ArcObjects Library Reference (Editor)  

IEditToolEvents.OnMove Event

Called when mouse moves while left mouse button is depressed.

[Visual Basic 6.0]
Event OnMove(
    ByVal loc As IPoint _
[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Event OnMove As OnMoveEventHandler
public event OnMoveEventHandler OnMove

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


This event is fired in conjuction with the Edit Tool.

In order for this event to fire, the user must 1) have the Edit Tool set as the active tool, 2) have the left mouse button depressed, 3) have at least one feature selected, and 4) be moving over the map.

See Also

IEditToolEvents Interface | IDatasetEdit Interface | IDatasetEditInfo Interface | Editor Class | IEditTask.OnFinishSketch Method | IEditor Interface | IEditTask.OnDeleteSketch Method | IEditTask.Activate Method | IEditTask.Deactivate Method | IEditSketch Interface | IEditAttributeProperties Interface | IEditLayers Interface | IEditEvents Interface | IEditTask.Name Property | IEditProperties Interface | IEditEvents2 Interface | ISnapEnvironment Interface