| Class | Description |
 | AddCodedValueToDomain | Adds a value to a domain's coded value list. |
 | AddColormap | Adds a color map to a raster dataset if it does not already exist or replaces a color map with the one specified. |
 | AddFeatureClassToTopology | Adds a feature class to a topology. |
 | AddField | Adds a new field to a table or the table of a feature class, feature layer, raster catalog, and/or rasters with attribute tables. |
 | AddGlobalIDs | Adds global IDs to a list of geodatabase feature classes, tables, and/or feature datasets. |
 | AddIndex | Adds an attribute index to an existing table, feature class, shapefile, coverage, or attributed relationship class. |
 | AddJoin | Joins a table view to a layer (or a table view to a table view) based on a common field. |
 | AddRastersToMosaicDataset | Adds raster datasets to a mosaic dataset from many sources, including a file, folder, raster catalog, table, or Web service. |
 | AddRuleToTopology | Adds a new rule to a topology. |
 | AddSpatialIndex | Adds a spatial index to a shapefile, file geodatabase, or ArcSDE feature class. Use this tool to either add a spatial index to a shapefile or feature class that does not already have one or to rebuild an existing spatial index. |
 | AddSubtype | This tool adds a new subtype to the subtypes in the input table. |
 | AddXY | Adds the fields POINT_X and POINT_Y to the point input features and calculates their values. It also appends the POINT_Z and POINT_M fields if the input features are Z- and M-enabled. |
 | Adjust3DZ | Allows the modification of all Z-values in a Z-enabled feature class. |
 | AlterVersion | Alters the database version's properties of name, description, and access permissions. |
 | Analyze | Updates database statistics of business tables, feature tables, and delta tables, along with the statistics of those tables' indexes. |
 | Append | Appends multiple input datasets into an existing target dataset. Input datasets can be point, line, or polygon feature classes, tables, rasters, raster catalogs, annotation feature classes, or dimensions feature classes. |
 | AppendAnnotation | Creates a new geodatabase annotation feature class or appends to an existing annotation feature class by combining annotation from multiple input geodatabase annotation feature classes into a single feature class with annotation classes. |
 | ApplySymbologyFromLayer | This tool applies the symbology from a layer to the Input Layer. It can be applied to feature, raster, network analysis, and TIN layer files or layers in the ArcMap table of contents. This tool is primarily for use in scripts or ModelBuilder. |
 | AssignDefaultToField | This tool will create a default value for a specified field. Whenever a new row is added to the table or feature class, the specified field will be set to this default value. |
 | AssignDomainToField | Sets the domain for a particular field and, optionally, for a subtype. If no subtype is specified, the domain is only assigned to the specified field. |
 | BatchBuildPyramids | |
 | BatchCalculateStatistics | |
 | BatchProject | This tool performs project on multiple input feature classes or rasters.
 | BearingDistanceToLine |
This tool converts a table to two-point lines based on an x-coordinate field, y-coordinate field, bearing field, and distance field.
 | BuildBoundary | Generates the boundary polygon for a mosaic dataset. By default, the boundary merges all the footprint polygons to create a single boundary representing the extent of the valid pixels. |
 | BuildFootprints | Computes the footprints for each raster dataset in a mosaic dataset. |
 | BuildOverviews | Defines and generates overviews for a mosaic dataset. |
 | BuildPyramids | Builds raster pyramids for a raster dataset. |
 | BuildPyramidsandStatistics | Traverses a folder structure, building pyramids and calculating statistics for all the raster datasets it contains. It can also build pyramids and calculate statistics for all the items in a raster catalog or mosaic dataset. |
 | BuildRasterAttributeTable | Adds a raster attribute table to a raster dataset or updates an existing one. |
 | BuildSeamlines | Automatically generates seamlines for your mosaic dataset. |
 | CalculateCellSizeRanges | Computes the minimum and maximum cell sizes for the rasters in a mosaic dataset. |
 | CalculateDefaultClusterTolerance | Calculates a default XY tolerance by examining the spatial reference and the extent of the feature class. |
 | CalculateDefaultGridIndex | Calculates a set of valid grid index values (spatial grid 1, 2, and 3) for the input features. Grid index values will be calculated even if the input features do not support spatial grid indexing. |
 | CalculateEndTime | Calculates the end time of features based on the time values stored in another field. |
 | CalculateField | Calculates the values of a field for a feature class, feature layer, or raster catalog. |
 | CalculateStatistics | Calculates statistics for a raster dataset or mosaic dataset. |
 | CalculateValue | Calculate Value tool returns a value based on a specified Python expression. |
