ESRI.ArcGIS.SpatialAnalystTools Namespace
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ClassAbs Calculates the absolute value of the cells in a raster.
ClassACos Calculates the inverse cosine of cells in a raster.
ClassACosH Calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of cells in a raster.
ClassAggregate Generates a reduced-resolution version of a raster. Each output cell contains the Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Mean, or Median of the input cells that are encompassed by the extent of that cell.
ClassAreaSolarRadiation Derives incoming solar radiation from a raster surface.
ClassASin Calculates the inverse sine of cells in a raster.
ClassASinH Calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of cells in a raster.
ClassAspect Derives aspect from a raster surface. The aspect identifies the downslope direction of the maximum rate of change in value from each cell to its neighbors.
ClassATan Calculates the inverse tangent of cells in a raster.
ClassATan2 Calculates the inverse tangent (based on x,y) of cells in a raster.
ClassATanH Calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of cells in a raster.
ClassBandCollectionStats Calculates the statistics for a set of raster bands.
ClassBasin Creates a raster delineating all drainage basins.
ClassBitwiseAnd Performs a Bitwise And operation on the binary values of two input rasters.
ClassBitwiseLeftShift Performs a Bitwise Left Shift operation on the binary values of two input rasters.
ClassBitwiseNot Performs a Bitwise Not (complement) operation on the binary value of an input raster.
ClassBitwiseOr Performs a Bitwise Or operation on the binary values of two input rasters.
ClassBitwiseRightShift Performs a Bitwise Right Shift operation on the binary values of two input rasters.
ClassBitwiseXOr Performs a Bitwise eXclusive Or operation on the binary values of two input rasters.
ClassBlockStatistics Partitions the input into non-overlapping blocks and calculates the statistic of the values within each block. The value is assigned to all of the cells in each block in the output.
ClassBooleanAnd Performs a Boolean And operation on the cell values of two input rasters.
ClassBooleanNot Performs a Boolean Not (complement) operation on the cell values of the input raster.
ClassBooleanOr Performs a Boolean Or operation on the cell values of two input rasters.
ClassBooleanXOr Performs a Boolean eXclusive Or operation on the cell values of two input rasters.
ClassBoundaryClean Smoothes the boundary between zones by expanding and shrinking it.
ClassCellStatistics Calculates a per-cell statistic from multiple rasters.
ClassClassProbability Creates a multiband raster of probability bands, with one band being created for each class represented in the input signature file.
ClassCombinatorialAnd Performs a Combinatorial And operation on the cell values of two input rasters.
ClassCombinatorialOr Performs a Combinatorial Or operation on the cell values of two input rasters.
ClassCombinatorialXOr Performs a Combinatorial eXclusive Or operation on the cell values of two input rasters.
ClassCombine Combines multiple rasters so that a unique output value is assigned to each unique combination of input values.
ClassCon Performs a conditional if/else evaluation on each of the input cells of an input raster.
ClassContour Creates a line feature class of contours (isolines) from a raster surface.
ClassContourList Creates a feature class of selected contour values from a raster surface.
ClassContourWithBarriers Creates contours from a raster surface. The inclusion of barrier features will allow one to independently generate contours on either side of a barrier.
ClassCorridor Calculates the sum of accumulative costs for two input accumulative cost rasters.
ClassCos Calculates the cosine of cells in a raster.
ClassCosH Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of cells in a raster.
ClassCostAllocation Calculates for each cell its nearest source based on the least accumulative cost over a cost surface.
ClassCostBackLink Defines the neighbor that is the next cell on the least accumulative cost path to the nearest source.
ClassCostDistance Calculates the least accumulative cost distance for each cell to the nearest source over a cost surface.
ClassCostPath Calculates the least-cost path from a source to a destination.
ClassCreateConstantRaster Creates a raster of a constant value within the extent and cell size of the analysis window.
ClassCreateNormalRaster Creates a raster of random values with a normal (gaussian) distribution within the extent and cell size of the analysis window.
