| Class | Description |
| Buffer | Creates buffer polygons around input features to a specified distance. An optional dissolve can be performed to combine overlapping buffers. |
| Clip | Extracts input features that overlay the clip features. |
| CreateThiessenPolygons | Creates Thiessen polygons from point input features. |
| Erase | Creates a feature class by overlaying the Input Features with the polygons of the Erase Features. Only those portions of the input features falling outside the erase features outside boundaries are copied to the output feature class. |
| Frequency | Reads a table and a set of fields and creates a new table containing unique field values and the number of occurrences of each unique field value. |
| GenerateNearTable | Determines the distances from each feature in the input features to one or more nearby features in the near features, within the search radius. The results are recorded in the output table. |
| Identity | Computes a geometric intersection of the input features and identity features. The input features or portions thereof that overlap identity features will get the attributes of those identity features. |
| Intersect | Computes a geometric intersection of the input features. Features or portions of features which overlap in all layers and/or feature classes will be written to the output feature class. |
| MultipleRingBuffer | Buffers the input features multiple times. |
| Near | Determines the distance from each feature in the input features to the nearest feature in the near features, within the search radius. |
| PointDistance | Determines the distances from input point features to all points in the near features within a specified search radius. |
| Select | Extracts features from an input feature class or input feature layer, typically using a select or Structured Query Language [SQL] expression and stores them in an output feature class. |
| SpatialJoin | Transfers the attributes from one feature class to another feature class, based on the spatial relationships between the features in the two feature classes. |
| Split | Splitting the Input Features creates a subset of multiple output feature classes. |
| Statistics | Calculates summary statistics for field(s) in a table. |
| SymDiff | Features or portions of features in the input and update features that do not overlap will be written to the output feature class. |
| TableSelect | Selects table records matching a Structured Query Language (SQL) expression and writes them to an output table. |
| Union | Computes a geometric intersection of the Input Features. All features will be written to the Output Feature Class with the attributes from the Input Features, which it overlaps. |
| Update | Computes a geometric intersection of the Input Features and Update Features. The attributes and geometry of the input features are updated by the update features in the output feature class. |