| Name | Description |
| Alias | The alias for this tool's toolbox. |
| band_index |
Choose which bands to export for the layer. If no bands are specified, then all the bands will be used in the output.
(In, Optional) |
| in_mosaic_dataset | The path and name of the input mosaic dataset. (In, Required) |
| lock_rasterid |
Choose the Raster ID or raster name to which the service should be locked, and that only the specified rasters are displayed. If left undefined, it will be similar to system default. Multiple IDs can be defined as a semicolon-delimited list.
(In, Optional) |
| mosaic_method | Choose the mosaic method. The mosaic method defines how the layer is created
from different rasters within the mosaic dataset. (In, Optional) |
| mosaic_operator | Choose which mosaic operator to use. When two or more rasters all have the same sort priority, this parameter is used to further refine the sort order. (In, Optional) |
| order_base_value | Type an order base value.
The images are sorted based on the difference between this value and the attribute value in the specified field. (In, Optional) |
| order_field |
Choose the order field. When the mosaic method is BY_ATTRIBUTE, the default field to use when ordering rasters needs to be set. The list of fields is defined as those in the service table that are of type metadata.
(In, Optional) |
| out_mosaic_layer |
The name of the temporary output mosaic layer.
(Out, Required) |
| ParameterInfo | The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. |
| sort_order | Choose whether the sort order is ascending or descending.
(In, Optional) |
| template |
Using the min x, min y, max x, or max y, you can specify the extents of the output mosaic layer. (In, Optional) |
| ToolboxDirectory | The directory of this tool's toolbox. |
| ToolboxName | The name of this tool's toolbox. |
| ToolName | The name of this tool. |
| where_clause |
A query statement using the fields and values of the mosaic dataset.
(In, Optional) |