ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

INetworkUpdate Interface

Provides access to members that start and end sessions for updating the attributes, schema, and topology of the network.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

When To Use

Use the INetworkUpdate interface when you want to update the schema, attributes, or topology of a logical network.  An updating session must be in progress in order to update the network.  An updating session can be started by calling one of the StartXXXUpdating methods on the INetworkUpdate interface.  For instance, to edit the attributes (disabled state or a weight value) of the network, it is necessary to execute the StartAttributesUpdating method.
This interface is designed specifically for the editing of a stand-alone logical network, a logical network that does not have an associated geometric network.  It is imperative that if you have a geometric network, the logical network must be edited through its associated geometric network.  You risk data corruption if you use the INetworkUpdate interface on logical networks that have an associated geometric network.
When working with a versioned network, updates to the logical network must also be done within an workspace edit session. You can start an edit session by calling IWorkspaceEdit::StartEditing.
When doing any type of editing operation with networks you must always start the operation by calling one of the start methods and ending the operation by calling the corresponding stop method.


Read-only property IsAttributesBeingUpdated Indicates if the attributes of the network are currently being updated.
Read-only property IsSchemaBeingUpdated Indicates if the schema of the network is currently being updated.
Read-only property IsTopologyBeingUpdated Indicates if the topology of the network is currently being updated.
Method StartAttributesUpdating Starts a session for updating the attributes of the network.
Method StartSchemaUpdating Starts a session for updating the schema of the network.
Method StartTopologyUpdating Starts a session for updating the topology of the network.
Method StopAttributesUpdating Ends the session for updating the attributes of the network.
Method StopSchemaUpdating Ends the session for updating the schema for the network.
Method StopTopologyUpdating Ends the session for updating the topology of the network.

CoClasses that implement INetworkUpdate

CoClasses and Classes Description
StreetNetwork A container for describing a street network.
UtilityNetwork A container for describing a utility network.

See Also

INetworkWorkspace Interface | IGraph.VertexBasedStretching Property | INetwork Interface | IUtilityNetwork Interface | INetworkUpdate Interface | IForwardStar Interface | INetworkClass.FieldToWeightMapping Property | INetworkClass.GeometricNetwork Property | INetworkClass.NetworkAncillaryRole Property