Package com.esri.adf.web.faces.taglib

All of the tag handler classes, which wrap the web controls, are stored in the faces.taglib package.


Class Summary
ButtonTag JSF tag for the ButtonControl.
CommandTag JSP tag for the CommandControl.
ContextTag JSP tag for the ContextControl.
MapTag JSP tag for the MapControl.
OverviewTag JSP tag for the OverviewControl.
SelectOneTag JSP tag for the SelectOneControl.
SeparatorTag JSP tag for the SeparatorControl.
TaskTag JSP tag for the TaskControl.
TocTag JSP tag for the TocControl.
ToolbarTag JSP tag for the ToolbarControl.
ToolTag JSP tag for the ToolControl.

Package com.esri.adf.web.faces.taglib Description

All of the tag handler classes, which wrap the web controls, are stored in the faces.taglib package. For example, the MapTag class exposes the functionality of the map control. These tag handler classes extend from the JSF UIComponentTag class.