ESRI.ArcGIS.CoverageTools Namespace
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ClassAddItem Adds a new blank or zero item to a new or existing INFO table.
ClassAddXY Adds the items X-COORD and Y-COORD for labels or points to the input coverage PAT, or for nodes to the input coverage NAT, and calculates their values.
ClassAggregatePolygons Combines disjoint and adjacent polygons into new area features based on a distance.
ClassAppend Combines an unlimited number of coverages into a single coverage.
ClassArcDLG Creates a Digital Line Graph from a coverage. The DLG is output in DLG-3 Optional (as opposed to Standard) format.
ClassArcRoute Creates a route system by creating whole arc sections for each arc in the input coverage and can also be used to append arcs to an existing route system.
ClassArcS57 Converts ArcC/Info coverages to S-57 object files.
ClassBuffer Creates buffer polygons around specified input coverage features.
ClassBuild Creates or updates feature attribute tables and polygon topology. Build is also used to synchronize polygon User-IDs with label point User-IDs.
ClassClean Generates a coverage with correct polygon or arc–node topology. To do this, Clean edits and corrects geometric coordinate errors, assembles arcs into polygons, and creates feature attribute information for each polygon or arc (that is, creates a PAT or AAT).
ClassClip Uses the outside polygon boundary of the clip coverage to cookie-cut features and attributes from the input coverage.
ClassCollapseDualLinesToCenterline Derives centerlines (single lines) from dual-line features, such as road casings, based on specified width tolerances.
ClassCreate Creates a new coverage.
ClassCreateLabels Creates label points for polygons that have no labels and assigns each a User-ID.
ClassDefineProjection Records the coordinate system information of the Input Coverage including any associated projection parameters, such as datum and spheroid.
ClassDissolve Creates a new coverage by merging adjacent polygons, lines, or regions that have the same value for a specified item.
ClassDLGArc Converts a Standard or Optional formatted Digital Line Graph (DLG) file to a coverage.
ClassDropIndex Drops an attribute index from the specified item and INFO table.
ClassDropItem Deletes one or more items from an INFO table.
ClassEliminate Merges the selected polygons with neighboring polygons if they have the largest shared border or the largest area.
ClassErase Creates a new output coverage by overlaying the polygons of the erase coverage with the features of the input coverage. Only those portions of the input coverage features falling outside the erase polygon outside boundaries are copied to the output coverage.
ClassExport Converts a coverage to an interchange file for transfer to another platform.
ClassFindConflicts Finds where simplified buildings overlap or are too close to each other, based on a specified distance.
ClassGenerate Generates a coverage from coordinates stored in a file.
ClassIDEdit Updates User-IDs in a coverage after they have been modified in a feature attribute table. The feature attribute table is used to determine the correct User-ID for each feature in the coverage. This value is recorded in all places where the feature User-ID is stored.
ClassIdentity Computes the geometric intersection of two coverages. All features of the input coverage, as well as those features of the identity coverage that overlap the input coverage, are preserved in the output coverage.
ClassImport Converts an ARC/INFO export interchange file.
ClassIndexItem Creates an attribute index to increase access speed to the specified item during query operations.
ClassIntersect Computes the geometric intersection of two coverages. Only those features in the area common to both coverages will be preserved in the output coverage.
ClassJoinItem Joins the item definitions and values of two tables based on a shared item. Joining involves appending items (fields) of one table to those of another through an attribute or item common to both tables. A join is usually used to attach more attributes to the attribute table of a geographic layer.
ClassNear Computes the distance from each point in a coverage to the nearest arc, point, or node in another coverage.
ClassPointDistance Computes the point-to-point distance between each point in a coverage to all points in the same or another coverage within a specified search radius.
ClassPointNode Performs a spatial JOINITEM on the point coverage and the node coverage. It transfers the attributes from a point feature class to a node feature class. Each point feature in the point coverage is matched to the corresponding node feature in the node coverage. If any point is within the search radius of a node, the attributes are copied.
ClassPolyRegion Converts polygons to regions in a one-to-one mapping in a region subclass.
ClassProject Changes the coordinate system of your coverage including its datum or spheroid.
ClassRegionClass Converts arcs to preliminary regions in a new or existing coverage or appends preliminary regions to an existing region subclass.
ClassRegionPoly Converts a region subclass to a polygon coverage and creates an INFO table containing overlapping region information.
ClassRenode Updates arc–node topology by renumbering nodes for the input coverage arcs and identifies arcs that share the same node locations.
ClassReselect Extracts selected features from an input coverage and stores them in the output coverage.
ClassS57Arc Converts data from S-57 format to Arc/Iinfo coverages.
ClassSDTSExport Creates a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS). Topological Vector Profile (TVP). or Point Profile Transfer from an ArcGIS coverage or grid.
ClassSDTSImport Creates ArcGIS coverages or grids from a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) Topological Vector Profile (TVP) or Point Profile Transfer.
ClassSimplifyBuilding Simplifies the boundary or footprint of building polygons while maintaining their essential shape and size.
ClassSimplifyLineOrPolygon Simplifies a line or a polygon boundary by removing small fluctuations or extraneous bends from it while preserving its essential shape.
ClassSplit Clips portions of the input coverage into multiple coverages.
ClassThiessen Converts input coverage points to an output coverage of Thiessen proximal polygons.
ClassTigerArc Converts a set of U.S. Bureau of Census TIGER/Line files into one or more ArcInfo coverages.
ClassTigerTool Converts a set of U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line files to a set of ArcInfo coverages.
ClassTolerance Sets a coverage's tolerances.
ClassTransform Moves all features in a coverage based on a set of from and to control points.
ClassUngenerate Creates a text file of x,y coordinates from the input coverage.
ClassUnion Computes the geometric intersection of two polygon coverages. All polygons from both coverages will be split at their intersections and preserved in the output coverage.
ClassUpdate Replaces the input coverage areas with the update coverage polygons using a cut and paste operation.
ClassVPFExport Converts a coverage into either a Vector Product Format (VPF) Coverage or VPF Tile.
ClassVPFImport Converts a VPF table to an INFO table, or converts either an untiled VPF coverage or VPF tile to an ARC/INFO coverage.
ClassVPFTile Creates cross-tile topology for all tiled coverages in a Vector Product Format (VPF) database library, or topology for an individual tile in a VPF library.

See Also

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