Name of the class associated with this network source.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property Name As String
[C#] public string Name {get; set;}
HRESULT get_Name(
BSTR* SourceName
HRESULT put_Name(
BSTR SourceName
SourceName [out, retval] SourceName is a parameter of type BSTR SourceName [in] SourceName is a parameter of type BSTR
Product Availability
The Name property for the NetworkSource is exactly the same as the name of the reference FeatureClass. The feature classes that participate in the network dataset can be opened from the NetworkDataset by simply calling IFeatureClassContainer::ClassByName and passing in this Name.
NOTE: For SDC network datasets, not all network sources have a reference feature class. Only those feature classes returned in the IFeatureClassContainer::Classes enumeration can be opened.
Unlike other network dataset types, the source names for an SDC network dataset are not the same as the feature class names of the SDC feature classes. For SDC data, the source name for the edge feature source is the same as the network dataset name (obtained from IDataset::Name).