Interface TocFunctionality

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AGSImageTocFunctionality, AGSTocFunctionality, AIMSTocFunctionality, GraphicsTocFunctionality, VETocFunctionality, WMSTocFunctionality

public interface TocFunctionality
extends GISFunctionality

The TocFunctionality interface is implemented by functionalities to provide a Table of Contents (TOC) for the resource. For instance, the AGSTocFunctionality provides a TOC for ArcGIS Server resources, the AIMSTocFunctionality provides a TOC for ArcIMS resources, et al.

The WebToc works with several TOC functionalities referenced by the resources by the name FUNCTIONALITY_NAME.

The TOC that each functionality generates should be structured as a tree of TocNodes. The WebToc calls the createTocHierarchy(TocNode) method on each TOC functionality when it first creates the TOC hierarchy. It passes the TocNode representing the node for the resource of the functionality to this method. The TOC functionality is reponsible for generating its content as children nodes of this resource node.

Field Summary
           The name that should be given to the TocFunctionality in order for it to be consumed by the WebToc
Method Summary
 void createTocHierarchy(TocNode parentNode)
           Creates the content hierarchy for this TOC.
Methods inherited from interface
destroyFunctionality, getResource, initFunctionality

Field Detail


static final String FUNCTIONALITY_NAME

The name that should be given to the TocFunctionality in order for it to be consumed by the WebToc

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void createTocHierarchy(TocNode parentNode)

Creates the content hierarchy for this TOC.

The content generated should be structured as a tree of TocNodes. The WebToc calls this method on each TOC functionality when it first creates the TOC hierarchy. It passes the TocNode representing the node for the resource of the functionality to this method. The TOC functionality is reponsible for generating its content as children nodes of this resource node.

parentNode - the parent TocNode for the content generated by this TOC functionality