 | ChangePrivileges | Establishes or changes user access privileges to the input ArcSDE datasets, stand-alone feature classes, or tables. |
 | ChangeVersion | Changes the version that an input feature layer or table view is connected to. This tool only changes the version for the input layer or table view - other layers or table views are not affected. The tool has no effect on the version you are connected to if using feature classes or tables. |
 | CheckGeometry | Generates a report of the geometry problems in a feature class. |
 | ClearWorkspaceCache | Clears any ArcSDE workspaces from the ArcSDE workspace cache. |
 | Clip | Creates a spatial subset of a raster dataset. |
 | ColorBalanceMosaicDataset | Color balances a mosaic dataset so that the tiles appear seamless. |
 | Compact | Compacts a personal or file geodatabase. Compacting rearranges how the geodatabase is stored on disk, often reducing its size and improving performance. |
 | CompareReplicaSchema | Generates an XML that describes schema differences between a replica geodatabase and the relative replica geodatabase. |
 | CompositeBands | Creates a single raster dataset from multiple bands and can also create a raster dataset using only a subset of bands. |
 | Compress | Compresses an ArcSDE geodatabase by removing states not referenced by a version and redundant rows. |
 | CompressFileGeodatabaseData | Compresses all the contents in a geodatabase, all the contents in a feature
dataset, or an individual stand-alone feature class or table.
 | ComputeDirtyArea |
Identifies an area within a mosaic dataset that has changed since a specified point in time.
 | ConsolidateLayer | Consolidates one or more layers by copying all data and referenced data sources into a single folder. |
 | ConsolidateMap | Consolidates a map document and all referenced data sources to a specified output folder. |
 | ConvertCoordinateNotation | Converts a table containing point coordinate fields to a point feature class.
The input table's coordinate fields can be in a variety of notations, such as GARS, UTM, and MGRS. The output point feature class also contains point coordinate fields in a coordinate notation of your choosing. |
 | ConvertTimeField |
Converts time values stored in a string or numeric field to a date field. |
 | ConvertTimeZone |
Converts time values recorded in a date field from one time zone to another time zone. |
 | Copy | Copies input data and pastes the output to the same or another location regardless of size. The data type of the Input and Output Data Element is identical. |
 | CopyFeatures | Copies features from the input feature class or layer to a new feature class. If the input is a layer which has a selection, only the selected features will be copied. If the input is a geodatabase feature class or shapefile, all features will be copied. |
 | CopyRaster | Makes a copy of a raster dataset or loads raster datasets into a raster catalog. |
 | CopyRasterCatalogItems | Makes a copy of a raster catalog, including all of its contents, or a subset of its contents if there is a selection. |
 | CopyRows | Writes the rows from an input table, table view, feature class, or feature layer to a new table. If a selection is defined on a feature class or feature layer in ArcMap, only the selected rows are copied out. |
 | CreateArcInfoWorkspace | Creates a workspace with an INFO subdirectory. |
 | CreateArcSDEConnectionFile | Creates an ArcSDE connection file for use in connecting to ArcSDE geodatabases. |
 | CreateCustomGeoTransformation | Creates a transformation method for converting data between two geographic coordinate systems or datums. The output of this tool can be used as a transformation method for any tool with a parameter that requires a geographic transformation. |
 | CreateDomain | Creates an attribute domain in the specified workspace. |
 | CreateFeatureclass | Creates an empty feature class in an ArcSDE, file, or personal geodatabase; in a folder it creates a shapefile. |
 | CreateFeatureDataset | Creates a feature dataset in the output location—an existing ArcSDE, file, or personal geodatabase. |
 | CreateFileGDB | Creates a file geodatabase in a folder. |
 | CreateFishnet | Creates a fishnet of rectangular cells. The output can be polyline or polygon features. |
 | CreateFolder | Creates a folder in the specified location. |
 | CreateMosaicDataset | Makes an empty mosaic dataset in a geodatabase. |
 | CreateOrthoCorrectedRasterDataset | This tool creates an ortho corrected raster dataset using the rational polynomial coefficients (RPC) associated with a raster dataset. |
 | CreatePansharpenedRasterDataset | Fuses a high-resolution panchromatic raster dataset with a lower-resolution multiband raster dataset to create a red-green-blue (RGB) raster with the resolution of the panchromatic raster. |
 | CreatePersonalGDB | Creates a personal geodatabase in a folder. |
 | CreateRandomPoints | Creates a specified number of random point features. Random points can be generated in an extent window, inside polygon features, on point features, or along line features. |
