullPropsRetrieved,
                                      Boolean metadataRetrieved,
                                      XmlPropertySet metadata,
                                      DataElement[] children,
                                      EsriDatasetType datasetType,
                                      Integer dsid,
                                      Boolean versioned,
                                      Boolean canVersion,
                                      String configurationKeyword,
                                      boolean hasOID,
                                      String oidFieldName,
                                      Fields fields,
                                      Indexes indexes,
                                      String clsid,
                                      String extclsid,
                                      String[] relationshipClassNames,
                                      String aliasName,
                                      String modelName,
                                      Boolean hasGlobalID,
                                      String globalIDFieldName,
                                      String rasterFieldName,
                                      PropertySet extensionProperties,
                                      String subtypeFieldName,
                                      Integer defaultSubtypeCode,
                                      Subtype[] subtypes,
                                      ControllerMembership[] controllerMemberships,
                                      EsriRelCardinality cardinality,
                                      EsriRelNotification notification,
                                      boolean isAttributed,
                                      boolean isComposite,
                                      String[] originClassNames,
                                      String[] destinationClassNames,
                                      EsriRelKeyType keyType,
                                      EsriRelClassKey classKey,
                                      String forwardPathLabel,
                                      String backwardPathLabel,
                                      boolean isReflexive,
                                      RelationshipClassKey[] originClassKeys,
                                      RelationshipClassKey[] destinationClassKeys,
                                      RelationshipRule[] relationshipRules,
                                      boolean isAttachmentRelationship)

DERelationshipClass constructor.


public DERelationshipClass()
DERelationshipClass default constructor.

Method Detail


public EsriRelCardinality getCardinality()
The cardinality for the relationship class. Gets the value of the cardinality property.

possible object is EsriRelCardinality


public void setCardinality(EsriRelCardinality value)
The cardinality for the relationship class. Sets the value of the cardinality property.

value - allowed object is EsriRelCardinality


public EsriRelNotification getNotification()
The notification direction for the relationship class. Gets the value of the notification property.

possible object is EsriRelNotification


public void setNotification(EsriRelNotification value)
The notification direction for the relationship class. Sets the value of the notification property.

value - allowed object is EsriRelNotification


public boolean isIsAttributed()
Indicates if the relationships in this relationship class have attributes. Gets the value of the isAttributed property.


public void setIsAttributed(boolean value)
Indicates if the relationships in this relationship class have attributes. Sets the value of the isAttributed property.


public boolean isIsComposite()
Indicates if the relationship class represents a composite relationship in which the origin object class represents the composite object. Gets the value of the isComposite property.


public void setIsComposite(boolean value)
Indicates if the relationship class represents a composite relationship in which the origin object class represents the composite object. Sets the value of the isComposite property.


public String[] getOriginClassNames()
The names of the origin classes. Gets the value of the originClassNames property.

possible object is []


public void setOriginClassNames(String[] value)
The names of the origin classes. Sets the value of the originClassNames property.

value - allowed object is []


public String[] getDestinationClassNames()
The names of the destination classes. Gets the value of the destinationClassNames property.

possible object is []


public void setDestinationClassNames(String[] value)
The names of the destination classes. Sets the value of the destinationClassNames property.

value - allowed object is []


public EsriRelKeyType getKeyType()
Key type for the relationship class (Dual or Single). Gets the value of the keyType property.

possible object is EsriRelKeyType


public void setKeyType(EsriRelKeyType value)
Key type for the relationship class (Dual or Single). Sets the value of the keyType property.

value - allowed object is EsriRelKeyType


public EsriRelClassKey getClassKey()
Class key used for the relationship class (Undefined, ClassID or Class Code). Gets the value of the classKey property.

possible object is EsriRelClassKey


public void setClassKey(EsriRelClassKey value)
Class key used for the relationship class (Undefined, ClassID or Class Code). Sets the value of the classKey property.

value - allowed object is EsriRelClassKey


public String getForwardPathLabel()
The forward path label for the relationship class. Gets the value of the forwardPathLabel property.

possible object is String


public void setForwardPathLabel(String value)
The forward path label for the relationship class. Sets the value of the forwardPathLabel property.

value - allowed object is String


public String getBackwardPathLabel()
The backward path label for the relationship class. Gets the value of the backwardPathLabel property.

possible object is String


public void setBackwardPathLabel(String value)
The backward path label for the relationship class. Sets the value of the backwardPathLabel property.

value - allowed object is String


public boolean isIsReflexive()
Indicates if origin and destination sets intersect. Gets the value of the isReflexive property.


public void setIsReflexive(boolean value)
Indicates if origin and destination sets intersect. Sets the value of the isReflexive property.


public RelationshipClassKey[] getOriginClassKeys()
An array with the relationship class keys (IGPRelationshipClassKey) of the origin classes. Gets the value of the originClassKeys property.

possible object is []


public void setOriginClassKeys(RelationshipClassKey[] value)
An array with the relationship class keys (IGPRelationshipClassKey) of the origin classes. Sets the value of the originClassKeys property.

value - allowed object is []


public RelationshipClassKey[] getDestinationClassKeys()
An array with the relationship class keys (IGPRelationshipClassKey) of the destination classes. Gets the value of the destinationClassKeys property.

possible object is []


public void setDestinationClassKeys(RelationshipClassKey[] value)
An array with the relationship class keys (IGPRelationshipClassKey) of the destination classes. Sets the value of the destinationClassKeys property.

value - allowed object is []


public RelationshipRule[] getRelationshipRules()
The relationship rules that apply to this relationship class. Gets the value of the relationshipRules property.

possible object is []


public void setRelationshipRules(RelationshipRule[] value)
The relationship rules that apply to this relationship class. Sets the value of the relationshipRules property.

value - allowed object is []


public boolean isIsAttachmentRelationship()
Indicates if the relationship class represents a table attachment. Gets the value of the isAttachmentRelationship property.


public void setIsAttachmentRelationship(boolean value)
Indicates if the relationship class represents a table attachment. Sets the value of the isAttachmentRelationship property.