ClassCreateRandomRaster Creates a raster of random floating point values between 0.0 and 1.0 within the extent and cell size of the analysis window.
ClassCreateSignatures Creates an ASCII signature file of classes defined by input sample data and a set of raster bands.
ClassCurvature Calculates the curvature of a raster surface, optionally including profile and plan curvature.
ClassCutFill Calculates the volume change between two surfaces. This is typically used for cut and fill operations.
ClassDarcyFlow Calculates the groundwater volume balance residual and other outputs for steady flow in an aquifer.
ClassDarcyVelocity Calculates the groundwater seepage velocity vector (direction and magnitude) for steady flow in an aquifer.
ClassDendrogram Constructs a tree diagram (dendrogram) showing attribute distances between sequentially merged classes in a signature file.
ClassDiff Determines which values from the first input are logically different from the values of the second input on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassDivide Divides the values of two rasters on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassEditSignatures Edits and updates a signature file by merging, renumbering, and deleting class signatures.
ClassEqualTo Performs a Relational equal-to operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassEqualToFrequency Evaluates on a cell-by-cell basis the number of times the values in a set of rasters are equal to another raster.
ClassEucAllocation Calculates, for each cell, the nearest source based on Euclidean distance.
ClassEucDirection Calculates, for each cell, the direction, in degrees, to the nearest source.
ClassEucDistance Calculates, for each cell, the Euclidean distance to the closest source.
ClassExp Calculates the base e exponential of the cells in a raster.
ClassExp10 Calculates the base 10 exponential of the cells in a raster.
ClassExp2 Calculates the base 2 exponential of the cells in a raster.
ClassExpand Expands specified zones of a raster by a specified number of cells.
ClassExtractByAttributes Extracts the cells of a raster based on a logical query.
ClassExtractByCircle Extracts the cells of a raster based on a circle.
ClassExtractByMask Extracts the cells of a raster that correspond to the areas defined by a mask.
ClassExtractByPoints Extracts the cells of a raster based on a set of coordinate points.
ClassExtractByPolygon Extracts the cells of a raster based on a polygon.
ClassExtractByRectangle Extracts the cells of a raster based on a rectangle.
ClassExtractMultiValuesToPoints Extracts cell values at locations specified in a point feature class from one or more rasters, and records the values to the attribute table of the point feature class.
ClassExtractValuesToPoints Extracts the cell values of a raster based on a set of point features and records the values in the attribute table of an output feature class.
ClassFill Fills sinks in a surface raster to remove small imperfections in the data.
ClassFilter Performs either a smoothing (Low pass) or edge-enhancing (High pass) filter on a raster.
ClassFloat Converts each cell value of a raster into a floating-point representation.
ClassFlowAccumulation Creates a raster of accumulated flow into each cell. A weight factor can optionally be applied.
ClassFlowDirection Creates a raster of flow direction from each cell to its steepest downslope neighbor.
ClassFlowLength Calculates the upstream or downstream distance, or weighted distance, along the flow path for each cell.
ClassFocalFlow Determines the flow of the values in the input raster within each cell's immediate neighborhood.
ClassFocalStatistics Calculates for each input cell location a statistic of the values within a specified neighborhood around it.
ClassFuzzyMembership Transforms the input raster into a 0 to 1 scale indicating the strength of a membership in a set, based on a specified fuzzification algorithm.
ClassFuzzyOverlay Combine fuzzy membership rasters data together, based on selected overlay type.
ClassGreaterThan Performs a Relational greater-than operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassGreaterThanEqual Performs a Relational greater-than-or-equal-to operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassGreaterThanFrequency Evaluates on a cell-by-cell basis the number of times a set of rasters is greater than another raster.
ClassHighestPosition Determines on a cell-by-cell basis the position of the raster with the maximum value in a set of rasters.
ClassHillShade Creates a shaded relief from a surface raster by considering the illumination source angle and shadows.
ClassIdw Interpolates a raster surface from points using an inverse distance weighted (IDW) technique.
