Interface GeocodeFunctionality

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AGSGeocodeFunctionality, AIMSGeocodeFunctionality, VEGeocodeFunctionality

public interface GeocodeFunctionality
extends GISFunctionality

The GeocodeFunctionality interface is implemented by functionalities to provide geocoding capability for the resource. For instance, the AGSGeocodeFunctionality provides geocoding for ArcGIS Server resources, the AIMSGeocodeFunctionality provides geocoding for ArcIMS resources, et al.

The GeocodeTask works with geocode functionalities referenced by the resources by the name FUNCTIONALITY_NAME. The GeocodeTask collects the information from the user and uses this functionality to geocode addresses, find address candidates, get address fields, get and set address field values, etc.

Field Summary
           The name that should be given to the GeocodeFunctionality in order for it to be consumed by the GeocodeTask
Method Summary
 List<AddressCandidate> findAddressCandidates()
           Returns a List of AddressCandidates based on the current set of address field values.
 AddressCandidate geocodeAddress()
           Geocodes a single address based on the current set of address field values.
 String getAddressFieldAlias(String fieldName)
           Returns an alias for the given address field.
 String[] getAddressFields()
           Returns an array of address fields for this geocoder.
 String getAddressFieldValue(String fieldName)
           Returns the value for a given address field.
 void setAddressFieldValue(String fieldName, String value)
           Sets the value for a given address field.
Methods inherited from interface
destroyFunctionality, getResource, initFunctionality

Field Detail


static final String FUNCTIONALITY_NAME

The name that should be given to the GeocodeFunctionality in order for it to be consumed by the GeocodeTask

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


String[] getAddressFields()

Returns an array of address fields for this geocoder. Every implementation of GeocodeFunctionality defines the address fields that are available.

The GeocodeTask dynamically generates input text box for each address field.

a String array of address fields for this geocoder


void setAddressFieldValue(String fieldName,
                          String value)

Sets the value for a given address field.

fieldName - the address field for which the value is to be set
value - the value for the given address field


String getAddressFieldValue(String fieldName)

Returns the value for a given address field.

fieldName - the address field for which the value is to be returned
the value for the given address field


String getAddressFieldAlias(String fieldName)

Returns an alias for the given address field.

The GeocodeTask labels the input text box for the address field with this alias.

fieldName - the address field for which the alias is to be returned
the alias for the given address field


List<AddressCandidate> findAddressCandidates()

Returns a List of AddressCandidates based on the current set of address field values.

a List of AddressCandidates matching the current set of address field values


AddressCandidate geocodeAddress()

Geocodes a single address based on the current set of address field values.

a single geocoded address