 | CreateRandomRaster | Creates a random raster dataset based on a user-specified distribution and extent. |
 | CreateRasterCatalog | Creates an empty raster catalog in a geodatabase. |
 | CreateRasterDataset | Creates a raster dataset as a file or in a geodatabase. |
 | CreateReferencedMosaicDataset | Creates a new mosaic dataset from an existing raster catalog, a selection set from a raster catalog, or a mosaic dataset. |
 | CreateRelationshipClass | This tool creates a relationship class to store an association between fields or features in the origin table and the destination table. |
 | CreateReplica | Creates a replica to a personal, file, or SDE geodatabase from a specified list of feature classes, layers, datasets, and/or tables in an ArcSDE geodatabase. |
 | CreateReplicaFootPrints | Creates a feature class that contains the geometries for all the replicas in a geodatabase. Attributes in the feature class store the information from the replica manager. |
 | CreateReplicaFromServer | Creates a replica using a specified list of feature classes, layers, feature datasets, and/or tables from a remote geodatabase using a geodata service published on ArcGIS Server. |
 | CreateSpatialReference | Creates a spatial reference object for use in ModelBuilder and scripting. |
 | CreateTable | Creates an ArcSDE, file, or personal geodatabase table, or an INFO or dBASE table. |
 | CreateTopology | Creates a topology. The topology will not contain any feature classes or rules. |
 | CreateVersion | Creates a new version in the specified geodatabase. |
 | DefineMosaicDatasetNoData | Allows you to specify one or more NoData values for a mosaic dataset. |
 | DefineOverviews | Defines the tiling schema and properties of the preprocessed raster datasets that will cover part or all of a mosaic dataset at varying resolutions. |
 | DefineProjection | This tool overwrites the coordinate system information (map projection and datum) stored with a dataset. The only use for this tool is for datsets that have an unknown or incorrect coordinate system defined. |
 | Delete | Permanently deletes data from disk. All types of geographic data supported by ArcGIS, as well as toolboxes and workspaces (folders, geodatabases), can be deleted. If the specified item is a workspace, all contained items are also deleted. |
 | DeleteCodedValueFromDomain | Removes a value from a coded value domain. |
 | DeleteColormap | Removes the color map associated with a raster dataset. |
 | DeleteDomain | Deletes a domain from a workspace. |
 | DeleteFeatures | Deletes features from the input feature class or layer. If the input is a layer with a selection, only the selected features will be deleted. If the input is a geodatabase feature class or shapefile, all features will be deleted. |
 | DeleteField | This tool deletes one or more fields from a table, feature class, feature layer, or raster dataset. |
 | DeleteIdentical | Deletes records in a feature class or table which have identical values in a list of fields. If the field 'Shape' is selected, feature geometries are compared. |
 | DeleteRasterAttributeTable | Removes the raster attribute table associated with a raster dataset. Since raster attribute tables can only be built on single-band raster datasets, this tool is only valid for raster datasets with a single band. |
 | DeleteRasterCatalogItems | Deletes raster catalog items, including all its contents, or a subset of its contents if there is a selection. |
 | DeleteRows | Deletes all or the selected subset of rows from the Input Rows. |
 | DeleteVersion | Deletes the specified version from the input workspace. |
 | Dice | Subdivides a feature into smaller features based on a specified vertex limit. This tool is intended as a way to subdivide extremely large features which cause issues with drawing, analysis, editing, and/or performance but are difficult to split up with standard editing and geoprocessing tools. This tool should not be used in any cases other than those where tools are failing to complete successfully due to the size of features. |
 | Dissolve | Aggregates features based on specified attributes. |
 | DomainToTable | Creates a table from an attribute domain. |
 | Eliminate | Eliminates polygons by merging them with neighboring polygons that have the largest area or the longest shared border. Eliminate is often used to remove small sliver polygons that are the result of overlay operations, such as Intersect or Union. |
 | EliminatePolygonPart | Creates a new output feature class containing the features from the input polygons with some parts or holes of a specified size deleted. |
 | ExportAcknowledgementMessage | Creates an output acknowledgement file to acknowledge the reception of previously received data change messages. |
 | ExportDataChangeMessage | Creates an output delta file containing updates from an input replica. |
 | ExportRasterCatalogPaths | Creates a table listing the paths to the raster datasets contained in an unmanaged raster catalog or a mosaic dataset. The table can display all the file paths, or just the ones that are broken. |
