ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabaseExtensions)  

GeoDatabaseExtensions Library Contents

The GeoDatabaseExtensions library contains objects to aid in the creation, management, and use of terrain datasets and cadastral fabrics.

Note: At the 9.2 release, the cadastral fabrics related objects are not yet fully implemented and we recommend that developers do not utilize them until the Cadastral Analyst extension is released.


Interface Description
ICadastralFabric Provides access to members that control a cadastral fabric and its associated cadastral jobs.
ICadastralFabric2 Provides access to members that control a cadastral fabric and its associated cadastral jobs.
ICadastralFabricLocks Provides access to members that assign object locks for a cadastral job.
ICadastralFabricName Provides access to properties of a cadastral fabric name.
ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit Provides access to members that modify the cadastral fabric schema.
ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2 Provides access to members that modify the cadastral fabric schema.
ICadastralJob Provides access to members that control the properties of a cadastral job.
ICadastralTableFieldEdits Provides access to the field edits of the cadastral fabric table.
ICadastralTransformationData Provides access to members that manage the data used by the cadastral transformation.
IConstructionBasisOfBearing Provides access to members that manipulate the basis of bearing setting for a parcel construction.
IConstructionBreakPoints Provides access to members that manipulate the break lines for a parcel construction.
IConstructionJoinLinks Provides access to members that manipulate the join point links for a parcel construction.
IConstructionParentParcels Provides access to the parent parcels of a parcel construction.
IConstructionUnbuildableLines Provides access to members that manipulate the unbuildable lines of a parcel construction.
IDECadastralFabric Provides access to members that describe cadastral fabric data elements.
IDECadastralFabric2 Provides access to members that describe cadastral fabric data elements.
IDECadastralFabricType Provides access to an indicator interface for the Cadastral Fabric Data Element type object.
IDETerrain Provides access to members of Terrain Data Element.
IDETerrainType Provides access to the Terrain Data Element Type.
IDETerrainWindowSize Provides access to members of Terrain Data Element.
IDynamicSurface Provides access to members used to derive raster and TIN surfaces from a terrain.
IDynamicSurface2 Provides access to members that utilize Terrain surfaces.
IDynamicSurface3 Provides access to members that utilize Terrain surfaces.
IEnumEnvelope Provides access to envelopes.
IGPTerrainMembership Provides access to members that describe the properties of a feature class' terrain membership.
ILineResequencer Provides access to members that sort a set of lines so that they form the boundary of a parcel. Multipart/islands are supported.
IParcelConstructionData Provides access to methods that read and write a parcel contruction to the cadastral packet.
ITerrain Provides access to members used to acquire information about a Terrain and to retrieve DynamicSurface objects from which raster and TIN surfaces are made.
ITerrain2 Provides access to members used to acquire information about a Terrain and to retrieve DynamicSurface objects from which raster and TIN surfaces are made.
ITerrainAsciiDataImporter Provides access to members that handle importing terrain source data in ASCII format.
ITerrainAsciiDataImporter2 Provides access to members that handle importing terrain source data in ASCII format.
ITerrainBlobReader Provides access to members that provide information about an attribute blob.
ITerrainBlobWriter Provides access to members that construct an attribute blob.
ITerrainBlockCursor Provides access to TerrainBlockCursor object.
ITerrainDataImporter Provides access to members that handle importing terrain source data.
ITerrainDataSource Provides access to members of Terrain Data Source.
ITerrainDataSource2 Provides access to members of Terrain Data Source.
ITerrainEdit Provides access to members used to modify and build a terrain.
ITerrainEdit2 Provides access to members used to modify and build a terrain.
ITerrainEdit3 Provides access to members used to modify and build a terrain.
ITerrainEditEvents Provides access to events that occur with a Terrain dataset.
ITerrainEmbeddedDataSource Provides access to members associated with embedded data sources.
ITerrainEmbeddedDataSource2 Provides access to members associated with embedded data sources.
ITerrainFieldStatistics Provides access to TerrainFieldStatistics object.
ITerrainLasDataImporter Provides access to members that handle importing terrain source data in LAS format.
ITerrainLasDataInfo Provides access to members that provide information about a LAS file.
ITerrainLasDataInfo2 Provides access to members that provide information about a LAS file.
ITerrainName Provides access to members that set and return the associated feature dataset name object.
ITerrainPyramidLevel Provides access to members of Terrain Pyramid Level.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
CadastralFabric A container for querying information about a cadastral fabric.
CadastralFabricFDExtension A container for describing this cadastral fabric's feature dataset extension properties.
CadastralFabricName ESRI Cadastral Fabric Name Object.
CadastralJob A container for the properties of a Cadastral Job.
CadastralTableFieldEdits ESRI Cadastral Table Field Edits Object.
CadastralTransformationData CadastralTransformationData CoClass holding the information passed to the CadastralTransformation object.
CadastralWorkspaceDatasetExtension A container for describing this cadastral fabric's workspace extension properties.
DECadastralFabric Cadastral Fabric Data Element object.
DECadastralFabricType ESRI Cadastral Fabric Data Element Type Object.
DETerrain ESRI Terrain data element object.
DETerrainType Terrain Data Element object Type.
DynamicSurface ESRI DynamicSurface object.
GPTerrainMembership The Terrain Membership object.
LineResequencer Class for sorting lines to form parcel boundaries.
ParcelConstructionData ESRI Cadastral Fabric Parcel Construction Data Class.
Terrain The ESRI Terrain component.
TerrainAsciiDataImporter ESRI Terrain ASCII Data Importer object.
TerrainBlobReader ESRI Terrain blob reader.
TerrainBlobWriter ESRI Terrain blob writer.
TerrainBlockCursor ESRI TerrainBlockCursor object.
TerrainDataSource ESRI Terrain Data Source object.
TerrainFeatureDatasetExtension ESRI TerrainFeatureDatasetExtension object.
TerrainFieldStatistics ESRI TerrainFieldStatistics object.
TerrainLasDataImporter ESRI Terrain LAS Data Importer object.
TerrainName ESRI Terrain Name object.
TerrainWorkspaceExtension ESRI TerrainWorkspaceExtension component.


Enumeration Description
esriCadastralAreaUnits The supported area units.
esriCadastralDensifiedType The reason code for densifying line geometry.
esriCadastralDistanceUnits The supported distance units.
esriCadastralFabricTable The Cadastral Fabric Table.
esriCadastralFabricType The Cadastral Fabric Type.
esriCadastralJob Cadastral Job State Types.
esriCadastralLineCategory Cadastral Line Category Types.
esriCadastralLineParameters Cadastral Line Parameter Types.
esriCadastralPointCategory Cadastral Point Category Types.
esriTerrainBlobDataType Terrain property data type.
esriTerrainError Terrain's error codes.