Near Class Properties
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ESRI.ArcGIS.AnalysisTools Namespace : Near Class

For a list of all members of this type, see Near members.

Public Properties

Public PropertyAliasThe alias for this tool's toolbox.  
Public PropertyangleSpecifies whether the near angle values in decimal degrees will be calculated and written to a new field, NEAR_ANGLE. A near angle measures from the x-axis (horizontal axis) to the direction of the line connecting an input feature to its nearest feature at their closest locations; and it is within the range of 0 to 180 or 0 to -180 decimal degrees. (In, Optional)  
Public Propertyin_featuresThe input features that can be point, polyline, polygon or multipoint type. (In, Required)  
Public PropertylocationSpecifies whether x and y coordinates of the nearest location of the near feature will be written to new fields NEAR_X and NEAR_Y respectively. (In, Optional)  
Public Propertynear_featuresThe near features used to find the nearest features from input features. There can be one or more entries of near features; each entry can be of point, polyline, polygon or multipoint type. When multiple entries of near features are specified, a new field NEAR_FC is added to the input table to store the paths of the source feature class that contains the nearest features. (In, Required)  
Public Propertyout_feature_classOutput Feature Class (out, Optional)  
Public PropertyParameterInfoThe parameters used by this tool. For internal use only.  
Public Propertysearch_radiusSpecifies the radius used to search for candidate near features. The near features within this radius are considered for calculating the nearest feature. If no value is specified, that is the default (empty)radius is used, all near features are considered for calculation. You can specify any distance unit replacing the default unit of the input features. (In, Optional)  
Public PropertyToolboxDirectoryThe directory of this tool's toolbox.  
Public PropertyToolboxNameThe name of this tool's toolbox.  
Public PropertyToolNameThe name of this tool.  

See Also

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