 | ExportRasterWorldFile | Creates a world file based on the geographic information of a raster dataset. The pixel size and the location of the upper left pixel is extracted for the world file. |
 | ExportReplicaSchema | Creates a replica schema file with the schema of an input one- or two-way replica. |
 | ExtractPackage |
Extracts the contents of a layer or map package
to a specified folder. |
 | ExtractSubDataset | Extracts raster datasets stored within a subdataset raster file. |
 | FeatureCompare | Compares two feature classes or layers and returns the comparison results. Feature Compare can report differences with geometry, tabular values, spatial reference, and field definitions. |
 | FeatureEnvelopeToPolygon | Creates a feature class containing polygons, each of which represents the envelope of an input feature. |
 | FeatureToLine | Creates a feature class containing lines generated by converting polygon boundaries to lines, or splitting line, polygon, or both features at their intersections. |
 | FeatureToPoint | Creates a feature class containing points generated from the representative locations of input features. |
 | FeatureToPolygon | Creates a feature class containing polygons generated from areas enclosed by input line or polygon features. |
 | FeatureVerticesToPoints | Creates a feature class containing points generated from specified vertices or locations of the input features. |
 | FileCompare | Compares two files and returns the comparison results. File Compare can report differences between two ASCII files or two binary files. |
 | FindIdentical | Reports any records in a feature class or table that have identical values in a list of fields, and generates a table listing these identical records. If the field 'Shape' is selected, feature geometries are compared. |
 | Flip | Reorients the raster by turning it over, from top to bottom, along the horizontal axis through the center of the raster. This may be useful to correct raster datasets that are upside down. |
 | GenerateExcludeArea | Allows you to set the exclude area, based on color mask or histogram percentage. The output of this tool can then be used within the Color Balance Mosaic Dataset tool. |
 | GetCellValue | Retrieves the pixel value at a specific x,y coordinate. For multi-band raster datasets you can specify from which bands to retrieve the cell value. If you do not specify any bands, the pixel value for all the bands will be returned for the input location. |
 | GetCount | Returns the total number of rows for a feature class, table, layer, or raster. |
 | GetRasterProperties | Returns the properties of a raster dataset. |
 | ImportMessage | Imports changes from a delta file into a replica geodatabase, or imports an acknowledgment message into a replica geodatabase. |
 | ImportMosaicDatasetGeometry | Modifies the feature geometry for footprints, the boundary, or seamlines in a mosaic dataset to match those in a polygon feature class. |
 | ImportReplicaSchema | Applies replica schema differences using an input replica geodatabase and XML schema file. |
 | Integrate | Integrate is used to maintain the integrity of shared feature boundaries by making features coincident if they fall within the specified x,y tolerance. Features that fall within the specified x,y tolerance are considered identical or coincident. |
 | JoinField | Joins the contents of a table to another table based on a common attribute field. The input table is updated to contain the fields from the join table. You can select which fields from the join table will be added to the input table. |
 | MakeFeatureLayer | Creates a feature layer from an input feature class or layer file. The layer that is created by the tool is temporary and will not persist after the session ends unless the layer is saved to disk or the map document is saved. |
 | MakeGraph | Creates a graph as a visual output using a graph template or an existing graph. |
 | MakeImageServerLayer | Creates a temporary raster layer from an image service. The layer that is created will not persist after the session ends unless the document is saved. |
 | MakeMosaicLayer | Creates a temporary mosaic layer from an mosaic dataset or layer file. The layer that is created by the tool is temporary and will not persist after the session ends unless the layer is saved to disk or the map document is saved. |
 | MakeQueryTable | This tool applies an SQL query to a database and the results are represented in a layer or table view. The query can be used to join several tables or return a subset of columns or rows from the original data in the database. |
 | MakeRasterCatalogLayer | Creates a raster catalog layer from an input raster catalog. The layer that is created by the tool is temporary and will not persist after the session ends unless the layer is saved to disk or the map document is saved. |
 | MakeRasterLayer | Creates a raster layer from an input raster dataset or layer file. The layer that is created by the tool is temporary and will not persist after the session ends unless the layer is saved to disk or the map document is saved. |
