ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabaseExtensions)  

IDynamicSurface3 Interface

Provides access to members that utilize Terrain surfaces.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read-only property CanDoCurvature Indicates if earth curvature can be applied.
Method Contour Generate contours of the terrain surface based on a root value and an interval.
Method ContourList Generate contours of the terrain surface.
Method ConvertToExtent Create terrain block cursor.
Method CreateBlockCursor Create terrain block cursor.
Method GetLineOfSight Returns a line-of-sight.
Method GetLineOfSightFeatureCursor Get line-of-sight.
Method GetTileBasedDataArea Get tile-based terrain's Data Area.
Method GetTin Returns a TIN for a given area of interest and terrain pyramid level.
Method GetVolumeAndArea Returns volume and/or area above or below an input z value.
Method InterpolateFeatureClass Interpolates z values for features.
Method InterpolateFeatureClassVertices Interpolates z values for features.
Method InterpolateFeatureCursor Interpolates z values for features.
Method InterpolateFeatureCursorVertices Interpolates z values for features.
Method InterpolateShape Interpolates z values for a defined geometric shape.
Method InterpolateShapeVertices Interpolates z values for a defined geometric shape.
Method Intersect Intersect with another surface.
Read/write property MinimizeResourceUsage Indicates whether or not resource uasge should be minimized.
Read/write property ProfileWeedTolerance The profile weeding tolerance.
Method QueryAsFeatureClass Writes terrain measurement points and breakline vertices to a multipoint feature class for a given area of interest and terrain pyramid level.
Method QueryRaster Writes surface heights to a raster dataset for a given area of interest and terrain pyramid level.
Read/write property RefineBoundaryMatching Indicates whether or not to refine boundary matching.
Read-only property Terrain The source terrain from which the DynamicSurface was derived.
Read/write property ZFactor Multiplication factor applied to all z values to provide unit-congruency between coordinate components.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IDynamicSurface2 Provides access to members that utilize Terrain surfaces.
IDynamicSurface Provides access to members used to derive raster and TIN surfaces from a terrain.

CoClasses that implement IDynamicSurface3

CoClasses and Classes Description
DynamicSurface ESRI DynamicSurface object.

.NET Related Topics

How to access a difference surface when intersecting TINs and terrains | How to perform surface analysis on a terrain dataset |