The BaseCommand and BaseTool base classes simplify the creation of custom commands and tools by providing a default implementation for each of the members of ICommand and ITool. The ESRI.ArcGIS.Utility.BaseClasses (deprecated at 9.2) classes contained just the BaseCommand and the BaseTool base classes. With the ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.BaseClasses namespace, additional classes include the BaseCommandBar, BaseCustomGlobeLayer, BaseCustomLayer, BaseDynamicLayer, BaseMenu, and BaseToolbar. Using these base classes is the recommended way to create commands and tools for ArcGIS applications in .NET languages. You can create similar classes from first principles; however, you should find the base class technique to be a quicker, simpler, less error-prone method. Instead of stubbing out each member and providing implementation code, you only have to override the members that your custom command or tool requires. The exception is ICommand.OnCreate; this member must be overridden in your derived class.
| Class | Description |
 | BaseCommand |
An abstract class designed to provide an efficient way to create new custom
command items. Inherit BaseCommand to create a new custom command.
 | BaseCommandBar |
An abstract class for command bar implementations. Toolbar, menu and
context menu are types of command bar.
 | BaseCustomGlobeLayer |
An abstract base class for implementation of a custom globe layer
 | BaseCustomLayer |
Summary description for clsCustomLayer.
 | BaseDynamicLayer |
BaseDynamicLayer serves as a BaseClass for DynamicLayers.
 | BaseMenu |
An abstract class designed to provide an efficient and script-like way
to create new custom menu.
 | BaseTool |
An abstract class designed to provide an efficient way to create new
tool classes for ArcGIS. Inherit BaseTool to create a new custom tool.
This class derives from the BaseCommand class.
 | BaseToolbar |
An abstract class designed to provide an efficient and script-like way
to create new custom toolbar.
See Also