 | MakeTableView | Creates a table view from an input table or feature class. The table view that is created by the tool is temporary and will not persist after the session ends unless the document is saved. |
 | MakeWCSLayer | Creates a temporary raster layer from a WCS service. |
 | MakeXYEventLayer | Creates a new point feature layer based on X and Y coordinates defined in a source table. If the source table contains Z coordinates (e.g., elevation values), that field can also be specified in the creation of the event layer. The layer created by this tool is temporary. |
 | Merge | Combines multiple input datasets of the same data type into a single, new output dataset. This tool can combine point, line, or polygon feature classes or tables. |
 | MergeBranch | The Merge Branch tool merges two or more logical branches into a single output. |
 | MigrateStorage | This tool is designed to change the data types used to store rasters in an ArcSDE geodatabase in Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server; geometries in geodatabases in Oracle and SQL Server; and BLOB objects in attribute columns in geodatabases in Oracle. This is done through the migration of raster, spatial, or BLOB objects using configuration keywords specified in the DBTUNE table. |
 | MinimumBoundingGeometry | Creates a feature class containing polygons which represent a specified minimum bounding geometry enclosing each input feature or each group of input features. |
 | Mirror | This tool reorients the raster by flipping it, from left to right, along the vertical axis through the center of the raster. |
 | Mosaic | Mosaics multiple input rasters into an existing raster dataset. |
 | MosaicToNewRaster | Mosaics multiple raster datasets into a new raster dataset. |
 | MultipartToSinglepart | Creates a feature class containing singlepart features generated by separating multipart input features. |
 | PackageLayer | Packages one or more layers and all referenced data sources to create a single compressed .lpk file. |
 | PackageMap | Packages a map document and all referenced data sources to create a single compressed .mpk file. |
 | PivotTable | Creates a new table from an input table. The fields on the output table are based on the input pivot field. Values in the new fields are based on the input value field. |
 | PointsToLine | Creates a line feature class based on an input point feature class and attributes. |
 | PolygonToLine | Creates a feature class containing lines that are converted from polygon boundaries with or without considering neighboring polygons. |
 | Project | Creates a new dataset or feature class with the coordinate system specified. If the input is a feature class—features from the input feature class are projected to the new coordinate system and written to the output feature class.If the input is a feature dataset—all feature classes in the input feature dataset will be projected to the new coordinate system and written to the output feature dataset. |
 | ProjectRaster | Transforms the raster dataset from one projection to another. |
 | RasterCatalogToRasterDataset | Mosaics the contents of a raster catalog into a new raster dataset. |
 | RasterCompare | Compares the properties of two raster datasets, two raster catalogs, or two mosaic dataset and then returns the comparison result. |
 | RasterToDTED | Splits a raster dataset into files based on the DTED tiling structure. |
 | ReconcileVersion | Reconciles a version against a another version in its lineage. |
 | ReExportUnacknowledgedMessages | Creates an output delta file containing unacknowledged replica updates from a one-way or two-way replica geodatabase. |
 | RegisterAsVersioned | Registers ArcSDE dataset as versioned. |
 | RegisterWithGeodatabase | Registers feature classes, tables, and raster layers that were created outside of the geodatabase with the geodatabase in order for them to fully participate in geodatabase functionality. |
 | RemoveDomainFromField | Removes an attribute domain association from a feature class or table field. |
 | RemoveFeatureClassFromTopology | Removes a feature class from a topology. |
 | RemoveIndex | This tool deletes an attribute index from an existing table, feature class, shapefile, coverage, or attributed relationship class. |
 | RemoveJoin | Removes a join from a feature layer or table view. |
 | RemoveRastersFromMosaicDataset | Removes rasters from a mosaic dataset. |
 | RemoveRuleFromTopology | Removes a rule from a topology. |
 | RemoveSpatialIndex | Deletes the spatial index from a shapefile, file geodatabase feature class, or an ArcSDE feature class. The spatial index cannot be deleted from a personal geodatabase feature class. |
 | RemoveSubtype | Removes a subtype from the input table using its code. |
 | Rename | Changes the name of all types of data items, among them, feature datasets, rasters, tables, and toolboxes. |
 | RepairGeometry | Inspects each feature in a feature class for geometry problems. Upon discovery of a geometry problem, a relevant fix will be applied, and a one line description will be printed identifying the feature as well as the problem encountered. |
