Interface OverviewFunctionality

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AGSImageOverviewFunctionality, AGSOverviewFunctionality, AIMSOverviewFunctionality, GraphicsOverviewFunctionality, VEOverviewFunctionality, WMSOverviewFunctionality

public interface OverviewFunctionality
extends GISFunctionality

The OverviewFunctionality interface is implemented by functionalities to provide overviewing capability for the resource. For instance, the AGSOverviewFunctionality provides overviewing for ArcGIS Server resources, the AIMSOverviewFunctionality provides overviewing for ArcIMS resources, et al.

The WebOverview works with several overview functionalities referenced by the resources by the name FUNCTIONALITY_NAME. The WebOverview fuses the overview map images exported by these overview functionalities and streams it to the user.

Field Summary
           The name that should be given to the OverviewFunctionality in order for it to be consumed by the WebOverview
Method Summary
 InputStream exportImage()
           Exports this overview map for the extent indicated by the WebOverview.
 boolean isDisabled()
           Returns true if this overview functionality is disabled.
 void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
           If true, this overview functionality is disabled.
Methods inherited from interface
destroyFunctionality, getResource, initFunctionality

Field Detail


static final String FUNCTIONALITY_NAME

The name that should be given to the OverviewFunctionality in order for it to be consumed by the WebOverview

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


InputStream exportImage()

Exports this overview map for the extent indicated by the WebOverview. Implementations should ensure the following:

The WebOverview calls this method on all its overview functionalities and eventually fuses all the exported maps before streaming it to the user. This method is called by the WebOverview in these scenarios:

a to the exported image


boolean isDisabled()

Returns true if this overview functionality is disabled. If a overview functionality is disabled, the WebOverview will not call the exportImage() on that functionality while it is disabled.

A overview functionality is typically disabled by using the "Disable Overview" context menu item on the resource node in the Table of Contents control. Similarly, the functionality can be enabled by using "Enable Overview".

true if this overview functionality is disabled


void setDisabled(boolean disabled)

If true, this overview functionality is disabled. If a overview functionality is disabled, the WebOverview will not call the exportImage() on that functionality while it is disabled.

A overview functionality is typically disabled by using the "Disable Overview" context menu item on the resource node in the Table of Contents control. Similarly, the functionality can be enabled by using "Enable Overview".

disabled - true if this overview functionality is disabled