SharePackage Class Members
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ESRI.ArcGIS.DataManagementTools Namespace : SharePackage Class

The following tables list the members exposed by SharePackage.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorSharePackage ConstructorOverloaded. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyAliasThe alias for this tool's toolbox.  
Public PropertycreditsCredits for the package. This is generally the name of the organization that is given credit for authoring and providing the content for the package. (In, Optional)  
Public PropertygroupsList of groups to share package with. (In, Optional)  
Public Propertyin_package Input layer (.lpk) or map (.mpk) package file. (In, Required)  
Public Propertyout_resultsTool Succeeded (out, Optional)  
Public PropertyParameterInfoThe parameters used by this tool. For internal use only.  
Public Propertypassword ESRI global account password. (In, Required)  
Public PropertypublicSpecifies if input package will be shared and available to everybody. (In, Optional)  
Public PropertysummarySummary of package. The summary is displayed in the item information of the package on (In, Required)  
Public Propertytags Tags used to describe and identify the package. Individual tags are separated using either a comma or semicolon. (In, Required)  
Public PropertyToolboxDirectoryThe directory of this tool's toolbox.  
Public PropertyToolboxNameThe name of this tool's toolbox.  
Public PropertyToolNameThe name of this tool.  
Public Propertyusername ESRI global account user name. (In, Required)  

See Also

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