 | RepairRasterCatalogPaths | Repairs broken file paths or deletes broken links within an unmanaged raster catalog or a mosaic dataset. |
 | Resample | Alters the raster dataset by changing the cell size and resampling method. |
 | Rescale | Resizes a raster by the specified x and y scale factors. |
 | Rotate | This tool turns the raster dataset around the specified pivot point by angle specified in degrees; the raster dataset will rotate in a clockwise direction. |
 | SaveGraph | Saves a graph to an image, vector, or graph file. |
 | SaveToLayerFile | Creates an output layer file (.lyr) that references geographic data stored on disk. |
 | SelectData | The Select Data tool selects data in a parent data element such as a folder, geodatabase, feature dataset, or coverage. |
 | SelectLayerByAttribute | Adds, updates, or removes a selection on a layer or table view based on an attribute query. |
 | SelectLayerByLocation | Adds, updates, or removes a layer's selection based on a spatial relationship to features in another layer. |
 | SetClusterTolerance | Sets the cluster tolerance of a topology. |
 | SetDefaultSubtype | Sets the default value or code for the input table's subtype. |
 | SetSubtypeField | Defines the field in the input table or feature class that stores the subtype codes. |
 | SetValueForRangeDomain | Sets the minimum and maximum values for an existing Range domain. |
 | SharePackage |
Shares a layer or map package by publishing to ArcGIS online.
 | Shift | Moves (slides) the raster to a new geographic location, based on x and y shift values. This tool is helpful if your raster dataset needs to be shifted to align with another data file. |
 | Sort | This tool reorders, in ascending or descending order, records in a feature class or table based on field values. The reordered result is copied to a new dataset. |
 | SplitLine | Creates a feature class containing lines that are generated by splitting input lines or polygon boundaries at their vertices. |
 | SplitLineAtPoint | Splits line features based on intersection or proximity to point features. |
 | SplitRaster | Creates a tiled output from an input raster dataset. |
 | SynchronizeChanges | Synchronizes updates between two replica geodatabases in a direction specified by the user. |
 | SynchronizeMosaicDataset | Rebuilds the raster item and updates affected fields in the mosaic dataset using the raster type and options that were used when it was originally added. |
 | TableCompare | Compares two tables or table views and returns the comparison results. This tool can report differences and similarities with tabular values and field definitions. |
 | TableToDomain | Creates or updates a coded value domain with values from a table. |
 | TableToEllipse |
Converts a table (text file, CSV file, Excel file, dBASE table, or geodatabase table) containing coordinate and other required fields to a feature class. The output features are elliptical polygons. A single ellipse is generated from each row in the table. The features created are defined by a starting point, semi-major and semi-minor axis lengths, and rotation. |
 | TableToRelationshipClass | Creates an attributed relationship class from the origin, destination, and relationship tables. |
 | TINCompare | Compares two TINs and returns the comparison results. TIN Compare can report differences with geometry, TIN node and triangle tags, and spatial reference. |
 | TransposeFields |
Shifts data entered in fields or columns into rows in a table or feature class. |
 | UncompressFileGeodatabaseData | Uncompresses all the contents in a geodatabase, all the contents in a feature
dataset, or an individual stand-alone feature class or table.
 | UnregisterAsVersioned | Unregisters an ArcSDE dataset as versioned. |
 | UnsplitLine | Merges lines that have coincident endpoints and, optionally, common attribute values. |
 | UpdateAnnotation | Updates the input annotation feature class with text attribute fields and optionally populates the value of each new field for every feature in the feature class. |
 | UpgradeGDB | Upgrades a geodatabase to the latest release to take advantage of new functionality available in the latest release of ArcGIS. Valid input is a personal or file geodatabase or an sde connection file to an ArcSDE geodatabase. |
 | UpgradeSpatialReference | Upgrades a low precision dataset's spatial reference to high precision. |
 | ValidateTopology | Validates a geodatabase topology. |
 | Warp | Performs a transformation on the raster based on the source and target control points using a polynomial transformation. This is similar to georeferencing using a text file. |
 | WorkspaceToRasterCatalog | Loads all the raster datasets stored in the same workspace into an existing raster catalog. |
 | WorkspaceToRasterDataset | Mosaics all the raster datasets stored within the specified workspace into one raster dataset. |
 | XYToLine | Creates a new feature class containing geodetic two-point polyline features from a table of start and end points.