Extent Property
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ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.BaseClasses Namespace > BaseCustomGlobeLayer Class : Extent Property

The layers geodataset extent which is a union of the extents of all the items of the layer


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property Extent As IEnvelope
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As BaseCustomGlobeLayer
Dim value As IEnvelope
value = instance.Extent
public virtual IEnvelope Extent {get;}


In your inheriting class, consider the following code to calculate the layer's extent:

public override IEnvelope Extent
   m_extent  = GetLayerExtent();
   if (null == m_extent )
     return null;

   IEnvelope env = ((IClone)m_extent ).Clone() as IEnvelope;

   return env;
   private IEnvelope GetLayerExtent()
 if (null == base.m_spRef)
   base.m_spRef = CreateGeographicSpatialReference();

 IEnvelope env = new EnvelopeClass();
 env.SpatialReference = base.m_spRef;
 IPoint point = new PointClass();
 point.SpatialReference = m_spRef;
 foreach (DataRow r in m_table.Rows)
   point.Y = Convert.ToDouble(r[3]);
   point.X = Convert.ToDouble(r[4]);


 return env;

See Also

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