// Copyright 2010 ESRI // // All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States // and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. // // You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or // without modification, provided you include the original copyright // notice and use restrictions. // // See the use restrictions. // // Cov2Shape.cpp // // This sample shows how to convert a coverage to a shapefile. #include "Cov2Shape.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char* fullPathToCoverage = 0; char* fullPathToShapefile = 0; int paramCount = 0; // Parse the command line for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) { Usage(); AoExit(0); } if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0) { fullPathToCoverage = argv[i+1]; paramCount++; i++; } if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) { fullPathToShapefile = argv[i+1]; paramCount++; i++; } } // Check we got all parameters and they are valid if ((paramCount != 2) || (fullPathToCoverage == 0) || (fullPathToShapefile == 0)) { Usage(); AoExit(0); } // Initialize ArcEngine if (!InitializeApp()) { ShutdownApp(); AoExit(0); } // Perform conversion HRESULT hr = ConvertCov2Shape(fullPathToCoverage, fullPathToShapefile); // Check returned HRESULT switch (hr) { case S_OK: std::cerr << "hr is S_OK" << std::endl; break; case E_FAIL: std::cerr << "hr is E_FAIL" << std::endl; break; case E_POINTER: std::cerr << "hr is E_POINTER" << std::endl; break; default: std::cerr << "hr is 0x" << std::hex << hr << std::dec << " " << hr << std::endl; break; } // Uninitialize ArcEngine ShutdownApp(); AoExit(0); } HRESULT ConvertCov2Shape(char *fullPathToCoverage, char *fullPathToShapefile) { using std::cerr; using std::endl; // Parse full path to input into directory and file name CComBSTR bstrCoveragePath; CComBSTR bstrCoverageName; HRESULT hr = GetParentDirFromFullPath(fullPathToCoverage, &bstrCoveragePath, false); if (FAILED(hr) || bstrCoveragePath.Length() == 0) { cerr << "Error parsing path to coverage" << endl; return hr; } hr = GetFileFromFullPath(fullPathToCoverage, &bstrCoverageName); if (FAILED(hr) || bstrCoverageName.Length() == 0) { cerr << "Error parsing path to coverage" << endl; return hr; } IWorkspaceFactoryPtr ipWorkFact(CLSID_ArcInfoWorkspaceFactory); IWorkspacePtr ipWork; hr = ipWorkFact->OpenFromFile(bstrCoveragePath, 0, &ipWork); if (FAILED(hr) || ipWork == 0) { cerr << "Couldn't find workspace\n"; if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; else return E_FAIL; } IFeatureWorkspacePtr ipFeatWork (ipWork); IFeatureClassPtr ipFeatClass; hr = ipFeatWork->OpenFeatureClass(bstrCoverageName, &ipFeatClass); if (FAILED(hr) || ipFeatClass == 0) { cerr << "Couldn't open coverage\n"; if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; else return E_FAIL; } IDatasetPtr ipDataset (ipFeatClass); INamePtr ipName; ipDataset->get_FullName(&ipName); IFeatureClassNamePtr ipCovFeatClassName (ipName); // Parse full path to output into directory and file name CComBSTR bstrShapefilePath; CComBSTR bstrShapefileName; hr = GetParentDirFromFullPath(fullPathToShapefile, &bstrShapefilePath, false); if (FAILED(hr) || bstrShapefilePath.Length() == 0) { cerr << "Error parsing path to shapefile" << endl; return hr; } hr = GetFileFromFullPath(fullPathToShapefile, &bstrShapefileName); if (FAILED(hr) || bstrShapefileName.Length() == 0) { cerr << "Error parsing path to shapefile" << endl; return hr; } IWorkspaceNamePtr ipShapeWorkName(CLSID_WorkspaceName); ipShapeWorkName->put_WorkspaceFactoryProgID(CComBSTR(L"esriDataSourcesFile.ShapefileWorkspaceFactory")); ipShapeWorkName->put_PathName(bstrShapefilePath); IFeatureClassNamePtr ipShapeFeatClassName(CLSID_FeatureClassName); ((IDatasetNamePtr)ipShapeFeatClassName)->put_Name(bstrShapefileName); ((IDatasetNamePtr)ipShapeFeatClassName)->putref_WorkspaceName(ipShapeWorkName); IFeatureDataConverterPtr ipFeatDataConv(CLSID_FeatureDataConverter); IEnumInvalidObjectPtr ipEnumInvalidObject; hr = ipFeatDataConv->ConvertFeatureClass(ipCovFeatClassName, 0, 0, ipShapeFeatClassName, 0, 0, 0, 1000, 0, &ipEnumInvalidObject); return hr; } // Write out the usage details void Usage(void) { std::cout << "Usage: Cov2Shape -c [full path to coverage] -s [full path to output shapefile]\n"; }