ClassInList Determines which values from the first input are contained in a set of other inputs, on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassInt Converts each cell value of a raster to an integer by truncation.
ClassIsNull Determines which values from the input raster are NoData on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassIsoCluster Uses an isodata clustering algorithm to determine the characteristics of the natural groupings of cells in multidimensional attribute space and stores the results in an output ASCII signature file.
ClassIsoClusterUnsupervisedClassification Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification
ClassKernelDensity Calculates a magnitude per unit area from point or polyline features using a kernel function to fit a smoothly tapered surface to each point or polyline.
ClassKriging Interpolates a raster surface from points using kriging.
ClassLessThan Performs a Relational less-than operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassLessThanEqual Performs a Relational less-than-or-equal-to operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassLessThanFrequency Evaluates on a cell-by-cell basis the number of times a set of rasters is less than another raster.
ClassLineDensity Calculates a magnitude per unit area from polyline features that fall within a radius around each cell.
ClassLineStatistics Calculates a statistic on the attributes of lines in a circular neighborhood around each output cell.
ClassLn Calculates the natural logarithm (base e) of cells in a raster.
ClassLog10 Calculates the base 10 logarithm of cells in a raster.
ClassLog2 Calculates the base 2 logarithm of cells in a raster.
ClassLookup Creates a new raster by looking up values found in another field in the table of the input raster.
ClassLowestPosition Determines on a cell-by-cell basis the position of the raster with the minimum value in a set of rasters.
ClassMajorityFilter Replaces cells in a raster based on the majority of their contiguous neighboring cells.
ClassMinus Subtracts the value of the second input raster from the value of the first input raster on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassMLClassify Performs a maximum likelihood classification on a set of raster bands and creates a classified raster as output.
ClassMod Finds the remainder (modulo) of the first raster when divided by the second raster on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassNaturalNeighbor Interpolates a raster surface from points using a natural neighbor technique.
ClassNegate Changes the sign (multiplies by -1) of the cell values of the input raster on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassNibble Replaces cells of a raster corresponding to a mask with the values of the nearest neighbors.
ClassNotEqual Performs a Relational not-equal-to operation on two inputs on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassObserverPoints Identifies which observer points are visible from each raster surface location.
ClassOver For the cell values in the first input that are not 0, the output value will be that of the first input. Where the cell values are 0, the output will be that of the second input raster.
ClassParticleTrack Calculates the path of a particle through a velocity field, returning an ASCII file of particle tracking data and, optionally, a coverage of track information.
ClassPathAllocation Calculates the nearest source for each cell based on the least accumulative cost over a cost surface, while accounting for surface distance and horizontal and vertical cost factors.
ClassPathBackLink Defines the neighbor that is the next cell on the least accumulative cost path to the nearest source, while accounting for surface distance and horizontal and vertical cost factors.
ClassPathDistance Calculates, for each cell, the least accumulative cost distance to the nearest source, while accounting for surface distance and horizontal and vertical cost factors.
ClassPick The value from a position raster is used to determine from which raster in a list of input rasters the output cell value will be obtained.
ClassPlus Adds (sums) the values of two rasters on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassPointDensity Calculates a magnitude per unit area from point features that fall within a neighborhood around each cell.
ClassPointsSolarRadiation Derives incoming solar radiation for specific locations in a point feature class or location table.
ClassPointStatistics Calculates a statistic on the points in a neighborhood around each output cell.
ClassPopularity Determines the value in an argument list that is at a certain level of popularity on a cell-by-cell basis. The particular level of popularity (the number of occurrences of each value) is specified by the first argument.
ClassPorousPuff Calculates the time-dependent, two-dimensional concentration distribution in mass per volume of a solute introduced instantaneously and at a discrete point into a vertically mixed aquifer.
ClassPower Raises the cell values in a raster to the power of the values found in another raster.
ClassPrincipalComponents Performs Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on a set of raster bands and generates a single multiband raster as output.
ClassRank The values from the set of input rasters are ranked on a cell-by-cell basis, and which of these gets returned is determined by the value of the rank input raster.
