| Name | Description |
| Alias | The alias for this tool's toolbox. |
| cell_size | The cell size at which the output raster will be created. (In, Optional) |
| data_type | The dominant elevation data type of the input feature data. (In, Optional) |
| discrete_error_factor | The discrete error factor is used to adjust the amount of smoothing when converting the input data to a raster. (In, Optional) |
| enforce | The type of drainage enforcement to apply. (In, Optional) |
| extent | The Extent class determines the extent for the output raster dataset. (In, Optional) |
| in_topo_features | The Topo class specifies the input features containing the z-values to be interpolated into a surface raster. (In, Required) |
| Margin | Distance in cells to interpolate beyond the specified output extent and boundary. (In, Optional) |
| maximum_iterations | The maximum number of interpolation iterations. (In, Optional) |
| maximum_z_value | The maximum z-value to be used in the interpolation. (In, Optional) |
| minimum_z_value | The minimum z-value to be used in the interpolation. (In, Optional) |
| out_diagnostic_file | The output diagnostic file listing all inputs and parameters used and the number of sinks cleared at each resolution and iteration. (Out, Optional) |
| out_parameter_file | The output parameter file listing all inputs and parameters used, which can be used with Topo to Raster by File to run the interpolation again. (Out, Optional) |
| out_sink_features | The output point feature class of the remaining sink point features. (Out, Optional) |
| out_stream_features | The output line feature class of stream polyline features and ridge line features. (Out, Optional) |
| out_surface_raster | The output interpolated surface raster. (Out, Required) |
| ParameterInfo | The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. |
| roughness_penalty | The integrated squared second derivative as a measure of roughness. (In, Optional) |
| tolerance_1 | This tolerance reflects the accuracy and density of the elevation points in relation to surface drainage. (In, Optional) |
| tolerance_2 | This tolerance prevents drainage clearance through unrealistically high barriers. (In, Optional) |
| ToolboxDirectory | The directory of this tool's toolbox. |
| ToolboxName | The name of this tool's toolbox. |
| ToolName | The name of this tool. |
| vertical_standard_error | The amount of random error in the z-values of the input data. (In, Optional) |