Class AGSImageQueryFunctionality

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
GISFunctionality, Serializable

public class AGSImageQueryFunctionality
extends QueryFunctionality

This class provides a AGSImageResource with the query functionality. When complemented with the appropriate handlers, this class becomes the heart of the identify, search and query capabilities.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor
Method Summary
 void destroyFunctionality()
           The cleanup chores (such as releasing held resources) for the functionality must be performed in this method.
 AGSImageMapFunctionality getImageMapFunc()
          Returns the AGSImageMapFunctionality sharing the same AGSImageResource than this instance
 List<WebLayerInfo> getQueryLayers()
           Returns the query-able layers as a List of WebLayerInfo objects.
 AGSImageResource getResource()
           Returns the GISResource associated with this functionality.
 void initFunctionality(GISResource resource)
           The initialization chores for the functionality must be performed in this method.
protected  void setHighlightGeometryAndExtent(com.esri.arcgisws.Geometry geom, QueryResult result)
          Set the highlight geometry and extent for a result according to the default spatial reference (either the Geometry's one or the AGSImageResource's one)
protected  void setHighlightGeometryAndExtent(com.esri.arcgisws.Geometry geom, QueryResult result, com.esri.arcgisws.SpatialReference sr)
          Set the highlight geometry and extent for a result according to a specified spatial reference
Methods inherited from class
addFindCriteriaHandler, find, getFindCriteriaHandlers, removeFindCriteriaHandler, setFindCriteriaHandlers
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AGSImageQueryFunctionality()
Default constructor

Method Detail


public List<WebLayerInfo> getQueryLayers()
Description copied from class: QueryFunctionality

Returns the query-able layers as a List of WebLayerInfo objects.

Specified by:
getQueryLayers in class QueryFunctionality
the query-able layers as a List of WebLayerInfo objects


public void destroyFunctionality()
Description copied from interface: GISFunctionality

The cleanup chores (such as releasing held resources) for the functionality must be performed in this method. This method is called by the GISResource when the resource itself is being destroyed.

The functionality is no longer usable after this method has been called.

See Also:


public AGSImageResource getResource()
Description copied from interface: GISFunctionality

Returns the GISResource associated with this functionality.

The resource passed to GISFunctionality.initFunctionality(GISResource) is maintained as a class variable and is accessible through this method.

the GISResource associated with this functionality


public AGSImageMapFunctionality getImageMapFunc()
Returns the AGSImageMapFunctionality sharing the same AGSImageResource than this instance

the agsImageFunc


public void initFunctionality(GISResource resource)
Description copied from interface: GISFunctionality

The initialization chores for the functionality must be performed in this method. This method is called by the resource when the functionality needs to be initialized. This happens either when the resource itself is being initialized or if users add this functionality to the resource using the GISResource.addFunctionality(String, GISFunctionality) method after the resource has already been initialized.

Classes which implement this method should maintain the resource as a class instance variable and return the same in the GISFunctionality.getResource() method. The functionality is ready for use only after this method has been called.

resource - the GISResource that this functionality supports
See Also:


protected void setHighlightGeometryAndExtent(com.esri.arcgisws.Geometry geom,
                                             QueryResult result)
Set the highlight geometry and extent for a result according to the default spatial reference (either the Geometry's one or the AGSImageResource's one)

geom - the Geometry to be converted to a WebGeometry
result - the result to be set up with a WebGeometry and an extent


protected void setHighlightGeometryAndExtent(com.esri.arcgisws.Geometry geom,
                                             QueryResult result,
                                             com.esri.arcgisws.SpatialReference sr)
Set the highlight geometry and extent for a result according to a specified spatial reference

geom - the Geometry to be converted to a WebGeometry
result - the result to be set up with a WebGeometry and an extent
sr - the spatial reference