ClassRasterCalculator Builds and executes a single Map Algebra expression using Python syntax in a calculator-like interface.
ClassReclassByASCIIFile Reclassifies or changes the values of the input cells of a raster using an ASCII remap file.
ClassReclassByTable Reclassifies or changes the values of the input cells of a raster using a remap table.
ClassReclassify Reclassifies (or changes) the values in a raster.
ClassRegionGroup For each cell in the output, the identity of the connected region to which that cell belongs is recorded. A unique number is assigned to each region.
ClassRoundDown Returns the next lower whole number for each cell in a raster.
ClassRoundUp Returns the next higher whole number for each cell in a raster.
ClassSample Creates a table that shows the values of cells from a raster, or set of rasters, for defined locations. The locations are defined by raster cells or by a set of points.
ClassSetNull Set Null sets identified cell locations to NoData based on a specified criteria. It returns NoData if a conditional evaluation is true, and returns the value specified by another raster if it is false.
ClassShrink Shrinks the selected zones by a specified number of cells by replacing them with the value of the cell that is most frequent in its neighborhood.
ClassSin Calculates the sine of cells in a raster.
ClassSinH Calculates the hyperbolic sine of cells in a raster.
ClassSink Creates a raster identifying all sinks or areas of internal drainage.
ClassSlice Slices or reclassifies the range of values of the input cells into zones of equal interval, equal area, or by natural breaks.
ClassSlope Identifies the slope (gradient, or rate of maximum change in z-value) from each cell of a raster surface.
ClassSnapPourPoint Snaps pour points to the cell of highest flow accumulation within a specified distance.
ClassSolarRadiationGraphics Derives raster representations of a hemispherical viewshed, sunmap, and skymap, which are used in the calculation of direct, diffuse, and global solar radiation.
ClassSpline Interpolates a raster surface from points using a two-dimensional minimum curvature spline technique.
ClassSquare Calculates the square of the cell values in a raster.
ClassSquareRoot Calculates the square root of the cell values in a raster.
ClassStreamLink Assigns unique values to sections of a raster linear network between intersections.
ClassStreamOrder Assigns a numeric order to segments of a raster representing branches of a linear network.
ClassStreamToFeature Converts a raster representing a linear network to features representing the linear network.
ClassTabulateArea Calculates cross-tabulated areas between two datasets and outputs a table.
ClassTan Calculates the tangent of cells in a raster.
ClassTanH Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of cells in a raster.
ClassTest Performs a Boolean evaluation of the input raster using a logical expression.
ClassThin Thins rasterized linear features by reducing the number of cells representing the width of the features.
ClassTimes Multiplies the values of two rasters on a cell-by-cell basis.
ClassTopoToRaster Interpolates a hydrologically correct raster surface from point, line, and polygon data.
ClassTopoToRasterByFile Interpolates a hydrologically correct raster surface from point, line, and polygon data using parameters specified in a file.
ClassTrend Interpolates a raster surface from points using a trend technique.
ClassViewshed Determines the raster surface locations visible to a set of observer features.
ClassWatershed Determines the contributing area above a set of cells in a raster.
ClassWeightedOverlay Overlays several rasters using a common measurement scale and weights each according to its importance.
ClassWeightedSum Overlays several rasters, multiplying each by their given weight and summing them together.
ClassZonalFill Fills zones using the minimum cell value from a weight raster along the zone boundary.
ClassZonalGeometry Calculates for each zone in a dataset the specified geometry measure (area, perimeter, thickness, or the characteristics of ellipse).
ClassZonalGeometryAsTable Calculates for each zone in a dataset the geometry measures (area, perimeter, thickness, and the characteristics of ellipse) and reports the results as a table.
ClassZonalHistogram Creates a table and a histogram graph that show the frequency distribution of cell values on the Value input for each unique Zone.
ClassZonalStatistics Calculates statistics on values of a raster within the zones of another dataset.
ClassZonalStatisticsAsTable Summarizes the values of a raster within the zones of another dataset and reports the results to a table.

See Also

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