ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IEnumLayer Interface

Provides access to members that allow iteration through a set of layers.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method Next The next layer in the set.
Method Reset Resets iterator to first layer in the set.


IEnumLayer provides access to an enumeration of layers as would be returned by IMap::Layers.

.NET Snippets

Zoom to Selected Globe Features | Create Group Layer Animation | Do Identify | Draw Globe Layers in Correct Order | Loop Through Layers of Specific UID |

.NET Samples

Closest facility application using the NAServer extension in ArcGIS Server via a GIS server (Code Files: ClosestFacility_GISServerAPIClass) | Create a custom selection extension by extending ArcObjects (Code Files: SelectionExtension) | Create a geoprocessing tool to buffer a layer and retrieve messages (Code Files: BufferDlg) | Create camera flyby from path (Code Files: frmCameraPath) | Custom scene navigation commands (Code Files: SelectFeatures) | Custom selection extension (Code Files: SelectionExtension) | Displaying MOLE symbology with the GlobeControl (Code Files: MainForm) | Dynamic display layer (Code Files: AddMyDynamicLayerCmd) | Graphics layers ToolControl (Code Files: GraphicsLayersListCtrl) | Layer filtering TOC view (Code Files: TOCLayerFilter) | Load network layer from active analysis to the table of contents (Code Files: LoadNetworkLayerFromActiveAnalysisToTOC) | Multivariate renderer (Code Files: PropPageForm) | Network Analyst Engine application (Code Files: frmLoadLocations) | Retrieve a color ramp from the SymbologyControl (Code Files: ColorRamps) | Route application using the NAServer extension in ArcGIS Server via a GIS server (Code Files: Route_GISServerAPIClass) | RSS weather layer (Code Files: AddRSSWeatherLayer AddWeatherItemCmd AddWeatherItemTool RefreshLayerCmd RSSLayerProperties SelectByCityName) | Schematic diagram auto refresh (Code Files: FormAutorefresh) | Selection restriction evaluator (Code Files: SelectionRestrictionEvaluator) | Server spatial query server object extension (Code Files: Configurator Extension PropertyForm) | Service area application using the NAServer extension in ArcGIS Server via a GIS server (Code Files: ServiceArea_GISServerAPIClass) | Subset network evaluators (Code Files: SubsetHelperUI) | Temporal statistics (Code Files: MainForm) | Updating the purge rule on a real-time temporal layer (Code Files: PurgeRuleForm TAPurgeRuleCmd) | Using the traversal result to select source features (Code Files: SelectFeaturesTool) |

.NET Related Topics

Add-in coding patterns | Converting labels to geodatabase annotation for a single layer | Converting labels to geodatabase annotation for an entire map | GeoData services | GlobeCore | How to access maps and layers via the MapDocument | How to access maps and layers via the MxDocument | How to add different types of layers to a map | How to create SOE property pages | How to develop the SOE | How to drop data onto the MapControl | How to get and set the drawing order of layers in globe | How to zoom to selected features in globe | Server object extensions (SOE) | Utility COM objects |