The following tables list the members exposed by Buffer.
Public Constructors
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
| Alias | The alias for this tool's toolbox. |
| buffer_distance | The distance used to create buffer zones around input coverage features when buffer item and buffer table are not specified. The default buffer distance is 0.125 coverage units. This default buffer distance will be applied whenever a value for this parameter is not specified. (In, Optional) |
| buffer_item | An item in the feature attribute table of input coverage whose value is used as the feature's buffer distance. If a buffer table is used, the buffer item functions as a lookup item in the buffer table. (In, Optional) |
| buffer_shape | For lines, the shape of the buffer at the line endpoints. (In, Optional) |
| buffer_side | For lines, the topological side on which the buffer may be generated. (In, Optional) |
| buffer_table | An INFO lookup table that lists a buffer distance for each buffer item. A buffer table can be specified only if the buffer item is specified. The buffer table contains at least two items: (In, Optional) |
| feature_type | The feature class to be buffered: (In, Optional) |
| fuzzy_tolerance | The minimum distance between coordinates in the out_cover. By default, the minimum fuzzy tolerance value from the in_cover is used. (In, Optional) |
| in_cover | The coverage containing features to be buffered. (In, Required) |
| out_cover | The polygon buffer coverage to be created. (Out, Required) |
| ParameterInfo | The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. |
| ToolboxDirectory | The directory of this tool's toolbox. |
| ToolboxName | The name of this tool's toolbox. |
| ToolName | The name of this tool. |
See Also